Tension and awkward silences

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No one pov
It had been over a week since the incident in OPS and there hadn't been any more 'messages' left for the team since the blood on the wall.
No evidence. No leads. And very little faith.
Bobbie had got her cast off a while ago and was now deemed 'fit for field work' and the team hadn't been shot at, blown up or ambushed in a week which was a nice change for all of them. Things were getting back to normal, or at least, as normal as they can be when you're solving crimes and foiling terrorist attacks with the help of a 16 year old.

Callen pov
"Callen! Callen! Callen! Callen!" Bobbie was jazzing around like an over exited puppy. Every time she said my name I ignored her so she said it over and over and over again until I came close to strangling her.
"Callen! Callen! Callen!"
"Yes, Bobbie." I said with a sigh.
"I need a favour!" She told me. I rolled my eyes.
"You are not borrowing anymore money off me!" I told her, my head still in my paperwork. She'd spent the last lot I gave her on a new bike helmet, a ridiculously expensive pair of boots which she claimed was for 'case purposes' because taking down bad guys in trainers is so last week and a ridiculous amount of ice cream for one person to be able to eat. Plus she'd never paid me back.
She leant forward placing her elbows on my desk.
"Who said anything about money?" She asked innocently
"I need you to speak to Hetty about getting me a desk."
"Why?" I asked her, not looking up from the operations report I'd been writing since I'd got there over an hour ago.
"Well, I have to share Deeks' desk and, well, who knows where he's been!"

Bobbie had a point. I wouldn't sit at Deeks' desk if someone paid me.
"Fine. I'll do it later." I told her. She clearly wasn't happy with that answer. She snatched my report and held it up in the air so I couldn't reach it, taking it over to the shredder and turning it on.
"No, you'll do it now!" She said in a slightly patronising voice
"Ok, ok!" I muttered, walking off to find Hetty. To be honest, I was thankful for the break from all the paperwork.
As I walked off, I passed Kensi "your daughters evil!" I whispered. Not that I meant it, everyone liked Bobbie. She was starting to really feel like one of the family, even though it had only been a couple of weeks.

Kensi pov
"Bobbie, what have you done this time?" She just shrugged at me. "Really? Because Callen said you're 'evil'"
"Who's evil?" A voice piped up from behind me. Shit it was Deeks.
He was early again,
here goes another day of tension and awkward silences I thought to myself.
Ever since our... Well, let's call it an argument, neither of us had really known what to say. I could see that he was hurt and confused. He wanted this thing between us to work and so did I, we just didn't know how to make it happen. I still loved him, it was just a question of whether he still loved me.
"Apparently I'm evil, simply because I used my... Unique skill set... To get Callen to get me my own desk."
"Skill set?" He asked her.
"Who knew blackmail could be such fun!" She said with a smug smile.
"Nice going!" He said, giving her a high five.

I sat down at my desk and Deeks sat at his. Bobbie perched on the edge still chatting to him about her 'evil powers'.
Normally I would have got involved, said something sarcastic but, with what was going on, I didn't think Deeks would want me too.
We were only sat there for a minute before Sam walked in.
"Hey. Where's G?" He asked
"Doing my bidding!" Bobbie told him.
"Yeah right, where is he?" He asked again
"No, honestly! He's speaking to Hetty about getting me a desk!" She told him. She was obviously very proud of herself.

Sam raised an eyebrow "how d'ya manage that?"
"You are looking at evil genius: future master of the universe!" Deeks butted in, pointing to Bobbie.
"Muahaha!" She bellowed, doing her best evil laugh. Everyone laughed except me.
"You ok Kens?" Sam asked me, concerned.
"Mmm hmm." I nodded my head.
"You sure? You've seemed kinda off these past few days."
"I'm fine!" I snapped "I'm sorry, I'm just tired." I told him. He looked at me, he knew I only used that excuse when something was wrong but he dropped it.

Bobbie pov
Something was definitely up with Kensi, I could just tell. It must be that mother daughter bond crap. I was pretty sure it had something to do with Deeks as you could cut the tension with a knife whenever they were in the same room together but I didn't want to press.
"Hey G" Sam said as Callen walked into the room
"I spoke to Hetty, she says, because we have no cases and have finished our paperwork, we might as well have the day off "
"Really?" I asked "we just got here!"
Deeks nudged me "hey, don't jinx it! When Hetty says we have the day off Red, we turn and run before she changes her mind!"

Robyn Red was the latest in a line of nicknames that had been made for me, I've got to admit, I didn't hate it! 
"Astute observation Mr Deeks!" Hetty's face appeared on the screen. He yelped in surprise and switched her off.
"I'd better run before she switches herself back on again! See ya Red!" Deeks dashed out of the door as Eric and Nell came running down the steps from OPS. They were clearly happy to have the day off.
"See you guys!" Nell shouted as she dashed out of the door.
"What about my desk??" I asked, but people were to busy leaving to pay any attention to me. I sighed.

"So Kens, want to get something to eat before we head home?"
"Huh?" She said, her eyes were still following Deeks out of the door. I clicked my fingers in front of her face to get her attention.
"You. Me. Food!"
"Sure! How about burgers and shakes?" She seemed to ease up when Deeks left but I could tell that she missed him.
"Great!" I told her as we walked out.

No one pov
Kensi and Bobbie were halfway through their burgers before Bobbie asked
"Wanna talk about you and Deeks?" Kensi tensed at the mention of his name. The movement was so slight that no one would have seen it unless they were looking but, of course, Bobbie was.
"Nope." She said simply. They ate the rest of their meal in relative silence.

Bobbie pov
I went to bed at around 11 that night and fell to sleep reasonably quickly. I was woken up at around 3 by the front door slamming shut, I figured it was Kensi. She never realised that I knew about her sneaking out in the middle of the night to see Deeks, although she hadn't done it for a week. I just brushed the thought away and went back to sleep.
Bad idea.
I was up at 7 as always making breakfast. I made enough pancakes to feed a small army but knew that me and Kensi would probably be able to eat them.
"Kensi! Get up!" I shouted, knocking on her bedroom door. When she didn't answer I opened the door and walked in. The place was empty and look like a tornado had hit it. It was impossible to tell the difference between signs of a struggle and Kensi's hoarding. She's probably just gone to work early I thought to myself. I knew I was rationalising things. I knew that something bad had happened but didn't want to believe it. I packed the pancakes in a box and put them in my backpack, I grabbed my helmet and hopped on my bike.

I was at OPS in 10 minutes, the drive would have normally taken me 20 but I was starting to panic and so broke a couple of speeding laws. As is walked into the bullpen, only Sam and Callen were there.
"Hey guys, you seen Kens? She wasn't at home this morning."
"She isn't here. Then again, neither is Deeks and I really don't won't to imagine what those two could be doing right now" Callen shuddered.
I suppose he was right, for all I knew Kensi could have spent the night at Deeks' and overslept or something.
That calmed me down a lot.
"Oh, ok then," I said "well, I made pancakes for breakfast and since Kensi wasn't there, you guys might as well have them." They smiled and grabbed the pancakes out of the box.
"Eric! Nell! Pancakes!" I yelled so they could hear me in OPS.
"Not now!" Nell yelled.
Sam shrugged.
"More for us I guess."

Sam and Callen were still polishing off their pancakes when Eric leaned over the balcony and whistled. We could tell it was urgent by the terrified look in his eyes.
We all ran up to OPS, me jumping up two steps at a time to keep up with the others.
As I walked in behind them, panting and out of breath, I saw both Hetty and Assistant director Granger stood at the front. I'd never me the assistant director in person, but I knew, when he showed up, things were bad.
"I'm afraid we've had an agent needs assistance alert." Hetty told us
No, no, no, no, no
I screamed inside my Head. I knew exactly what she was going to say next and really didn't want to hear it. I was tempted to put my hands over my ears to block out the sound but it didn't help as Hetty said
"It's Kensi and Deeks."

Ncis: LA complicated (a Densi and Neric fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now