Chapter 19

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My hands roughly brushed against a hard stone as I fell to my knees, biting back a hiss of pain from the bleeding scrapes that scattered over my palms and fingers. The air was cold, and the scent of pine and dirt overwhelmed my senses. My heart was beating so fast that I could hear my blood rushing in my ears. My breathing was ragged and painful in the cold air.

"Come out, little bat. We just want to play," the voice was taunting and laced with laughter as another joined in, and my throat tightened. I need to keep running; I can't stop. I glanced at my wings; they were still too heavy now that they had started growing. I could barely get a few feet off the ground before they dragged me down again. My eyes strained in the darkness of the woods, searching for any sign of the estate in the distance, but nothing caught my attention. I pushed myself to my feet again, my legs screaming in protest from running so much, but I pushed forward, one foot after the other, and forced them to run faster. Twigs and brush scraped my legs as I ran, leaving marks along my bare legs. I should have worn pants and silently cursed myself as I rounded a few trees, tears burning my eyes at the sound of thundering footsteps behind me.

"We grow tired of this, brat!" The other male sounded annoyed now, the laughter a thing of the past, but I didn't stop. Has no one noticed that I'm not in my room yet? My sisters would be asleep by now, but Sam should have come to check on me. My sweet handmaid always came to say goodnight. A large root snagged my foot, causing me to sprawl into the dirt and yelp in pain. I can't stop! I reached for the vine that tangled around my bare feet and tore at it until I was free again. I scampered back onto unsteady legs when a fist collided with my face.

"Insufferable brat," the blond male spat at me as I fell onto my knees again. My vision swam from the impact, and suddenly my mouth tasted of copper.

"So much trouble from one little bat," the dark-skinned male crouched down beside me, and bile rose to my throat at the bitter scent of his breath. They were drunk.

"Please, just let me go." I just wanted to go home. "My father will kill you if you touch me," I knew it was a lie, but everyone feared my father, and the males laughed again.

"If Daddy really cared, why did he let you wander the woods this late at night?" The blond one mused as he yanked me onto my feet by my braid, causing me to bite back a cry. They were right. I knew he didn't care, but a part of me still hoped. I just needed a moment to myself. I didn't realize how far I had wandered into the woods until I found them drinking in a clearing.

"Please, just let me go. I can pay you!" I begged, clawing at the hands that held my hair.

"Oh, what we want isn't something you can give, little bat." His breath smelled rancid as he brushed his tongue against my cheek, and I shut my eyes to keep my dinner down.

"I've never fucked a winged bitch before, brother." The dark-skinned one's words made my stomach knot and my body recoil in distaste. Fuck. They wouldn't. I thrashed again, trying anything to loosen his grip on my hair. I swung my leg violently towards the male closest to me, hitting him hard in the groin, and he finally dropped me. My legs started working again as I pushed myself into a sprint, his scream of pain making my ears twitch. Just as I reached a tree, a body collided with mine, and once again, I tasted dirt and grass.

"You little bitch!" His hands brushed over my body as he turned me over, pinning my hands above my head. Tears stung my eyes as I heard the fabric of my dress tear into two. I couldn't move. I couldn't get him off me, so I screamed.

"Shut up!" The other male's voice was laced with anger as he stuffed fabric into my mouth. The smell of it made my stomach churn and my eyes burn. A sock. A rancid one. My skin heated with fear, and my body recoiled as their cold hands touched my bare back. ANYONE! Is anyone going to help me? I felt the fabric of my underwear tear away as tears streamed freely down my cheeks amidst their laughter and amusement. Please! Someone help me! Don't let this happen to me!

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