Chapter 7. 1814 

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The sound of the double doors opening had Clara snapping out of her thoughts. Glancing to her left, she saw Brandon stepping out of the ballroom. She smiled softly. "Good evening your grace."
Brandon returned her smile. "Good evening to you Miss Harrington. It seems we keep catching one another out on terraces."
Clara giggled. "It seems we do. However, I was desperate for some air."
Brandon closed the distance between them, coming to stand before her. He examined her face closely. "You seem flustered, is everything all right?"
Clara took a breath. "I have been surrounded by gentlemen who desire a woman with exceptional beauty and suitable hips for childbearing. They believe I am good for those two things and nothing more."
Brandon shook his head. "The nerve of those bastards. Do they not realize women are placed onto this earth for more than just those two things?"
Clara rolled her eyes. "It seems they do not. What brings you out here?"
Brandon made a face. "I have been surrounded by young ladies pining after the title of Duchess of Manchester. It seems they are only after my title and wealth, nothing more."
Clara shook her head. "They do not realize that men have more to offer than just a title and wealth."
Brandon. "Precisely. You and I think alike miss Harrington."
Clara. "I value a gentleman for who he is as a person your Grace, not his title or how much money he possesses."
Brandon smiled softly. "I have the same values as you do Miss Harrington. I value a young lady for her personality and her heart, not just her beauty."
Clara. "Do you value a woman's intelligence?"
Brandon nodded, taking her hand and leading her into the Sinclair garden. "Absolutely. I believe a woman deserves to speak her mind freely and have her own opinions. She does not need to be silent and at the mercy of her husband. She can be both beautiful and intelligent."
Clara was intrigued. "You are unlike any gentleman who I have met thus far your grace."
Brandon glanced at her as they walked along the pathway. "How so?"
Clara. "You value a woman for who she is as a person, not simply for her physical attributes. "
Brandon. "Well, because I have a lovely mother and two younger sisters, I know that there is more to being a woman than just her physical beauty."
Clara. "Absolutely."
Brandon. "And you are unlike any young lady who I have encountered thus far."
Clara smiled. "How so?"
Brandon. "You value a gentleman for who he is as a person, not for his title or wealth."
Clara. "With two older brothers, I know that there is more to a gentleman than just those factors."
Brandon. "Indeed."
They continued walking and chatting, losing track of time. Before they knew it, they had been gone from the ball for nearly an hour. Giggling with the realization that they could easily be discovered, they turned and made their way back to Sinclair Park.
As they became swept up into a lovely waltz, Brandon and Clara couldn't deny the chemistry beginning to blossom between them. Their eyes remained locked in a gaze of intensity that neither of them had a desire to break. A brilliant ocean of emotions swirled between them, beautiful emotions that had yet to be revealed.
The next day, Clara was sitting at the breakfast table, enjoying a cup of tea and a plate of scones. She smiled as she remembered the beautiful evening she had experienced. Brandon was a gentleman unlike any other, and she was anxious to get to know him more.
Elizabeth smiled at her daughter from across the table. "You are daydreaming my love."
Clara blinked, blushing. "Am I?"
Elizabeth laughed softly. "There is no need to be ashamed my darling. I was the same way when I first met your father."
Clara smiled. Her parents had been nothing but loving to her and her brothers, and to one another. Of course, they did have their squabbles, but those squabbles were resolved without going to bed angry.
Elizabeth reached across the table and placed her hand on top of Clara's. "I know you are going to find yourself the perfect husband."
Clara. "I hope so. None of the gentleman who I have encountered have been more than tolerable at best. Except the Duke of Manchester."
Elizabeth. "I remember meeting his grace at your debut. He is quite the handsome gentleman, not to mention kind and respectful."
Clara smiled. "Oh mama, he is more than that. He values women for who they are as individuals, not for their beauty alone. He believes that there is much more to women than just being a mother and a quiet wife."
Elizabeth's eyes sparkled. "My word, he is quite different from other gentlemen."
Clara. "Indeed he is."
THE Harrington Butler, Francis, stepped into the room. He cleared his throat. "His Grace, the Duke of Manchester."

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