• He's Such a Flirt •

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"Charlieee?" Lucifer stepped into the hotel inspecting it once again.

Charlie turned around and ran towards her dad. "Dad! Hey!" She smiled and hugged him. Angel was definitely right, he was very short.

"Hey kiddo, what's going on?" He spoke to her. I inspected his every moment. I can't lie, he was hot. His voice was also soothing to hear. The white looked good on him, but still, that thing? The ruler of Hell? I wonder, what does the ruler of Heaven (God) even look like? But I don't think of it too hard. His stance is very formal, his smile is charming and his eyes are sparkling.

"(Y/N)!" Charlie called me over and I snapped out of the trance I was in. I quickly brushed myself off and walked over to Charlie and Lucifer. As I stood there awkwardly, smiling slightly, I tried to make myself look presentable. "Dad, this is (Y/N), she is a new sinner at the hotel, but she's an amazing guest and friend! Everyone loves her so far, i'm sure you will too!" She smiled at him and then turned towards me, "(Y/N), this, as you obviously know, Lucifer! King of Hell, my dad, haha! He is very nice and i'm sure you guys will get along just fine! You'll love my dad too!" She smiles at the both of us and finally says, "Well I'll leave you two to bond a bit, i'll be back!" Charlie walks away leaving me and Lucifer together.

"I-It's an honor to meet you, sir." I bow my head.

Lucifer starts laughing, "Oh no need to bow down, it's quite alright, dear. Tell me, what's a pretty thing like you doing here?" He bends down a bit and looks me up and down, smiling.

My face turns slightly red, "T-Thank you. But I-I uh.. I just ended up here somehow, I don't exactly uhmm, know." I am extremely embarrassed, I stuttered so much! I bet he thinks of me as a complete fool now.

"Haha, I-I guess that's normal to not really know, but I'm glad you are trying to redeem yourself! Makes me happy to know that my daughter's hotel is working.." He looks around and back into my eyes again, "Is there anything else I should know about you?" He asks me, tilting his head a bit to the right.

"Not really, sir." I gulp and scratch the back of my neck. His eyebrow raises and he squints his eyes very slightly.

"Now, a pretty thing like you had got to have a boyfriend, how's your love life?" He blushes slightly with makes me smile.

"I'm very honored, sir, but i don't have a boyfriend nor a love life." My breathing becomes slow and rub my arm.

His eyes narrow down, "Oh really? That's quite surprising!" Lucifer smiled and looked away. Our eyes met again and he starts off by saying, "So you don't know what love feels like?" He asks.

"No, sir." I answer and he thinks for a moment.

Lucifer suddenly takes my hand, "Well I could show you." he smirks and my face turns red. He quickly lets go of my hand, "Just kidding!" he laughs and he turns red from embarrassment. I begin laughing which makes his face light up.

"Not in a million years!" I smile. His grin fades his sighs.

"That must suck though, never knowing what love feels like." His expression became serious and so did mine.

"Yeah.."  He's such a flirt. I thought to myself. I look back at Lucifer, his eyes full of sorrow. He then smiled at me and grabbed my shoulder.

"I'm sure you will find someone." He trails off, taking a deep breath, he adds on, "someone like me." He smirks looking into my eyes.

My face turns red once again and I scoff, "Oh shut up!" I giggle and he grinned at my comment. 

"My bad, I'll stop." He rubs his neck and awkwardly smiles, looking into my eyes. I honestly didn't want him to stop, but I didn't wanna sound weird by saying to not stop. Lucifer fixed his bow and cleared his throat, "Well, this has been a nice conversation, hopefully I'll see you around, (Y/N)." He tilts his hat and walks away patting my shoulder. My heart was beating a bit faster and I smiled. For ruling the King of Hell, he was quite a flirt but very nice.

I saw Charlie make her way over to me and she had a grin on her face. "Sooo, how'd it go? Do you like him? Is he cool? Did you guys get along? Did-"

"Woah, calm down!" I laugh and continue by saying, "It went fine, yes I do like him, he is very nice, yes he is cool, and we got along very nicely."  I sigh and Charlie's face is glowing! She is super happy.

"Oh my goodness!" She hugs me. "I'm so happy! I knew you two would get along just fine!" She claps her hands and smiles at me. "He will be staying here for a week so you guys will get to bond much more!"

My face brightens up when I hear that. "Oh i'm sure we will, he seems like a good person to talk to, I'll make sure to talk with him more!" I can't wait to talk with him again, he makes me feel something that I've never felt before for another person.

"Well, I thought that would take longer but never mind, i'm gonna go get some rest, i spent all night trying to tidy this place up, see you (Y/N)!" Charlie walks away and I decide to rest too.

I walk up the stairs and throw myself onto my bed, I groan, I was exhausted. All of the walking around and talking tired me. I decide to take a shower quickly since I felt dirty, so I go into my bathroom and turn on the shower knob. I took off my clothes, throwing them to the ground. As I got into the shower, the warm water hit my skin and I let it run down my body, just standing there. My whole entire body aches and I start washing myself, rinsing out my hair and pumping soap into my hand.

A few minutes later, I stepped out of the shower taking in a deep breath. I felt extremely clean and i walked out of my bathroom, going to grab some new clothes, i felt weird sense I was completely naked and walking around.

I slipped on my underwear when suddenly my door opened and there I saw Lucifer

"AHHHHH!" I screamed and quickly covered up my body.

"HOLY SHIT- I-i-" He closed the door and my face turned completely red. I quickly put a shirt and pants on before opening up the door to see Lucifer again standing there.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled at him.

"I-I'm... Well- I j-.. I just thought th-that this was my... my room! I'm sooo sorry, holy fuck." His face was bright red and so was mine.

"I- Its.. It's fine.. what's your room number?" I knew that there was dorms, so they shared like a living room type thing, but did Charlie really put Lucifer in the same room as me?

Lucifer looked down at the card he was given and it's key, "It says 18."

18 is my room number too. "Oh... I guess that this is your room too then." Lucifer narrowed his eyebrows.

"Is it like a dorm room?" He questioned and I slowly nodded my head. "Oh, that's okay then! She was telling me about them but I didn't realize she was gonna put me with you." He stepped into the room closing the door, "But we can make this work, i'm sure of it darling." He winked at me and my face turns red.

"Whatever you say, sir." I say.

This was gonna be interesting.

Hells Greatest Flirt - (Lucifer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now