| CHAPTER TWO | The Bread Contract

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| CHAPTER TWO; The Bread Contract |

"A gypsy gets so familiar with riddles and rhymes, it becomes their specialty

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"A gypsy gets so familiar with riddles and rhymes, it becomes their specialty."



IT WAS NOW 1921. Polly had completely lost contact with Anneliese a year after taking her in, the German girl disappearing out of the blue, just a year before the men came back from war in 1918. Polly had not gone a day without thinking of the poor little girl, wondering how she was. How she had turned out. Sometimes, Polly would even dare to wonder if Anneliese was actually alive.

But Polly knew it was for the best that Anneliese had left because Tommy was completely fucked up after arriving home from war. Having fought many Germans in underground warfare, she knew that if Tommy were to hear German being spoken, he'd lose his head.

But where had the sad little German girl run off to?

"Leesy! C'mere, Kid." Alfie Solomons called out, slamming his hand repeatedly on his desk. Anneliese practically ran into the room immediately, standing perfectly straight as she stood in front of the man. "Have ya finished me stocks yet, Love?" Alfie gruffly asked, rubbing his face tiredly.

"Oh, of course, Sir." She nodded obediently, quickly extending her arm forward, the stack of papers clenched in her shaking hand.

Many men at the distillery had wondered why Alfie had hired a sixteen-year-old German child to work for him as his assistant. But they wouldn't dare question their boss, for they never knew when he felt like biting someone's head off.

But Alfie knew why. Even if he currently saw Germans as his enemies, especially as Jewish conflict rose every day, he knew she had nowhere else to go. He helped her to finish learning English where she had left off with Polly, and provided her a solid pay, along with an apartment that he took care of financially.

While Anneliese did appreciate this greatly, she still was not too fond of her boss. For he was a very angry man and would often scream in her face for making the smallest of mistakes.

Yes, he did partially take care of her. But if the opportunity came up, if he were offered a good enough deal, he'd give her away quicker than she could blink an eye. And she knew this. He was a greedy man, Alfie Solomons.

The girl turned around to exit his office when he cleared his throat once again, hinting for her to stop and come back. She halted, her back still facing him as she waited for him to speak. "I can see it." He mumbled with a smirk, knowing she'd understand what he meant.

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