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it was the next day and all day long they are on call

meredith was at the nurses station filing out charts

"hey olivia could you get these to dr.burke please?" meredith hands her the files

"yep" she says and gets up

"hey mer, long time no see" a familiar voice approaches her

she turns to her left and sees mark sloan

addison was walking toward her with the chief when she notices mark and starts panicking

they both witness meredith swing at mark with all of her force that he's knocked to the floor

"what the hell!?" the chief runs up to them and so does addison

"mer are you okay?" addison asks

"i'm so sorry sir" the chief says

"no problem" mark says getting up

"i need to talk to you now, grey! addison give this man some stitches" the chief says

addison hesitates

"it's just stitches, go!" the chief says and addison listens to him

the chief takes meredith to a conference room while addison quickly gives mark his stitches ignoring every question he asks

"go to hell" she says leaving him on the exam table then rushes to the conference room with an ice pack for meredith's hand

she walks into a sulking meredith and an angry chief

"here" addison places the ice pack on meredith's right hand

meredith thanks her

"so what is going on? why is my intern! punching people on my surgical floor?" the chief asks angrily

meredith wasn't talking so the chief turns to addison

"..that was mark, mark sloan, back in new york he sexually assaulted me when meredith and i were married" addison says

"what is it with everyone wanting to ruin your marriage" the chief sighs "just..just take a break the both of you, i'll go talk to this mark sloan" he says walking out

"mer.." addison says

"sorry..how could he come back acting like he's done nothing" meredith says

"what did he say to you" addison says

"he said long time no see and then i punched him" meredith says

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