Part 10~ First Cycle In Hell

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just before we start, thank you so much to @clonewarsgirl101 (sorry if its not spelt right or something, feel free to correct me) for this idea! There will be blood in this chapter but also major fluff. Alastor will most likely not be in this chapter, as it will revolve around Angeldust, Ash, and... Cherribomb! Hope you enjoy!

As Ash awoke that morning, she could feel the sharp pains in her lower abdomen, not to mention the warm sticky feeling between her legs.
"God fucking dammit..." she muttered, luckily, Charlie had warned her and gotten her the needed supplies. Getting up begrudgingly, Ash stomped over to the bathroom, huffing as she put a pad in a fresh pair of underwear and took a quick shower.

After showering and getting dressed, Ash walked out of the bathroom, wearing black sweats and a red hoodie. She glared at the red stain on her white sheets before shoving her hands in her pockets and stomping downstairs.  In the lobby, she curled up on a sofa, hugging a pillow to her chest glaring at the wall.

"Hey toots, what's got your tits in a twist?" A familiar voice spoke up, Ash looked up at the pink and white spider demon.
"Hey Angel. I got my damn period this morning, or last night, who fucking knows." Ash grumbled.
"Oh, that's no fun. But hey, my friend Cherribomb is coming over today, seeing as everyone's out, so maybe you can hang with us? We can watch movies and play games sound good?"
"Yeah... wait whys everyone out? Oh! That weird staff meeting thing." The teen sat up, her ginger and white hair damp and sticking to her forehead. Angel chuckled,
"Yup, we didn't have to go because we ain't staff, and Pentious took the eggs to the park or some shit." Ash nodded to what he was saying when a hole was blown in the wall.
"What up hoes!" An Australian accent rang out.
"Hey Cherri! Oh, mind if Ash joins us? She got her period this morning and needs something to cheer her up, everyone else is out right now." Angeldust walked over to the one eyed demon girl that walked out from the cloud of dust.
"Yeah, the more the merrier! We can watch horror movies or anime!"
"OHMYGOD YES!! We have to watch anime!" Ash jumped off the couch and ran over to the two pink and white demons jumping up and down excitedly.

The two demons laughed at her reaction and walked her back to the couch.
"Alright, what anime toots?" Angel asked the teen as the scrolled through (whatever anime station hell has, prob crunchyroll, funimation, or aniwave.).
"Um.... Oh oh oh! Angels of Death! There's only twelve episodes so we should be able to binge them all in fiveish hours!" Ash said excitedly. (Its the actual anime I'm watching right now so yeah... but I'll try not to spoil much.)
"Okay we can do that!" Cherri said side hugging the excited teenager.

The three demons curled up under a blanket with the lights off, FatNuggets curled up on Ash's lap. Around the end of the twelfth episode, Ash fell asleep on Angels shoulder, Cherri on the arm of the sofa after the last scene in the episode, and Angel with her.


Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Husker and Niffty entered the hotel, but it was to quiet considering Angeldust was there, but upon looking into the lobby, they saw Ash, Angel, Cherri and FatNuggets asleep on the couch with the credits rolling on the TV. Charlie started taking pictures, Vaggie smiled at her girlfriend and friends, Husk blushed upon seeing Angels sleeping face but scoffed and went to the bar, Niffty giggled and went to clean. Alastor leaned against the wall, his smile genuine and soft as he looked at the comfortably sleeping form of his daughter; the girl who never slept this calm when she was alive because of her family there, could finally let her guard down fully and relax.

Next chapter will probably be the heaven visit, I'm curious though, because they all go to the bar, should we have Ash go with Vaggie and Charlie because she's underage? Or do you want some Dadastor fluff? Or both?
~lots of love

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