|| Chapter 4 ||

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MistClan's camp, a colossal hollow amid the pine trees, began to brighten due to the sunlight filtrating between the pines' needles and cones. This sunlight meant that cats were beginning to wake as the morning mist dissipated and the birds began to sing. Dawn had arrived, which marked another new and eventful day for the Clan.

It's today, Snowkit thought as he leapt to his paws, stretching. I'll no longer be a kit, and neither will any of the others in this nursery. While it may be a shame that I won't be a warrior, at least I have Nightkit's offer to look forward to. The white tomcat smiled, taking a glance at the black tomcat being groomed by Dewspring.

A few moments later Snowkit sighed, beginning to frown as he stared at Dancingleaf's empty spot. After the early apprenticeship training three days ago, she wouldn't even look at him, and spent nearly no time inside the nursery. Due to her inattentiveness, he found himself craving her attention, yet nonetheless, perturbed by her presence. Be that as it may, since she wasn't in the nursery to clean his fur, Snowkit walked over to Fernkit and her parents.

"Need us to freshen you up?" Foxsight asked as she gazed at him, her voice kind and welcoming. She nudged her mate, pricking her ears as she continued grooming her daughter.

Snowkit nodded in response. "If you don't mind, then yes."

"Righto!" Ottersplash exclaimed as he started to neatly groom the white tomcat's fur. "Excited for today? I know you won't be a warrior apprentice, but still, you'll actually get to leave camp," he rambled in-between licks. "I swear, Foxsight and I tried our best to convince Queen Softheart to make both you and my son medicine cat apprentices, but she adamantly refused. Anyways," he digressed, "excited for today?"

"I think so. I'm glad to get to leave camp, as you mentioned," Snowkit replied, considering Ottersplash's words. Now that I think about it, why didn't Queen Softheart want Stonekit to also be a medicine cat apprentice? That's... confusing, because two cats can train to be a medicine cat at once. Maybe I can ask Dappledleaf about that later.

"All done!" Ottersplash abruptly exclaimed, admiring his work. "You look dapper."

Snowkit smiled from the compliment. "Thank you," he purred.

"No problem, kitto." Ottersplash stood up to nuzzle his mate and daughter. "I'm gonna wait outside now. Pebblepaw's probably still asleep, if you notice the silence out in camp, and I'm on wake up duty for my apprentice," he joked, trotting out the nursery.

Snowkit also stood up, stepping towards Fernkit. "Where's Stonekit?" he asked her, gazing around the nursery.

"Oh, I'm not sure. He left right after my mom groomed him," Fernkit stated, her blue eyes landing on Bramblekit. "I'll see you during the ceremony," the diluted calico molly said, excusing herself as she walked towards the reddish-brown molly.

Snowkit looked up at Foxsight, who was chuckling. "He's in the medicine den right now," she answered. "But, I wouldn't advise leaving the nursery. Your apprentice ceremony will start any minute." The ginger molly dipped her head, going over to Dewspring.

After his stare found Nightkit, who was conversing with Kestrelkit and Leaftuft, Snowkit sighed. I can't speak to Nightkit right now, he noted, letting his claws unsheathe. The white tomcat began to draw lines in the compacted earth, humming as he did so. It's still strange, he thought, how I'll be an apprentice a moon early. From what I've heard, this hasn't happened in seasons. I suppose it makes sense, though, considering the circumstances.

Snowkit was jolted from his ruminations once he heard Whitespeckle by the nursery's entrance. "The apprentice ceremony shall commence soon, so I suggest you all gather by Pine Rock in five minutes," the black tomcat notified, his honey coloured gaze landing on Snowkit. He smiled warmly at the small tomcat, stepping towards him. "Come with me, Snowkit," he murmured. "There is something I must say to you."

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