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"wait what does this mean if you're married and you slept with derek?" george asks

"i was getting to that..back in manhattan i thought she cheated on me and i was too stubborn to listen to her, and i came here broken my own fault for feeling broken, and i met derek i never loved him as much as i love addison, but i ended up being the cheater she knows and she told me that we can work through this" meredith explains

"wow" alex says

"so you got married during med school?" izzie asks

"yeah, i met her when i got appendicitis and she was examining me" meredith smiles reminiscing the memories

"wow what a love story, you'll have to tell us the full story..i guess i'm cut you some slack for not telling me you did try but gave up" izzie says remembering the conversation that morning

"im still surprised you're gay" alex says

"yeah well i play for both teams" meredith says taking a bite of her sandwich

"im guessing that you knew" george turned to cristina

"yeah" cristina smiles

"so who's better in bed?" alex and izzie both asks

meredith gave them a look "you guys are so dirty"

"actually i wanna know too" cristina chirps

"my wife" meredith smiles

"psh lame" izzie says

"what? obviously i'm gonna pick my wife cause she is better" meredith says

"so was..was last night..when i got home" izzie couldn't finish her sentence

meredith had a guilty look on her face

izzie gasped along with cristina

"you guys are too crazy" meredith says

"yeah but it lasted a while mer" izzie says

"you dirty dirty wife" cristina says

meredith clears her throat "i had this thing i needed to go to" she rushes out with her tray

after meredith left the cafeteria she went inside the elevator to go downstairs and addison walks in

"hey" she smiles

"hi" addison says, once the doors close she leans in the kiss meredith

"i miss kissing you" meredith says after they pull away

"we made out multiple times last night" addison tilts her head

"well that's making out i miss when it was just our lips" meredith says playing with addison's hand

"i miss that too" addison smiles

meredith's floor was coming up and addison kisses her again

"see you later" addison says

meredith smiles "bye mcwife" she leaves

"mcwife?" addison asks herself
once they got off call addison waits for mer at the lobby and meredith comes down with izzie and george

"hey honey" addison says holding out her hand for meredith to hold

"hey addie" meredith says taking her hand

george and izzie argue about something behind them

"dr.montgomery-grey if a patient doesnt want a surgery we should just let them be right?" george asks

"uh..yeah if they really don't want to" addison says

"but what if that surgery was to save their life without it they would die" izzie says

"you should respect their wishes stevens" addison says

"exactly" george says

they continue arguing

"ignore them they always do this and fight over patients" meredith says

"i'll try my best to" addison says

"tomorrow i'm on call all night" meredith says

"aww it's okay maybe i'll come visit you" addison says

"i would love that" meredith says

meredith drives them home and they end up ordering pizza and watching a movie together all four of them

"you guys should tell us your story" izzie says

"what story" meredith asks

"of how you guys met and ended up dating and marrying" izzie says

"it's a cute story" addison says "you tell it"

"okay" meredith smiles while george pauses the movie

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