5. "Unsettling Nerves"

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The physics lesson dragged on, each passing minute feeling like an eternity as our sir droned on about thermodynamics. I struggled to focus, my mind already preoccupied with thoughts of the upcoming music performance. Glancing over at Lily, I admired her determination, her pen flying across the page as she took notes with unwavering focus. "Oi, bud, do you have any idea what's going on?" Ash asked me, "Do I look like I'm understanding anything at all?" I said with a sad tone. Ash chuckled.

Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of the period and the start of our music practice. I shot a quick glance at Morb, Ash and Akeno, silently pleading for their company. Morb nodded eagerly, while Akeno and Ash hesitated, concerned about missing out on an important math lecture. Akeno voiced her concern to Morb about missing an important topic in class, I could sense her apprehension. She always took academics seriously, and I respected that about her. But Morb, being Morb, brushed off her worries with his usual nonchalant attitude. "Don't worry, Akeno, I'll catch up. If you've taught me, I can handle anything," he reassured her with a grin. I admired his confidence, even if it sometimes bordered on recklessness. With a nod to Akeno, I followed Morb and Lily out of the classroom, Waving at Ash. Now ready to tackle whatever the day had in store for us.

In the music room, the air was charged with anticipation as Lily, Morb, and I settled in for rehearsal. My fingers strummed the guitar absently, the familiar chords soothing my frayed nerves as Lily's voice filled the room with melody. Morb, ever the perfectionist, busied himself with recording our session, his eyes focused behind the camera lens.

Our practice was interrupted by the sudden entrance of Zeus and Iris, the tension between them palpable even from across the room. My stomach churned uncomfortably as Zeus's voice rang out, harsh and cutting, directed at Iris for a minor mistake. Zeus sneered at Iris, his voice dripping with disdain. "Can't even handle three mics? Honestly, you're useless. Do I have to do everything myself?" He spat out the words, his tone laced with contempt, before storming off with a drum in hand. I exchanged a concerned glance with Lily and Morb, silently urging them to intervene.

Feeling a surge of anger and frustration, I clenched my fists, resisting the urge to confront Zeus then and there. Instead, I exchanged a concerned glance with Lily and Morb, silently agreeing that we needed to check on Iris.

Approaching Iris cautiously, I spoke softly, "Hey, Iris, are you okay?" mine heart ached at the sight of her tears, wishing I could do more to ease her pain.

Lily stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Iris's shoulder. "It's alright to cry, Iris. Don't hold it in. We're here for you," she reassured, her voice gentle and soothing.

Morb joined us, his expression filled with empathy. "Don't let him get to you, Iris. You're stronger than his words," he said firmly, offering her a supportive smile.

Despite our efforts to console her, Iris pushed us away,
"Just....just leave me alone you guys." her emotions too raw to be comforted in that moment. I watched with a heavy heart as she fled the music room, her sobs echoing in the empty space.

As we stood there, grappling with the aftermath of Zeus's cruelty, I knew that we couldn't let Iris face this alone. We needed to find a way to support her and show her that she wasn't alone in this battle against Zeus's toxicity.

It stirred something inside me, a fierce determination to protect those I cared about from the toxicity of individuals like Zeus.

As Lily's voice quivered with fear, she turned to me, her eyes wide with disbelief. "How the hell did I like this guy for almost a month? I had no idea what kind of person he was," she muttered, her words echoing my own thoughts.

I felt a surge of anger and frustration bubbling within me as I processed Zeus's despicable behavior. "Sometimes people hide many dark secrets behind their pretty face," I replied, trying to sound reassuring despite the storm of emotions raging inside me. "But don't worry, Lily. You don't have to worry about him now. I'm here for you."

A smile crept onto my lips as I spoke, a promise of protection conveyed through my gaze. Lily's cheeks flushed slightly as she met my eyes, a small smile curving her lips in response to my assurance. With a gentle nudge to my side, she expressed her gratitude, and I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at being able to offer her comfort in her time of need.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I vowed to stand by my friends, ready to face whatever challenges came our way. Together, we would weather the storm, stronger and more resilient than before.

Lily and Morb exchanged worried glances, I reassured them that everything would be okay, and that I would make sure Iris was alright. They offered me a grateful smile, their appreciation evident in their nods of understanding.

With the tension momentarily eased, we turned our attention to our music practice. After some deliberation, we settled on Lily's choice, "A Thousand Years," as our performance piece for the upcoming competition. Lily began to practice her vocals, I found myself mesmerized by her voice, each note resonating deep within me. It was as if time stood still, the world fading away as I listened to the haunting beauty of her melody.

Lost in the music, I began to strum along, my fingers moving instinctively to create the perfect accompaniment to Lily's ethereal voice. Together, we lost ourselves in the music, our harmonies blending seamlessly as we poured our hearts into each note. Despite the lingering unease from earlier, there was a sense of peace and unity in our music, a reminder of the strength that lay in our friendship or maybe....Just maybe, something greater.

The final notes of our practice echoed through the room, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that still lingered within me. Thoughts of Iris weighed heavily on my mind, her tears scaring me even as we played. But between the uncertainty, there was a glimmer of hope, a determination to be there for her in whatever way she needed.

As we packed up our instruments and prepared to head to our next class, I thought to check on Iris as soon as school ended. Whatever she was going through, she wouldn't have to face it alone. And with that resolve in my heart, we left the music room.

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