Tell me if you get uncomfortable

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I end up falling asleep, but Pablo wakes me up every now and then to make sure I eat.

"Oh, Pablito, I just want to kiss you" Ferran mocks.

"Mhh, Pablo just like that" Pablo Torre joins in.

I am still 'asleep' but I can hear everything.

"Pablo right there, faster" Pedri fake moans and Pablo lets out a low groan.

"Jude- I mean Pablo" Laporte jokes.

"No. Don't say that. Ever." He semi-scares them and they stop.

I fake wake up and yawn.

"Look, princess is up" Morata jokes. Pablo death glares him and I giggle.

"They probably fuck" Ferran whispered to Pablo Torre.

"Oh my days!" Pablo says frustrated.

"Guys stop." I say. Pablo pulls me onto his lap and puts his head into my neck. He begins to kiss my neck. Not his normal kisses. More hungry.

"We need to find you a new habit." I giggle.

"I have one, but we can't do it here. Unless you have a blanket." He pull his head out. I nod and take out my cozy blanket. I was fluffy on one side.

"Tell me if you get uncomfortable." He covers us with the blanket and he sticks his hand into my shirt. His fingers slowly pass my bra and he palms my boob. My breath hitches, but I manage to make it normal.

"Is this okay." He mumbled. He is tired.

"Yes, it's okay." I smile.

"Now you have to share a room with me, this is addictive" he says and then falls asleep the rest the way to Qatar.


"Pablito." I slip his hand away from my boob and I shake him. He wakes up before get to shake him because he noticed his hand away from my boob.

"I'm up." He rubs his eyes and I fix his hair.

"We're here." I whisper. I stand up and pack my blanket as Pablo stands, tired, next to me having a hold on my waist.

"My water is on the floor." I mumbled. Nico and Ansu were watching Pablo and I with a strange look on their face. I bend over and get my water. I stand up and my back hits someone. I turn around and see Pablo.

"Let's go." I smile.

He takes my hand and we exit the plane. I notice all the other countries here as well.

"I have to use the bathroom" he whines and I giggle. "Stay here" he goes to kiss my cheek but kisses my lips instead as I move my head. He blushes hard and runs to the bathroom.

"Mia. We saw that" Pedri smirked.

"I was just an accident" I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

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