• Introduction •

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Some background info-


You died by a car accident-

You came across Charlie when she was advertising her hotel and showed you around convincing you to stay and try to redeem yourself as a sinner-

You have been staying there for the past two weeks-

One of your best friends is velvette from the Vee's

-That's all!-

I get up, feeling a pain in the side of my head. I ruffle my hair trying to get its volume again and immediately get the brush out from the bathroom. I start brushing my hair and get it all untangled before I then brush my teeth. I pick out a comfy outfit to wear (the one I wear everyday) and slip it on.

"Y/N?" I hear Charlie knocking on my door

"I'm here but don't come in, my rooms a fucking mess." I scatter around my room trying to find my mascara.

Charlie slightly laughed, "That's fine! I just wanted to let you know that my dad is gonna be coming today, Lucifer.. King of Hell! Haha!" Her voice faded and my eyes immediately widened

"THE KING OF HELL? LUCIFER?!" I talk-yelled. I have to make a good impression, there's no way he could be nice to me. My heart pounded harder and my makeup quickly went on, caking on my mascara.

"Oh, (Y/N), don't worry! My dad is very nice and warm hearted, I'm sure he'll love you!" Charlie reassured me, trying to sound as positive as can be.

Yeah right.. I thought. How could the King of Hell be nice? He literally is the most brutal being in the whole underworld. I rush to fix my outfit and started chewing some gum to keep my breath fresh. I kept wondering about what Lucifer looked like and acted like. I stared at myself in the mirror, fixing my mascara, hair and making myself looking as perfect as possible for Lucifer.

I rush downstairs to Charlie to get more information on Lucifer and the others. I knew that everyone else had met him except for me. Maybe he wouldn't be that mean or devilish, maybe he wouldn't give a shit about me. Ever since Lilith and Lucifer divorced and were split finally, Charlie explained that Lucifer acted different. She never mentioned if it was in a bad way or a good way though.

Suddenly, I feel my phone vibrate. I grab it out of my back pocket observing who was calling me. Velvette, my best friend. I immediately answered, "What's up, bitch?" I asked.

"Heyyy, (Y/N), look girl, i got a love problem going on, gotta need some support right now honey, come over and we can have a girls night." Velvette spoke. I thought about the offer, I knew Charlie wanted me there when her dad came but Velvette was my bestfriend. The only problem is that Charlie doesn't know that I am best friends with one of the Vee's.

I hesitated before answering, "Look, Vel, i'll try to make it hun, but I know that Charlie wants me there when her dad comes to the hotel again, she really wants me to meet him and i don't get the hype bout it, i'll check in with her about it."

Velvette stayed silent silent again before speaking. She sighed, "Just lie to the dumb bitch! She is so dense, anyway." I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"Well what do I say to her?" I ask.

Velvette thought for a moment, "Tell her that your boss is telling you that if you don't go into work right away that he'll fire you and you won't get your big paycheck." Ha, smart.

I let out a slight chuckle, "Alright, i'm down. I'll tell her that. Pretty smart." I tell her.

"Damn right that was smart! See ya later, bitch!" She hangs up the phone, leaving me to continue downstairs.

I look around for Charlie, spotting her talking with Husk. She looks like she is jittery and happy, and hear her over talking to Husk saying, "I'm so happy that (Y/N) will be able to meet Lucifer! Oh god, I'm sure they'll get along great!" I immediately feel guilting on wanting to lie to Charlie. I knew she wanted me to be there when her father arrived, and I should, but Velvette is my best friend and needs some support.

The stairs are slightly loud so when I continue to head down, Charlie catches a glance at me. She smiles brightly and gestures me to come over by her and Husk. I walked down the rest of the stairs and made my way over to Charlie.

"Ah, (Y/N)! Aren't you super excited to meet Lucifer?! You will love him!" Her face lit up and I had a heavy feeling in my heart.

I started laughing nervously and it quickly faded, "Well, about that Charlie.." I paused, taking a deep breath in and continuing, "I don't think I'll be there when he arrives.." I trailed off and her smile faded.

"What? Why not?" She pouts, looking confused and concerned.

"It's just that-" I take a moment and I really consider which choice I should do. I really wanna meet her father, just to make Charlie happy of course, but my best friend needs help. Velvette didn't sound like she needed help over the phone, her voice sounded thrilled like she just wanted another girls night, and I really didn't want to disappoint Charlie.. "I'm not quite ready yet! I'm really scared to meet him, what if he thinks of me as a bad impression or a bad influence on you?"

Charlie laughed, throwing her head back slightly, "(Y/N), you don't need to worry dear! You look great, and plus, this is hell, everyone is a bad influence, ask the others on what their opinions on Lucifer are, he'll be here in ten minutes, it's gonna be fine!" She pats me on the back.

"Haha.. okay... i'll talk to the others!" I try to brighten up my mood and walk away. I quickly pull out my phone to text Velvette.

Me: Hey Vel, yeah i'm not gonna able 2 make it hun, charlie is super upset and i don't wanna make it worse for her, maybe 2mr?

Velll <3: are you kidding me?! oh come on!  that whiny bitch can handle it, but wtv ig, we will hangout later

Me: sorry girly

I put my phone back in my back pocket and walk over to Angel to get his opinion, he's always straightforward on opinions.

"Hey, Angel?" I call out to him while I watch as he turns around on the couch.

"What ya need darling?" He smirks and I make my way over to him. He drinks out of his beer can and sets it down between his legs.

I sigh and then ask, "What do you think of Lucifer? Like was he nice or mean or..?" I trail off .

Angel scoffs, smiling, "He's a short one for sure, still taller than you somehow, probably only by like 5-7 inches, i don't know exactly. He is actually pretty nice, not very demanding and mean for the King of Hell. Eh, i'm sure you two will get along fine." He continues to drink the beer and my hopes get higher, if Angel says he is nice he probably is.

Suddenly, I see the entrance door open to the hotel, and standing there i see... Lucifer.

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