part 3... bye bye to deku... not.

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*todoroki slaps deku in the face and says what the fuck? You called him hot and made him suck your d*ck! You better promise me this won't happen again okay? " *deku (you) say o-ok baka babe sowwy"*todoroki says don't call me baka any more now I'm alpha Sigma not baka. Softie. * *deku says todoroki stop being rude! * *todoroki say s SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BROCCOLI YOU LEFT THE ROOM WHEN WE WERE HAVING A FIVESOME AND YOU WENT AND F*CKED SOMEBODY NOW YOUR TELL ME TO STOP BEING RUDE? shut the fuck up bitch* *deku starts crying very hard "I'm sorry todoroki..."* *todoroki says it's okay now let me play with your ears baka boo bear and your fluffy wuffy tail baka! * " *deku says okay baka!*" *todoroki says now bend over baka babe* *deku bends over in confusion* *todoroki gets behind him and humps him moaning very hard* *they do that for a while then later on they go to sleep and wake up the next day... and go to school and act like nothing happened then kiss each other every time they have to go to class and they also put their hands in their pants before class too *todoroki pulls deku in the boys bathroom and goes in a stall then todoroki unzips his pants and takes his wiener out and tells deku to get on his knees *deku does that and sucks it for a while until their class is over and now it is lunch they hold hands all the way to lunch and then when they got home they did the same thing they did yesterday (hope you enjoy my story btw this was a joke lol)

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