Chapter 5.

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Just as soon as our lips met I heard a honk from outside. He quickly jumped up and looked outside of the window and it was the tow truck man. I sat at the edge of the bed with all the thoughts running through my head. I just kissed Roc Royal. Inside of me was hopping up and down but the realistic part of me came out.

" Did you kiss me just to say you did it ?". I asked

"What ?". He asked

" Did you kiss me just to say you did it ?". I asked a little louder

" No , I actually care for you Madison if you cant tell". He said

" Can you go now ?". I asked pointing at the door

" Madison ?-". He started

" Please ". I said

He walked out the door and I followed him so I can lock the door behind him. Just when he step out he looked back at me and the words came straight out of his mouth.

" I love you Madison Smith ". He said

I shut the door and a few tears came down my face. I feel like such an idiot for letting him kiss me , do I not know why he is supposedly falling for me ? Its to sleep with me and I am now the dumb one for trusting him. I grabbed the box of ice - cream we had in our freezer , a spoon and I sat on the couch and turned on brain games.

I ate the whole Ice - cream within 2 hours. Just when I laid down the door knocked. I was too full to get up but no - on else was home so I had too. I got up looking a mess. I saw Roc at the door.

" Why are you here again ?". I asked coldly

" You would think a kiss will make a girl want you ". He said smiling

" Your not funny , why are you here ?". I asked

" I just want to apologize for kissing you , I thought you liked it because I know I did but I guess I was wrong ". He said

" You were wrong , now please go ". I said

" Madison ". He said

' GO ' I yelled

I slammed the door and went upstairs into my room letting out tears now and there was no holding back. I called Trinity up because she is the only one I can actually talk to right now even though we are going through some things. I laid on my bed while thinking of what an idiot I am , I was really beating myself up for letting him kiss me. I heard the door knock and I ran downstairs nearly slipping on Chantels lipstick she had. I looked out the peep hole and saw my dad. My heart sank.

I swung the door open.

" Dad !". I yelled

" Hey Baby ". He said

I leaped into his arms and not getting down for anything. Tears streamed down my eyes and his too. If you are probably wondering , Why is she acting like that like she hasnt seen her dad in forever . Thats actually it I havent seen my dad like actually been able to go somewhere with my dad ever since I was 4 years old. He has been in jail for several things he have done and TBH no matter how much times he has been and probably are going to be in jail I will always love him like he has never done anything wrong.

Just as he was about to come into the house some cops arrived. I tried to pull him into the house quickly but he resisted. I didnt want this to ruin anything , this was my first time being able to actually see my dad without being surrounded by guards because he is in jail.

" Put your hands behind you head ". The cop yelled

" Dad whats going on ?". I asked

" I will explain everything later ". He said

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