Chapter 12

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I woke up to the sound of trucks and beeping from the horns. What is going on outside ? At first I ignored it but it got really annoying. I covered my face with the pillows trying to block the noise but then my mom comes into the room.

"Madison, go meet the new neighbors ". Mom said

"Ugh,why me ?". I asked

"Because I said so now get to it ". She said

I dont know why but my mom always makes me meet the new neighbors. We have been living in this house since I was like 10 years old and there has been about 20 new neighbors so far and I was the one who had to always go over and introduce myself.

I got up and threw on my jean shorts , tank top and throw my hair up . After brushing my teeth and everything I finally made my way outside. Our next door neighbor was literally right next door. The house is set up the same way as mines so who ever room is right outside of my window can see inside of my window because we are just at the same level. I walk over to the house and I see some lady and she is wiping her face because of the heat.

"Hot out here isnt it ". I said

"Yes, extremely ". She chuckled

"So your the new neighbor right?". I asked

"Yes ma'am ". She said

"Nice, Well my name is Madison ". I said

"Oh Nice, My son has a crush on some girl named Madison . Now he has a neighbor named Madison too ". She said

"Oh who's your son ?". I asked

Just some seconds later her son comes from the back of the truck with their suitcases and boxes. From the back I didnt know who it was .

"Mom, I cant find the box with my clothes in it ". He said

"Jason ?". I asked

I couldnt believe it. When he turned around talking to his mother it was Jason . Not only that he is moving right next door to me . Right next door ! He was my crush from the 8th grade . The lord is definitly watching over me because he just helped me out big time.

"Madison ! ". He exclaimed "I didnt know you were moving here ". I said walking over to him "I didnt know you lived here". He said

I walked over to him and gave him a huge hug . My feet were no longer on the ground and his arms were around my waist holding me up . After I realized what I was doing and what he was doing too I dropped myself .

"Oh , I didnt - ". I started "Yeah its just-".Jason started

He rubbed his hand throw the back of his neck towards the front and lifted another box of furniture. I wasnt sure if I was supposed to lift one or continue laughing and talking with his mother . I stood there for a second probably looking like one of the most stupidest person in the world .

"Hey can you help me a little?".Jason asked "Yeah,what to grab ?". I asked "You can grab that small box over there ". He pointed

I grabbed the box and we both made our way upstairs. As we got to one room he told me to sit it down onto the floor. He sat his box down and took a deep breath and then sat on the box. I pulled my box next to his and I sat down too.

"So why am I seeing you everywhere ?". I asked "I dont know, I feel like its something making us this way ". He said "Oh shut up". I chuckled

His mother called us down and we had to finish offloading. After about 2 hours of getting everything off the truck and then putting most of it away, we were in his room and we painted the wall and placed his bed, dresser, desk and basically everything a bedroom should have . He laid on the bed and I attempted to hang up the paintings.

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