• Pay Attention •

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Me and Lucifer head up to the rooms and my heart was beating fast in my chest. He was leading me upstairs and his grasp on my hand was firm. My other hand shook.

As we came closer to the room, Lucifer looked back at me, "You okay, (Y/N)? You seem tense." He tilted his head slightly, which I can't deny, was hot as fuck.

I was a bit startled and gave him a forced grin, "O-Oh! Yes, i'm completely fine!" His facial expression made it quite obvious as he slowly nodded his head and continued up the stairs.

Lucifer then let go of my hand, "Sorry- I forgot I was holding your hand-" He laughed and grabbed the key card out of his pocket, scanning it at the entrance of the room. I felt shivers run down my spine, even though I knew I fucked up and should've let him keep kissing me, it all seemed too fast.

The door opened and we walked into the room. As Lucifer closed the door behind us, i figured i would just try to ignore the conversation, I felt embarrassed and I don't even know why. Lucifer walked over to the couch and sat on it, manspreading. He took a deep breath and leaned forward to face me. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I shouldn't have lashed out, I guess I was just a bit mad because well- you know-" He rubbed the back of his neck.

My eyes widened and I awkwardly laughed, "Ye-Yeah! It- It's uh- f-fine that uhmm, yeah! Have- have you seen the weather today? It's so-"

"The weather in hell stays the same." He looks at me, confused.

"Oh!" I turned bright red and thought to myself, You dumb fuck! why did you say that?! "I umm meant- the hotel? It's so-"

Lucifer the interrupted me, "Stop ignoring the conversation, (Y/N). We agreed to talk, and I'm not stupid, let's be civil, hm? Sit down." He demanded and his eyes were locked on mine. Well, I fucked up on that, I should've know he would've been mature about this, unlike me, an idiot. The room smelt like trees and I tried to keep myself calm by distracting myself by noticing the details of the room. "So.. I'm sorry, and I know..."

My mind focused on other things as he trailed off, I was looking at the floor. The floor was carpeted and it was a light grey, it complimented the walls nicely. The room had a nice modern look to it, some red was trimmed for the walls but they were mainly white. The couches were- Suddenly I felt a hand grab my chin and I was looking at Lucifer right in the eyes, "Pay attention. Go over a summary of what I just said." My thoughts blanked out and my heart was pounding rapidly.

"I- I uhm-" He lifted up my chin -


- and made sure I was looking right at him.

"That's what I thought, do you need me to repeat myself?" How was he so calm? I basically ignored him and he was still patient. This guy has some serious skills with talking.

"Well- I-"

"Use your words, (Y/N)." Lucifer slowly took his hand away from my chin and rested it on his thigh.

"Uh-" He raised an eyebrow waiting for me to say yes. "Yes.." I trailed off.

He smirked, "And how hard was that, darling?" The ends of his mouth curled up into a devilish flirty grin. "Anyway, as I was saying, I'm sorry. I just don't understand why you said something and didn't mean it, i want to know why you did it though, and I already know I do but- I- I don't know how to explain what I want to know... I'm just sorry and still confused." He rested his chin in the palm of his hand looking at me with his eyes completely relaxed.

"I-" I began, thinking about what to say next, "I guess I- I don't know. I'm sorry to, I played with your feelings and it was idiotic of me to do so, I know I hurt your feelings and I never meant to, I really like you- but-" I stopped and stayed silent.

Lucifer sighed and his eyes looked downwards, "It's fine, I already convinced myself not to like you anymore."

My heart sank, even thought I messed it all up, seriously? He doesn't like me anymore? All I could get out was, "Oh.. well that's good." I rubbed my arm and gave him a slight smile.

"Therefore, I can now flirt with you again, isn't that right, princess?" He lifted up my chin once again just with one finger. His head tilted but he stared into my eyes, getting closer to my face. Our faces were inches apart and I took a gulp and  grabbed the collar of his shirt. I got our faces only 3 inches part by now.

"Yes sir." His face slightly turned red and he smirked moving back. I can't believe I just did that.

Lucifer got up and stared at me, "Well if we don't like each other, then you would have no problem with me taking my shirt off, hm? It is quite hot in here." He was testing me, and he made sure to make it quite obvious. I had to play along and sigh.

"You're right about both, it's quite hot in here..." It wasn't, and we both knew that. "and that I wouldn't mind if you took your shirt off. And you wouldn't mind it if I took off mine, I have a sports bra under here. I mean, unless you still like me?" I raised my eyebrow and he scoffed. He took his shirt off revealing his muscular body and shrugged at me.

"I don't. So take it off, I wouldn't mind." He gestured me to, so I kept my word and took my shirt off. I saw his eyes scan my body, he was lost on words, he looked at me and gave me a sly grin. He rolled his tongue in his mouth and looked away from my eyes. "So you wouldn't mind to maybe watch a romantic movie with me?" My body felt slightly cold but I dealt with it.

I pretended to think, "No, no I wouldn't mind. So you wouldn't mind to turn the lights off, hm?"

He was pushing it but... two could play at that game.


Her body was hot as hell, but I only led this game on because, despite what she told me, saying that she doesn't like me, I know when someone is lying.


AUTHORS NOTE: GUYS! I am soooooooo sorry I haven't posted in a long time, i was working on my self because I haven't been the best but i promise I'll keep working on this! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍

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