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meredith walks up to derek in the lobby

"long day" he says looking up from his files

"yeah" meredith smiles

"someone out there has a steak with your name on it" he starts packing his stuff "and maybe a bottle of wine"

"this is why i keep you around" meredith says

"so we need to talk" derek looks up at her

"wine first, talk later" meredith says

"you tryna get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?" derek jokes as he stands up, putting his coat on

meredith chuckles "i think i like this rule thing"

"me too" derek says as he helps meredith put her coat on

as they're ready to go they see a fabulous red headed women at the entrance

"derek..i'm sorry" meredith says

derek carries a confused look on his face

"addison, what are you doing here?" meredith asks

"well, you'd know if you'd bothered to return any one of my phone calls" the woman says then turns to mcdreamy

"hi i'm addison grey" she says reaching out for a handshake

"..grey?" derek shakes her hand

"and you must be the man that's been screwing my wife" addison gestures

"wife?" derek turns to meredith "you're married?" derek asks

meredith bites her lip

"great.." he says then leaves

"derek!" she yells out but he doesn't stop

meredith sighs as derek had already walked out

"addison what are you doing here?" meredith asks again

"your hair's different" addison ignores the question

"a lot of things are different" meredith says

"it's longer. i like it" addison says touching her hair but she backs away

"what are you doing here?" she tries again

"what are you doing here?" addison repeats "you just pick up and leave everything? your house, your practice, your friends?" she asks

"you have a life in manhattan" addison says again

"had" meredith corrects her

"and now you have a boyfriend in seattle" addison says "he seems sweet.."

"the ice you're on, thin" meredith walks away

"he's older, the whole oh the intern is dating an attending thing is very popular" addison says which makes meredith stop

"well that's great cause i'm already married to one" meredith says

"mer" addison tries to catch up to meredith

"no, don't call me that" meredith says

"seriously, meredith i wasn't considering a divorce" addison says

"there's no point in using the same lie" meredith says "you kissed mark..you kissed him"

"i didn't kiss him meredith, he kissed me and i was trying to stop him" addison says following her outside in the rain popping out her umbrella to cover meredith instead of her

"there's no proof" meredith says pushing the umbrella towards addison cause she was getting soaked in rain

"of course i have proof" she pulls out a small disk from her purse "meredith..i'm sorry about all of this but can we please talk about this, and i can show you this footage" addison says stepping closer

"fine, i'll drive home just for the footage, i don't wanna talk about this" meredith says

meredith drives them home, izzie and george were on call so they weren't home

they sat down at the kitchen counter and meredith got out her laptop

"when you were supposed to be in class, i was at the hospital scrubbing out and mark forcefully kissed me" addison says even though she had explained a million times

"we aren't addison and meredith anymore" those words hurt addison more than it should've when they came out of her wife's mouth

"i saw what i saw addison! i opened the door to you guys making out" meredith says

addison sighs putting the tiny disk inside the slot of the laptop and played the video it was security camera footage, addison never knew there were cameras in the scrub room until she spotted one while scrubbing into a surgery a few days after meredith left

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