|| Allegiances - Act One ||

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SILVERHAWK- A silver tabbied tomcat with sharp amber eyes. (Mate: Softheart)

SOFTHEART- A light blue-grey dappled white molly with soft blue eyes. (Mate: Silverhawk)

MINNOWKIT- A white dappled grey molly with sharp blue eyes. (Daughter of Silverhawk and Softheart)
RAINKIT- A blue-grey tabbied molly with soft amber eyes. (Daughter of Silverhawk and Softheart)

MEDICINE CAT: (cats who heal the sick or injured)
DAPPLEDLEAF- A yellow dappled white molly with light green eyes.

WARRIORS: (cats without kits)
LONGWHISKER- A long-whiskered pale tabbied tomcat with aqua eyes. (Mate: Flameleaf)
GREYHEART- A light grey tomcat with green eyes. (Mate: Clearshine)
CLEARSHINE- A white molly with silvery blue eyes. (Mate: Greyheart)
OTTERSPLASH- A brown tomcat with icy blue eyes. (Mate: Foxsight)
FLAMELEAF- A ginger tabbied patched cream tomcat with light green eyes. (Mate: Longwhisker)
FLEETRUNNER- A white tomcat with light blue eyes.
LEAFTUFT- A light brown tabbied tomcat with yellow eyes. (Mate: Dewspring)
JAGGEDFUR- A scruffy reddish-brown tabbied molly with deep amber eyes.
DEWSPRING- A brown tabbied molly with green eyes. (Mate: Leaftuft)
WHITESPECKLE- A black tomcat with vitiligo and soft honey eyes. (Mate: Dancingleaf)
WINDTAIL- A black spotted white tomcat with grey eyes. (Mate: Hazelstripe)
BADGERBLAZE- A black and white molly with soft honey eyes.
HAZELSTRIPE- A golden-brown tabbied molly with dark green eyes. (Mate: Windtail)
LARCHPELT- A dark brown tomcat with honey eyes. (Mate: Spottedshadow)
FINCHSONG- A light brown molly with honey eyes.
RAVENWHISKER- A white-marked black tomcat with sharp green eyes.
RIPPLEFANG- A silver tabbied molly with sharp blue eyes.
PEBBLESWIRL- A silver tabbied tomcat with hazel eyes.
SPOTTEDSHADOW- A tortoiseshell molly with sharp green eyes. (Mate: Larchpelt)

APPRENTICES: (cats more than six moons old in training to become warriors, medicine cats, or nursery cats)
FERNPAW- A dilute calico molly with icy blue eyes. (Daughter of Ottersplash and Foxsight)
STONEPAW- A dark grey spotted grey tomcat with icy blue eyes. (Son of Ottersplash and Foxsight)
KESTRELPAW- A light brown tabbied tomcat with soft green eyes. (Son of Leaftuft and Dewspring)
NIGHTPAW- A black tomcat with soft green eyes. (Son of Leaftuft and Dewspring)
BRAMBLEPAW- A reddish-brown tabbied molly with soft green eyes. (Daughter of Leaftuft and Dewspring)
SNOWPAW- A small grey spotted white tomcat with yellow eyes. (Son of Fleetrunner and Dancingleaf)

NURSERY CATS: (cats who care for kits and rebuild dens)
FOXSIGHT- A dark ginger molly with light green eyes. (Mate: Ottersplash)
DANCINGLEAF- A grey molly with soft yellow eyes. (Mate: Whitespeckle)

ELDERS: (cats retired from their duties)
SEEDSTEP- A ginger tabbied white tomcat with light yellow eyes. (Mate: Honeymoon)
HONEYMOON- A yellow dappled white molly with green eyes. (Mate: Seedstep)


RASCAL- A dark grey tabbied tomcat with soft honey eyes.

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