|| Chapter 7 ||

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Snowpaw took a bite of his squirrel, barely paying attention as Queen Softheart ordered cats out for the daily dawn patrols. The white tomcat, sighing, felt exhausted from last night's mental strain. I still have no idea of what could've sparked the argument between my mother and Dewspring, he thought, in-between bites. Oh, what am I even thinking? I never should've overheard any of that. Despite his mental reminder, he couldn't seem to fully shake the thought from his mind.

Across from him, at the other end of the fresh-kill pile, Kestrelpaw sat. The light brown tabby stole a meek glance at Snowpaw, before quickly focusing on the mouse he was eating. The tomcat seemed uncharacteristically quiet, as he made no attempt to taunt the apprentice across from him.

He's acting strange today, Snowpaw noted, pinning his ears. At least he's not harassing me, as he usually loves to do. I should be grateful. After a few long moments, the tomcat stood up, picking up a finch from the pile. He walked to the medicine den, placing the avian in front of his mentor.

"Thank you, Snowpaw," Dappledleaf purred, her green eyes soft and warm. 

"You're welcome," Snowpaw purred in response, checking the medicine shelves. As I expected, we're not low on any medicine today either. I suppose I'll have to wait until tonight to leave camp. The white tomcat, whilst waiting for Dappledleaf to finish her breakfast, began to draw lines in the earth. However, he- alongside his mentor, and presumably the rest of his Clanmates in camp -was startled by a sudden yowl from the camp's entrance. 

"I'll report back to you," Snowpaw murmured, hurriedly making his way towards the commotion. His yellow gaze scanned through camp, all cats staring at Pebblepaw with piqued curiosities. As the white apprentice noticed Nightpaw, he moved to stand beside him. The black tomcat didn't seem to regard him, instead thoughtfully glancing at the ground.

"My my, Pebblepaw, you seem to be in quite a fret." Queen Softheart tilted her head, striding towards the visibly anxious apprentice. "What's the meaning behind that yowl?"

The silver tabby tomcat shuffled his paws. "So, uh, we went on that patrol you asked for, Queen Softheart. Ottersplash, my mother, Windtail, Larchpelt, Finchsong, Bramblepaw, and I."

"Yes..? What about it?" Softheart awkwardly chuckled, confused as she glanced at the cats surrounding her and Pebblepaw. 

"W-Well," Pebblepaw stuttered, "the river had blood in it, and y'know how the river's current flows towards camp? The blood was coming towards us. So," he continued, "we decided to follow the bloody trail, because we thought it could've come from a dead fawn, or fox, or badger, because there was a lot of blood."

"Oooooh~! Do tell us more," Badgerblaze purred in excitement, before being silenced by Softheart's piercing glare.

"As we continued following, we saw a body a few fox-lengths away. Naturally, we headed towards it," Pebblepaw continued explaining. "A-And as we approached, we realised it wasn't a dead fawn, nor fox, nor badger."

"What was it, what was it?! The suspense is kiiiilling me!" Badgerblaze exclaimed, while the rest of her Clanmates exchanged alarmed glances, remaining silent.

Pebblepaw whimpered, his eyes wide and fearful. Softheart met his hazel gaze, furrowing her eyebrows. "Go on, Pebblepaw," the white molly coerced, annoyed. "Just tell us."

"I-It was Dewspring's corpse," Pebblepaw mewled, his tail tucked between his legs. "The patrol is bringing her body to camp right now. Sh-She was torn apart," he whispered. 

Almost immediately, the Clan was met with an uproar. Questions, denials, and wails of misery, stress, and rage filled camp, only to temporarily be silenced by Softheart. "Leaftuft, Fleetrunner, Badgerblaze, and Hazelstripe, find the other patrols and bring them back to camp. Leave your apprentices here," she ordered, watching as the four warriors rushed out of camp. 

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