• A Way With Words •

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Lucifer opened the door to his little part of the dorm and threw his stuff in there, not even caring to unpack it all. He then faced towards me again, looking me up and down but quickly back into my eyes, "I-I'm still super sorry about earlier.. I just-"

"It's okay, I get it." I assured him and his faced slightly turned red.

"You're..you're very pretty by the way." He stated, but immediately tensed up. "I'm sorry! T-that was- I just didn't want to make you feel- never mind, i'm making this more awkward." He smiled and looked away.

"Haha.. t-thank you, sir." I run my fingers through my damp hair. "I'm gonna go tidy up again." I told Lucifer and he nodded.

I walked away, going into my bathroom and brushing my hair again and straightening it. My makeup was slightly smudged so I fixed it, making sure I looked perfect before opening the door back up and going to the "living room" where I assumed Lucifer was.

As I opened the door, Lucifer looked over to me and smirked, then looked back at his phone. I then took out my phone and sat on the other couch thing next to him.

"Tell me more about yourself, dear." He set down his phone as I looked up from my mine. He tapped his cheek waiting for my response.

Then, I set down my phone, giving him my full attention, "Well, what would you like to know?" I questioned and watched as he thought for a moment.

"Hmm, do you have your eye on anyone at the moment?" Lucifer was fully interested in what I had to say and I scoffed. His demeanor definitely seems more flirty. This man had certainly got some nerve flirting with me.

"Well, I guess there is this one guy, but I can't tell if he exactly likes me back, i don't even know if i exactly like him, he just certainly has caught my eye." Lucifer's expression was serious and i had him hooked on every word.

He shifted in his seat, finally leaning a bit forward towards me again and asking, "And who is this guy? Do I know him?" He raised an eyebrow waiting for me to speak again.

"Well..." I paused, thinking of a lie to say, "Well, you might, I don't know, you could know him." I sighed and this time his face looked a bit in shock.

"I could possibly know this lucky guy to have pulled someone like you?" He smirked once again.

My face turned red, "Haha, you got some nerve flirting with me." I smile and so does he. I think of something else to say, I wonder what will happen between us since we are sleeping in the same dorm-like thing together. Lucifer rolls his tongue in his mouth, making direct eye contact with me.

"Oh yeah?" He questions. He leans back, still holding my gaze. "Hmm? Really, I do?" He leads on, "You're not taken, there's not a problem, is there?" He grins widely and I blush harshly. This man might be a big flirt but he certainly has a way with words and how to say them, wonder if he practices in front of a mirror in his spare time.

I then say, "Well- I mean- I- nevermind." I struggle to find the words and give up. A smile spreads across my face as he laughs quietly.

"Why don't you flirt back, darling?" He scoffs and looks me up and down.

"How about we make a deal, you don't flirt with me the rest of the day and tomorrow I'll actually flirt back with you?" I hold out my hand for him to shake and he hesitates. Lucifer then shrugs and shakes my hand.

"Tell me, (Y/N), what do you think of the Hazbin Hotel?" Lucifer changes the subject and rests his chin in his hand. His gaze catches me off guard and I gulp.

My hair falls in front of my face and i tuck it behind my ear. "Well, I think it's quite a unique. I'm happy that she's happy with it, it's a good idea, i'm just worried that it won't work like how she wants it to, too many people in hell won't try to redeem themselves and i'm sure that Charlie already knows that but..." I trail off and look downward.

Lucifer smiles, "I'm happy you think about it that way, and I couldn't agree with your opinion more." Lucifer tilts his head slightly to the side. "Do you think Angel will ever redeem himself?" He questioned me.

"I think that eventually he will, he seems like a very productive person and I know that he does porn and all of that, but his actions as an actual sinner seem very polite like and he is learning how to be redeemed slowly by slowly, I just know he is." I grin and Lucifer nods his head in agreement.

"I see..." He rubs his head and looks into my eyes again. My heart started beating faster, his voice, his eyes, his face, everything about him was.. almost perfect.

• A couple of hours later •

Me and Lucifer had spent a lot of the day getting to joke and around and share stories with each other, we were getting quite close, but I could sense there was still tension in the air between us for some reason. He smiled as he talked, and his face glowed up as he became more passionate in what he said and how he acted. After a lot of our small conversations, he would budge in some flirting, trying to make an effort and make me fall head over heels for him, which somehow, it's somewhat working. I got more comfortable with
him as we talked, i could be just a bit more mean with him and could act like myself around him. The guy effortlessly made me laugh with just a look.

"Hmm, so tell me gorgeous," he started.

"Oh shut up.." i laughed.

"Why don't you come here and make me?" He taunted me with his every movement

"I-" I paused.

"That's what I thought, you're terrible at flirting." He smirked.

"And you're terrible at following rules, that why you're the King of Hell." I giggled.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes, "Was that a mockery of me disobeying God?" He suddenly gets angry and grabs me by neck, choking me. "Don't fucking do that, bitch." His eyes glow red and I start coughing. He lets go of me.

"I-I was referring to earlier-" I beging coughing again, "The rule I made with you not flirting with-" I grasp my neck, my throat feels raspy, "with me the rest of the day."

Lucifer suddenly realizes and his eyes are full of sorrow, "(Y/N), I- I didn't- I just got-" He is lost on words and I go back to my room.

"Whatever." I scoff and close the door behind me.

I drink more water and get into bed, wanting and needing rest. Maybe Lucifer is abusive...

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