• The Regrets •

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i felt bad for lying to Lucifer. I know he probably hated me with all his devilish guts. i didn't want him to though. I knew i should do something about it, but I don't know what.

After he slammed the door after walking out of my room, i sighed, getting up and putting on sweatpants. My head pounded. I didn't know why. My eyes welled up with tears, my whole body was shaking, why? Why did i say that to him? I was stupid. Maybe i just wasn't ready for what was about to happen, maybe we were just going too fast paced. The tears dripped down my cheek and to my chin. They dropped on the ground and my vision became hazy. I held my arms quietly saying, "It's okay.." trying to comfort myself.

About 10 minutes later, after my crying session was done, I fixed my running mascara and began to apply more to look like i wasn't just crying. My phone buzzed and i slightly flinched, I pulled it out of my pocket and it was a group chat to everyone in the hotel.

Charlieee:): Heyyy everyone! Get downstairs! We are gonna do a little get together and i'll explain what we are going to do for a cute activity! 🥰

I sighed, putting my phone back and powdering under my eyes.

All of sudden, there was knocking and i said, "come in." The door opened and Lucifer stood there.

"Hey you got the text from Charlie, right?" He asked, he seemed sad, but he still cared. How? How could he still care after what I said to him.

"Oh-" I dropped my phone and awkwardly picked it up. "Uh- yeah- yeah i did." My hands were shaking and he gave me a nod and closed my door. I pushed my hair behind my ears and brushed my teeth since I just ate breakfast not that long ago.

My mind was filled with just every sort of thought as I headed out the door. Lucifer must've already went downstairs.

As I got to the circle of people, it looked like everyone was already there, they were probably all waiting on me. How embarrassing. The only person who wasn't there was Alastor, probably because he had some work of some sort to do.

Charlie's face lit up when she saw me. "Great! Everyone is here! (Y/N), have a seat." She pointed her hand beside Lucifer and I immediately felt uncomfortable. Luckily there was a spot left next to Angel and I immediately picked that spot. Once I sat down, Angel looked over to me and raised an eyebrow, motioning to Lucifer, confused. I shook my head no and tilted his head slightly at me. "Alright! Everyone, the activity to better everyone is we are all gonna confess something that we regret doing and we are gonna give advice if it's something that could still be fixed, if not, then it's good to also say something to help the person next time or whatever!" She smiles widely, "Nifty, how about you go first?"

Nifty stands on the platform thing and boldly states, "I don't regret anything! The bugs deserve to die!" She laughs mischievously.

"I don't think that girl will ever have any regrets." Husk stated and everyone nodded.

"Okay then..." Charlie sighs and motions Nifty to get off the stage. As she scampered down, Charlie tells Angel to go up there and he groans, getting up from the couch and walking on the stage.

He thought for a moment before saying, "Well if ya fuckers insist, I have disrespected a lot of my friends and yelling at them when they were trying to help me.. but luckily we are all good now." He smiles and starts to walk down

"Wait!" Angel stays on the stage and Charlie continues, "Does anyone have any advice for Angel?" She waits but no one raises their hand to speak. "Okay.. well i have some advice for you!" She smiles turning around to speak to Angel. "You could always make sure to stop and think before talking for a moment and make sure to rethink what the person is trying to do for you and how you could respond more politely." Angel nods his head and goes off the stage to the couch again and sits by me. "Alright, Vaggie, you're up!" She grins and Vaggie rolls her eyes.

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