10. "Heart to Heart"

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The night buzzed with laughter and the clinking of Uno cards as Ash, Morb, and I settled in for a much-needed night of relaxation at my place. The atmosphere was cozy, with the soft glow of fairy lights casting a warm ambiance over the room.

"Uno!" Ash exclaimed triumphantly, laying down his last card with a flourish. He leaned back in his chair, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Looks like I'm the reigning champion once again."

Morb chuckled, shaking his head in mock defeat. "You got lucky this time," he teased, gathering up the cards for another round. "But let's see if you can keep up that winning streak."

I chuckled, shuffling the deck with practiced ease. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch," I chimed in, winking at him playfully. "This game's far from over."

"Draw four!" I declared triumphantly, laying down the card with a flourish.

Ash groaned dramatically, his hand hovering over the draw pile. "You just had to ruin my winning streak, didn't you, Draco?" he lamented, shooting me a mock glare.

Morb chuckled, shaking his head at our antics. "Looks like the tables have turned, Ash," he observed, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Better luck next time."

But amidst the lightheartedness, an urgent message flashed on my phone screen, casting a shadow of concern over our carefree evening. Lily's name glowed on the screen, her message cutting through the jovial atmosphere with a sense of urgency that demanded attention. "Can we talk? It's important, meet me at the cafe" her text read, the gravity of her words sending a shiver down my spine.

With a heavy heart, I excused myself from the game, the worry evident on my face as I hastily gathered my things. Ash and Morb exchanged concerned glances, their playful demeanor fading as they watched me prepare to leave. "Is everything alright, Draco?" Morb asked, his brow furrowed with concern.

"I'm not sure," I admitted, my voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I need to find out."

With a quick goodbye, I made my way out the door, the cool night air a stark contrast to the warmth of the room I had just left behind. The streets were quiet as I rode towards the nearby cafe where Lily had asked to meet, my mind racing with thoughts of what could possibly be troubling her.

Arriving at the cafe, I found myself alone in the dimly lit interior, the soft murmur of conversation providing a soothing backdrop to my restless thoughts. Minutes stretched into eternity as I waited anxiously for Lily's arrival, my nerves frayed with each passing second.

Finally, she appeared, her presence a welcome relief amidst the uncertainty that had gripped me. Sitting across from each other at a secluded table, I took in her appearance, noting the tension in her posture and the weariness in her eyes. She seemed on edge, as if the weight of the world rested upon her shoulders.

"Lily," I greeted softly, my voice filled with concern. "Are you okay? What's going on?"

She hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering uncertainly before she finally spoke. "Draco, I... I need to talk to you about something," she began, her voice barely above a whisper.

I reached out, taking her hand in mine, offering what comfort I could in the face of her obvious distress. "You can tell me anything, Lily," I assured her, my tone gentle. "I'm here for you."

And so, as we sat there in that café, Lily poured out her heart to me, recounting the traumatic events of her past with a raw honesty that took my breath away. She spoke of the relentless bullying she had endured in middle school, the taunts and jeers that had haunted her every step. She spoke of her family's financial struggles, of the sacrifices they had made to keep their business afloat in the face of adversity. And she spoke of the pain and isolation she had felt, of the loneliness that had consumed her as she struggled to find her place in a world that seemed determined to tear her down.

"Draco, I have never told about my middle school past to anyone, I want you to keep this secret in a cuppord and lock it away." Lily said with a concerned gaze. I nodded and reassured her. She told me she was concerned about her past because she's scared of bullying and if students from our school found that out, not only her popularity would decline but the she'd be mocked and become the center of gossip again.

Listening to Lily's words, I felt a surge of anger and helplessness wash over me. How could anyone be so cruel to someone as kind and gentle as Lily? How could they not see the strength and resilience that lay beneath her fragile exterior?

But as much as I wanted to comfort her, to ease her pain and make everything right again, I knew that some wounds ran too deep to heal with mere words. Lily's past had left scars that would never fully fade, and try as I might, I couldn't erase the pain she had endured.

Lily," I began, my voice low and earnest, "I may not have all the answers, and I can't erase the pain of your past. But I swear to you, from this moment forward, I'll do everything in my power to shield you from any harm, to be the shield against the storm that threatens to engulf you." Lily's eyes widened in surprise, her breath catching in her throat as I guess my words washed over her like a soothing balm. In that moment, she actually felt a warmth spread through her soul, a flicker of hope amidst the darkness of her fears.

After all this and having a coffee, Lily made her way to home as her driver picked her up. I asked to accompany her but she said she'd be fine so I didn't force. After she was gone I made my way to home thinking that if I should tell about this to Morb or not 'cause as he is her bestfriend I guess there isn't any harm in telling him. I mean what can go wrong, right?

Returning home, Morb's concerned gaze met mine, and I knew I had to explain. Sitting together in the quiet of my living room, I recounted my evening with Lily, the weight of her words heavy on my heart.

"We'll stand by her, Draco," Morb said firmly, his voice filled with determination. "No matter what. We'll make sure she knows she's not alone,"

I nodded, gratitude swelling within me for his support, believe it or not but just listening his words made me happy.

"We've got your back, Draco," Morb replied, his tone resolute. "Always."

"Bud, but just remember that this should just be our little secret and anyone shouldn't know about this" I stated with a concerned gaze while Morb nodded "Surely, Needn't be worry bout that"

After confiding in Morb about Lily, I noticed Ash's absence in my room. "Where's Ash?" I inquired, curious about his whereabouts.

"Oh, he's in the kitchen, helping your mom with dinner," Morb replied, gesturing towards the scattered Uno cards on the table. "I was planning on joining them after cleaning up this mess."

With a nod of understanding, I headed to the kitchen, where I found Ash deep in conversation with my mom, their laughter echoing off the walls. "And then he said, 'If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you!'" Ash exclaimed, causing my mom to dissolve into laughter.

Joining them at the counter, I couldn't help but chuckle at Ash's humor. "You're quite the comedian, aren't you?" I teased, nudging him playfully.

Ash grinned, shooting me a wink. "Just trying to see the stunning smile of Mrs. Braun" he replied, turning back to my mom. "Speaking of which, Mrs. Braun, has anyone ever told you how stunning you are? Your radiance could outshine the sun itself!"

My mom blushed, flattered by the compliment. "Why, thank you, Ash," she replied, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You always know how to make a woman feel special."

As Morb joined us, my mom seized the opportunity to tease him about his relationship with Akeno. "So, Morb, any plans with Akeno tommorow?" she asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

Morb's cheeks turned a shade of crimson as he stammered out a response, much to the amusement of everyone in the room.

After a delicious dinner of lasagna, garlic bread, and pasta, we returned to my room.

However, Morb's phone revealed five missed calls from Akeno...


He's dead...

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