Are you done?

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"Pablo, I have to use the bathroom" I wiggle out of his grip.

I walk to the bathroom and I feel someone following me. I turn around.

"Jude?" I say.

"Hey, you said we have the whole World Cup to hang out so.." he started.

"Fuck, I did say that." I mumble.

"Do you- you wanna go to the carnival?" He asked.

I winced at the question. Pablo had asked me earlier this morning.

"I can't." I say. "I- I already have plans" I say.

"With that shit head?" Jude asked.

"Shit head? Pablo is not shit head. But yes" I say angrily.

"Are you two dating?" He asked.

"No- no? Not yet" I say.

"So why can't I take you out?!" He gets mad.

"Fine, we can go to the beach after your match." I say. I almost regret it.

"So you'll go to my match?" He smirks.

"Oh, no. I'm going to lunch with Pablo" He immediately rolls his eyes.

"Okay, what's your deal!?" I get irritated and walk back to the table.

"Hey beautiful" Pablo kisses my temple. I smile, a real one.

"Jude wanted to take me to the carnival." I say.

"But I'm taking you-" I cut him off with a kiss. The whole table gasps, even some of the English team.

"Are you done?" I ask. He laughs and kisses me again.

"What did you tell him." He pulls me onto his lap we have already eaten, we were all just talking now.

"I told him I am going with you.." I pause.

"But? I sense a but"

"But.. I told him we could go to the beach.." Pablo immediately pushes me off his lap.

"You what!?" He looks at me with anger in his eyes.

"I- I don't know" I couldn't get anything out. He's never been mad at me before. Wait. "Why do you even care? All we've been doing is sleeping in the same bed and kissing. We aren't even dating!" I stand up out of my chair and walk up to our- his room.

I went to the lobby and asked for a room below his floor. Unfortunately I couldn't take that room and the only other room available was next to his.

"Can I get that room then, please?" I asked. She nods her head and hands me the key card.

I notice a girl sitting next to Pablo, already!?

We make eye contact and I roll my eyes. I walk to my room and set my stuff down. I'm next to my best friend. The best friend who I've made out with multiple times.

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