Chapter One

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A terrible misconception about Ninja's is that the turtles are known by humans, this is a mistake, a ninja is never known by anyone, they are never praised, paid, honored etc.
A ninja always keeps to the shadows and never reveals what he truely is.
As for the turtles it is the same for them, as they are also mutants they can never be discovered by man, the shadow is their home, the light is ours.

A fast car was speeding along the bridge in the early hours of Saturday morning, the sun was about the come up, the driver was an impressionable young kid who was sweating and scared. The rain was coming down hard making it difficult to see anything.
In the mirror he could see a dark yellow and green van closing on him.
The whistle of the van was getting louder until its steel bumper nudged his car forward, he felt the car slightly jerk and he held the steering wheel nervously, again his car was pushed forward harder this time.
The van came up on the cars left and hit the left rear of Nico's car sending it into a spin, Nico felt the car slide, he quickly steered to the right and braked slightly but it was too late, Nico's car spun out and stopped facing the wrong direction, the van stopped directly infront of him, its lights came on full, the lights on the roof, a set of five in total almost blinded him, Nico raised his hand to cover his eyes, something moved infront of him, the back door of his car slowly opened, he turned but no one was there. The lights on the van died down then started to slowly reverse leaving Nico alone on the bridge.

"I will never understand these humans, all they do is hurt one another" said Michaelangelo.
"You get it"? asked Raphael.
Donatello held up the briefcase "Ofcourse I got it".
"I just wasnt sure about your skills" replied Raphael
"My skills are the best youll ever see" shot Donatello.
Leonardo laughed.
"Yea, you must be a sick person to steal organs from a hospital" replied Raphael.
"You left a tracker in the car"? asked Leonardo.
"Yip. Check it out" donatello held up a small device with a blue screen on it and a flashing red dot.
"Mission accomplished, another life saved tonight, well done" commended Leonardo "lets get these delivered and get home before the rain stops, take route 7 home Mike".
The van had all types of scanners available which allowed them to stay clear of the services and there was alot less traffic on the roads at night. The windows were even tinted. It was custom built to suit the needs of the four occupants.

Back at home it was all security, their home was in the suburbs under an abandoned chemical factory which no one even looked at. Eye scans and face recognition was pretty much at its best.
The van entered the factory and went down a rampline that was built by Donatello, it lead to the eye scan and face scan which opened the closed door.
"Michealangelo secure the perimeter then come in by the second tunnel" ordered Leonardo.
Inside it was completely different, it wasn't like the factory which was run down, their home was pristine and clean.
Weapons lined the walls, there was artifacts behind glass, seperate rooms for each person amd their Leader, the person who raised them, Splinter, his age was unknown but the four boys guessed he was over a hundered years of age, his wisdom and skill was beyond anything the four ninja's had ever seen, he taught them well but not everything and they knew it. What Splinter and his four orphans built was a home, even though their existence was a secret from humans.

Michaelangelo had walked the roof of the factory, everything looked ok. The factory was enclosed with tall and thick trees which Splinter planted years and years ago.
The Sun had come up and it was time to get home.
Michaelangelo lived nocturnally as did his three brothers.
"Out of sight out of mind" he said to himself.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Fox RiseWhere stories live. Discover now