Chapter 21

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So I was upstairs in my room really determined to find some clothes that I will actually wear. I literally grabbed just about everything. I went into my dresser and grabbed all the jeans and shorts I own as well as all the hoodies, jackets, and shirts. Now for my shoes I grabbed about 6 of those because if it really came down to it, I guess my dad could buy me some new ones. Then again, the amount of kids he have he probably won't be able to. I soon laid on my bed and dozed off. The television was on to keep me some company as I snuggled up with my teddy bear. Just as my eyes were closing my phone begins ringing so loud.

"hello?". I answer

"Its me Princeton". He said

"You know you can say Jacob, I know your real name". I laughed

"oh yeah right, so what are you doing?". he chuckled

"was about to go to sleep up until you called". I said

"are you leaving because of what happened?". he asked

"how did I know you were going to ask that?-". I sarcastically chuckled " I don't see why everyone thinks Im running away from my problems like this". I said

"its just weird how all of a sudden you're going to Mexico with your father to meet your family". He said

"well if my dad was to stop by before and asked I still would've went, its just the timing". I said

"don't go". he begged

"i'm sorry but you have a family and nothing to worry about right? Right so don't try this Jacob because I don't want to be down here anymore I want to leave and be free". I said

"you think your not free?". He asked

"Jacob i'm getting a little tired so i'll see you whenever I decide to come back". I said

" so what if you love it down there? are you going to stay?". He asked

"why do you care?". I asked

"Why don't you care Trinity? you're playing this like it's some type of game... we all want you here with us. Your best friend Madison is heart broken that you didn't even tell her about this let alone that you're leaving... but you're only thinking of yourself Trinity". He said

"Thinking of myself? Jacob you're the reason I was stabbed and nearly died ... did you honestly forget that?". I asked

" so now its my fault?". He asked

"then who fault is it?". I asked

"Yours ". he said

"mine? go ahead Jacob Mr Know It All Perez, tell me , tell me how this is all my damn fault". I said

"if you never tried to talk to me in the first place we wouldn't have been here". He yelled

"what the hell? you're the famous one ! I wasn't expecting you to even recognize me". I said

"well I did". He said

"yeah and then had me all in my feelings whilst you had a whole girlfriend and you didn't bother to tell anyone of us about each other and why was that Princeton?". I asked

"thats confidential". He said

"yeah, well so is my life so stay out of it". I said as I hung up the phone

I was so frustrated at this point but I don't care I don't care I'm leaving tomorrow. It didn't hit me up until now about what he said about Madison. Was she really hurt that Im leaving? I wasn't sure but knowing us I have to call her and find out.  I texted her and within about 3 seconds she replied.

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