6. "Shadows and Sunshine"

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As the final bell echoes through the corridors, I spot Iris lingering near her locker, her usual bright demeanor replaced by a shadow of concern. Determined to address the tension I've sensed building between her and Zeus, I approach her, my heart pounding with the weight of the conversation ahead.

"Hey, Iris," I greet her, attempting to keep my tone light despite the seriousness of the situation.

She looks up, offering a strained smile that fails to reach her eyes. "Hey, Draco. What's up?"

We exchange a few awkward pleasantries before I steer the conversation toward more serious matters. "I wanted to talk to you about something. Can we find somewhere quiet to chat?"

Iris nods, and together we went through the crowded hallways until we find a secluded spot in the school courtyard.

Once we're alone, I take a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before speaking. "Iris, I've noticed some things lately, and I'm worried about you."

Her expression shifts, a hint of apprehension flickering across her features. "What do you mean?"

I recount the incidents I've witnessed – Zeus's sharp words, his dismissive attitude – highlighting the behavior that has been troubling me. "I saw how Zeus treated you earlier today in the music room. That wasn't okay, Iris. No one should speak to you like that."

Iris's defenses start to crumble, her gaze dropping to the ground as she struggles to respond. "He was just stressed, Draco. It's not always like that," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper.

I reach out, gently lifting her chin to meet my gaze. "Iris, I understand that you care about him, but you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, always. No one should make you feel small or insignificant."

Tears visible in her eyes, her resolve faltering. "But what if you're wrong, Draco? What if he's not really like that?"

My heart aches for her, knowing the internal turmoil she must be facing. I squeeze her hand, offering what comfort I can. "Iris, I can't make this decision for you, but I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what. You don't have to face this alone."

As Iris nods gently, still defending Zeus, I can't help but feel a twinge of frustration creeping in. She insists that Zeus was simply frustrated with schoolwork and that his behavior was out of character. I nod, unable to find the right words to counter her argument. My mind races, trying to piece together what exactly went wrong with Zeus, but the puzzle remains frustratingly incomplete.

"Well, I hope you're sure about your decisions, Iris," I reply, trying to mask my uncertainty with a forced sense of calm. Inside, though, I'm anything but calm. Doubts swirl in my mind like a storm, and I struggle to maintain a facade of composure.

To my surprise, Iris's face lights up with a bright smile, her eyes sparkling with warmth and affection. "You don't have to worry about it, Coco," she says, squeezing my hand affectionately. The unexpected endearment catches me off guard, and I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I struggle to process her words.

"Coco?" I repeat in my mind, the nickname echoing like a gentle melody in the chaos of my thoughts. It's a name I've never been called before, yet somehow, coming from Iris, it feels strangely fitting. Despite my confusion, a small part of me can't help but find comfort in the familiarity of it all.

Before I can gather my thoughts and muster a response, Iris announces that she has to go before Zeus starts looking for her. I watch her retreating figure, a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me. Confusion, curiosity, and a hint of something else – something I can't quite put into words.

As I sit there, trying to process our conversation, one thought keeps repeating in my mind – what just happened? And more importantly, what does it mean for us?

Needing a break from everything that went down, I headed to morb's place with Ash. We got lost in Minecraft for three hours straight, building stuff and fighting Dragon. When we finally looked up, it hit me how much time we'd wasted. But being with my buds made it all worth it.

The evening sun casts a warm glow over the neighborhood as I make my way home. Thoughts of the day's events swirl in my mind.

As I approach my house, I'm surprised to see Lily waiting by the front gate, a small smile playing on her lips. My heart skips a beat at the sight of her, and a rush of excitement courses through me.

"Hey, Draco," she greets me cheerfully as I approach. "Mind if I come in?"

"Of course not," I reply, gesturing for her to follow me inside.

We settle in the living room, surrounded by the comforting familiarity of home. Lily's presence fills the space with a sense of warmth and ease, and I find myself relaxing in her company.

"So, what brings you here?" I ask, trying to sound casual despite the butterflies in my stomach.

Lily shrugs nonchalantly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Just thought I'd drop by for a visit. Plus, I wanted to practice for our music performance."

A smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I retrieve my guitar from its stand. "Sounds like a plan. Let's get started."

We spend the next few hours lost in music, her voice and my guitar blending together in perfect harmony. With each strum of the guitar and every note sung, I feel a deeper connection forming between us, a bond that transcends mere friendship.

As the evening wears on, the sun dips below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room. With a sense of reluctance, I realize that Lily will have to leave soon.

"I should probably head home," she says, her voice tinged with regret.

I nod, unable to suppress the disappointment that floods through me. "Yeah, I guess so."

But before Lily can get up from the couch, a voice calls out from the doorway, "Well, well, well! Who do we have here?"

I turn to see my mom standing in the doorway, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Mum, this is Lily. Lily, meet my mom," I say, introducing them with a grin.

My mom's eyes light up as she takes in Lily's presence. "Ah, so you're the infamous Lily I've heard so much about. It's a pleasure to finally meet you!"

Lily chuckles, charmed by my mom's playful demeanor. "Likewise, Mrs. Braun. Draco has told me so much about you too."

Before the conversation can continue, my mom interrupts with a playful smirk. "Well, I hate to break up this lovely little gathering, but I just so happen to have some freshly baked cookies waiting in the kitchen. Care to join me?"

Lily's eyes light up at the mention of cookies, but she glances at me hesitantly. "I really should be heading home..."

My mom waves off her concerns with a dismissive gesture. "Nonsense! You can't leave without trying my famous cookies. Besides, it's not every day we have such delightful company."

With a laugh, Lily relents, allowing mum to lead her into the kitchen. As they disappear from view, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for my mom's playful intervention.

And as I listen to the sound of their laughter drifting through the house, I realize just how lucky I am to have both Lily and my mum in my life.
Now, even after what happened in my past, I guess, I'm starting to feel alive again... I'm laughing and experiencing joy. "Thankyou Lily. Thankyou."

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