Chapter 11

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I can't bear sitting in that waiting room anymore . I step outside so I can breathe a little and think things through . I leaned up against the wall and messed with my hair a little bit just thinking . This is truly all of my fault and if she doesnt get well , lord forbid , I would never be able to forgive myself . But all of a sudden I hear this very familar voice except it sounds a little more mature .

"Madison ? ". I hear someone call

I open my eyes to see who was exactly calling my name . Just when I open my eyes... I see Jason. No you guys don't know him. He was my crush for the longest time in 8th grade. He never payed me any attention is was always other girls that he saw. Quite frankly I kind of still have a crush on him.

" Jason ?". I ask for confirmation "Wow! You look .... wow!".He said speechless "Thanks-". I said grinning hard "-Its been like 3 years since i've seen you ". I said "Yeah . How did I know after graduation we wouldn't see each other ". He asked "I dont know you tell me ". I said "Haha , well why are you here ?". He asked "Trinity ".I sighed "What happened to her !? ". He asked "She uhm got stabbed ". I said "By who ? For what ?". He asked "Long story ". I sighed "How about you tell me tomorrow while we are at dinner ". He said "Oh um ... ". I started "Madison ! ". Mom yelled "Thats my queue . Just meet me at the coffee shop tomorrow morning ?". I asked "Yeah definitely ". He said
As we both walked our separate ways I had to stop and look back at him one more time before I went inside. I was shocked that I met again.
Tommorow Morning

I woke up and ran to the bathroom so I can go to the coffee shop . I havent seen Jason in about 3 years and he was my crush for like ever in the 8th grade . He never even noticed me or atleast I thought he didnt . So I go in the bathroom and do my hygiene . When I go back into my room I see my mom going through my dressers.

"Mom what are you looking for ?". I asked making my way to the closet "Where are they ?". She asked
"Where is what ?". I asked "The pills ". She said "What pills ?". I asked "That boy Roc Royal said you have been taking some and you keep them in your dresser ". She said
I cannot believe that Roc Royal would lie and tell my mother something like that. I don't take pills. I don't even need pills. Oh man was I mad. I cannot wait to see him... He isn't going to like me anymore for good.

" So you believed him? A complete stranger that you dont know ". I said

She ignored my last comment . I decided fine she can go ahead and look inside of my dresser even search the whole entire world if she wants she will never find some 'pills' that I take . I dont take any type of medicine like at all .

" You can keep looking , you wont find a thing ". I said

I started to put on my black and white striped pencil skirt which stopped at about a little over halfway of the thigh and then my white tank top tucked inside and my jean jacket to keep me from being cold. I threw on my sandals and just when I was about to head out the door mom stopped me .

"I found them ". She said "You found what ?". I asked "The pills ". She said "You couldnt have found pills okay ?, I dont take pills ". I said "Yes you do . I am going to call rehab society and you will be going there until you can learn to control yourself ". She said "Those arent mine ! ". I exclaimed
"Then who's are they ? They arent your sisters ". She said "You said it yourself Roc Royal - ". I started
"Dont you blame this on an innocent boy ". She said
"I am the innocent one mom ". I said

She wouldnt trust me and that was my queue to kill Roc . I really cannot wait to get to school!

Coffee Shop
I walk into the coffee shop and I have this tendency to flip my hair all the time. So as I was walking in a flipped my hair and Jason was staring at my whilst I did it. He probably thought I was being a diva or something.

"Wow, Madison it's like every time I see you, you look better and better ". He said "Thanks ". I said smiling "So why was it that you liked me in the 8th grade again ?". He asked "You still remember that ?". I laughed "Yes I do ". He said
"Well you were frighteningly honest for sure ". I said
"Yeah . Well can I tell you why I liked you ? ". He asked
"You liked me ?". I asked taking a bite of my salad
"Yes I did , I actually Loved you I guess you could say ". He said

Just when he said that a huge smile came across my face. I didnt want to show it but for some reason I just feel like I am about to have this huge crush on him again . For some reason it may be a little stronger this time considering the fact we are a little older now . I know what I want and I thought it was Roc but he is a douche I want Jason.

"So how is life ?". He asked
"You know same old same old ". I said "Yeah, anything new ?". I asked "Yeah, I have a baby ". I said "You have a kid ?". He choked on his drink "Just joking ". I said as i chuckled "Oh I was about to die in a way but at the same time I would've been upset because I was hoping it would've been mine ". He said

My heart sank .

His ?

He was hoping the kid would've been his?
Okay guys sorry this is the end of this chapter . The next chapter is going to be juicy and I am thinking of ending this book soon and making a sequel . what you think ? If you think I should end this book soon comment below also comment if you think I shouldnt . Chapter 12 will be up soon but dont forget school be alot right now

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