Part 5~ Family

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After the incident with Valentino, Ash started to get along with Angeldust. Sometimes he acted like a protective older brother, and others a laid back chill uncle or best friend. Vaggie apologized for threatening Alastor and now sorta got along with Ash; as for Husk, he was sort of warming up to the teenager, but still didn't talk with her much.

It had been two days since Ash ran into Valentino, Alastor called Ash to his office.
"You called for me?" The teen asked.
"Ah, yes darling. Come sit." Alastor motioned for the seat in front of his desk. Ash sat and looked at Alastor expectingly. "It recently came to my attention, that even in hell any demon under the age of eighteen, can, legally, be taken by older demons." Alastor stated calmly while Ash seemed to panic.
"What's that mean?" She asked breathlessly, Alastor's smile softened.
"Ash, I have legally adopted you so that wont happen." he told her; immediately she launched out of her chair and hugged Alastor.
"Holy shit! Thank you!" Ash sobbed. "Thank you Al- dad." She whispered. Alastor's eyes filled with tears for the first time since the day he died, he hugged her back and chuckled softly,
"Of course dear."


From outside the room Angeldust nearly fainted while hearing this. He hadn't meant to over hear, but while walking past Alastor's office while looking for Ash, he just so happened to get curious. He smiled and walked to the hotel lobby being sure to tell no one for Ash's sake.

{an hour later}


Ash walked down into the lobby while looking for her newly adoptive father.
"Hey Ash~"
"Oh, HI Angel! Have you seen Alastor?" the teen asked the porn star.
"Yup, over by the fireplace." The spider demon said before smirking and walking off. Ash walked in not noticing Husk at the bar, or Charlie and Vaggie sitting on one of the couches.
"Hey dad? Can you make jambalaya for dinner?" The female deer demon asked, the three other demons choked on their own saliva.
"Sure dear." Alastor said standing up and patting the short (5"3.5) girl on the head.
"What did you call him?!" Husk gaped, Ash smirked;
"I called him dad. He adopted me." She grinned.
"Holy shit!" Vaggie yelled, "that shitlord adopted you?!"
"Awe! Thats amazing!" Charlie gushed. Ash chuckled before nodding and following Alastor to the kitchen.

"Can I help?"
"Of course my dear. You needn't ask for permission." The older chuckled and motioned for the younger to chop some vegetables.

He's a father?! (Adoptive father figure Alastor and tiny tot reader/Where stories live. Discover now