BUDDIES & a drawn picture

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Okay today was really excited for a few reasons I'll get to in a minute, but main thing - FENTON DOES LOVE DELLA!!!

I'm internally happy screaming at him because he not only had mentioned he was still curious as to her disappearance, but HE DREW A PICTURE OF HER AND PUT HEARTS AND THINGS ON IT! It reminded me of what happened in the Beaks in the Shell episode when M'ma finds that paper Fenton drew hearts and equations on!

Okay, I know I think about them a little too much, but I'm just so excited that he does know about her unlike in the actual series!


So today was the episode the BUDDY System and I was really excited, but also a little confused when I got a text from Launchpad, that was really Dewey, when I first woke up. I'm like "Since when did I give LP my number?" Then when I saw that it was Dewey on LP's phone I was like "Why didn't he ask for my number from Huey since he was the first one to get it?" Whatever though. ANYWAY! So Dewey invited me to come to the Bin with them because Launchpad had a surprise, that I already knew about. So I join them, we ride to the bin, I felt bad when I had to watch Launchpad yell "surprise" so much only to be disappointed about no one knowing he got his license. I was able to help prevent the sound train from breaking the lab window so there was one "risk," I stayed behind with Fenton to ask him if he found out anything else about Della when he handed me that drawing thinking it was a list he had made out. The picture was so good and cute that I couldn't help but snap a picture! Later we both joined Gyro, Dewey, Launchpad, and Uncle Scrooge at Mark's press conference for BUDDY.

Here's where I knew I was making an enemy...

So Launchpad shakes BUDDY's hand right? But then he starts tearing up! So I run up on the stage and help him feel better, that's when Mark noticed me and took me as Scrooge's daughter! Like what?! Even as a duck, I look nothing like Scrooge! (I mean, I do think I look a little like Della, but that's besides the point) So he tries to take a picture with me to post a lie about me being Scrooge's daughter so I took his phone, deleted the photo, took a funny photo of myself, then handed his phone back to him. I explained who I was, in which he knew about my DT parents being famous and asked me to be his spokes model for Waddle... Like: 1. No thank you, 2. I don't like Waddle or you, and 3. your a liar in everything that you do. So no thank you.

Hey I'm not trying to sound mean, but I don't want to get caught up in drama, I just want to live my DT life to the fullest! Is that too much to ask?????

So we all go to the racetrack and watch LP and BUDDY race, and Launchpad actually WON!!! I was a little worried that him winning would change a lot, but luckily it didn't. Sadly though, since Fenton knows that I know somewhat of what will happen, he got mad at me for not stoping him from getting fired like he does in the episode! LIKE WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?!?!?!?!?

But luckily we were able to put that aside and get Fenton the Gizmoduck suit and save Uncle Scrooge, Gyro and Mark from BUDDY.

Later tonight I got a message from Fenton apologizing again about his anger at me earlier today, I told him it was okay, but he was persistent to make it up to me. AND HE BROUGHT UP OUR DISCUSSION ON DELLA AGAIN! Earlier today I had said that talking to Scrooge about it probably wouldn't be the best idea, so I pitched the idea of Fenton talking to Dewey and now that's what Fenton is saying he'll make it up to me by talking to Dewey about what he knows about Della! So I'm excited for when the next episode is and what it will be, because I feel like some of these episodes are going a little out of order...

I need to hear Fenton's thoughts about that...

But anyways, good night!

- Hannah / Sealia

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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