Lights, Camera.... Blackout

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I own none of the characters except for Bobbie. Smallish Neric scene.
Eric pov
The others followed me up to OPS and I nodded at Nell to get started. Nell picked up her tablet and put a picture on to the big screen.
"Last night, petty officer Brian Timms disa..." All of a sudden, all the lights and the computers went down at once.
Nell and I rushed to our computers, typing as fast as we could to try and get ourselves back on line.
"No, no no no no." Me and Nell shouted at the same time, I banged my fist hard against the computer table.

The room was pitch black and we could hardly make each other out in the darkness. Of course, in a blackout, OPS immediately goes on lockdown. We were trapped in here. It seemed like a smart idea to set it up at the time.
"That's it guys. We're officially, in the dark!" I said flopping down on my chair. I heard Deeks make a joke about what you can do in the dark before Kensi elbowed him in the ribs. Nell fell off her chair as the screens began to drip with cartoon blood. I crawled down beside her to see if she was ok and felt my heartbeat racing as she grabbed my hand.

Nell pov
I leapt both out of my skin and off my chair. Blood dripped down the screens as I landed on the floor with a thump. Of course, Eric hopped off his chair and knelt down beside me to see if I was ok. He was so sweet, I smiled at him and grabbed his hand in the dark.
"You guys ok?" Callen shouted.
"Yeah, we're good." I yelled back
I pulled myself up slightly so I was crouched on the balls of my feet. I could feel Eric leaning closer to me and I couldn't help myself as I grabbed the back of his head and kissed him.

I don't know how long we sat there, in the dark. My hand stayed just above his neck, even after we broke apart. We just sat and we stared at each other, half in surprise, half with the anticipation of having a million things we needed to say but an audience of 6 and a possible crisis stopping us. The others were silent, no sound other than the muttered curses of someone searching for a flashlight.
"What the hell is going on?" Hetty asked the silent room. "Eric? Get the damn lights back on!"
He moved slowly, pulling away from me, my hand fell into my lap, and shaking off his dazed look as he moved back towards his computer, the 'blood' had stopped, and again the screens were simply black.
"I don't know how. It has to have been done from-"
He was cut off by the sudden whir and click of every computer and light in the room spurring back to life.
"Nell, you alright?" Kensi asked. I was still on the floor, my face a deep crimson.
"Yeah thanks Kens, I just landed funny." I lied to her and, as she glanced suspiciously at Eric, deliberately not looking at me, but blushing just as bad, I could tell she didn't believe me at all.
She shot me a look. 'Talk later.' She mouthed.
I was about to say something when I looked up at one of the walls. Smeared in what we could only pray was red paint not blood:

"How many friends are you willing to sacrifice?" It read.

Sam pov
Nell turned from embarrassed red to white.
"Shit!" I cursed as I followed her gaze to the wall. "How the hell?"
"After the place goes on lockdown, the only way to get in is from the outside with a biometric scan. And that only works for you guys and the senior NCIS agents." Eric answered. They were all confused.
"They were in here with us. We were completely defenceless, why didn't they just kill us?" I asked
"Because, Mr Hanna, they're taunting us." Hetty replied.
"The cameras in this room are fitted with night vision but of course, they went down with the lights and power."
That's where I come in!" Bobbie piped up from beside me. She'd been so quiet, we'd all forgotten she was there. She pulled her bag, the size of a small rucksack that never left her side, up onto the table and beside it placed a small digital camera.

I raised my eyebrow at her.
"The second the lights went out, I had my camera record the whole thing- it has night vision capabilities.. It might have caught something we missed." She said, handing it to Nell who was biting the inside of her cheek nervously. It was obvious something had happened between her and Eric during the blackout and there was a good chance that Bobbie's camera had recorded it.
"Wait." I stopped her "you just happen to carry a night vision camera around with you?" I asked her
"And a portable infrared scanner, my lock picks, a miniature laser, a GPS chip, a portable forensic kit, several more devices with hidden blades..." she said indicating to the bracelet on her wrist. She continued with her list, mentally ticking off objects as she said them

"... And my service weapon when I'm allowed to CARRY ONE!" This was directed at Kensi who had ordered her to keep her weapon in her gym locker until the doctor gave the ok for her to be out in the field. Being Kensi's daughter, she kept a spare strapped to her leg that Kensi was oblivious to. She calmed down slightly.
"After the knife edge op in Washington went bad." She said with a glance at Hetty "I learnt that you should always be prepared."
"Knife Edge?" Kensi mouthed at me, I just shrugged.
"Knife Edge?" She asked Hetty.
"That is classified Miss Blye." Hetty snapped. Kensi frowned, furrowing her eyebrows. She hated not knowing.
"And anyway" Bobbie continued, clearly not happy with the interruption. "What am I supposed to carry in my purse? Makeup?" She shuddered dramatically as she said the word, leaving Kensi to roll her eyes. I smiled at her and heard Deeks chuckle. I hated to admit it, but the kid was growing on me.

Callen pov
I set Nell and Eric on the task of watching Bobbie's camera footage.
"Alright, listen up. There is a good chance that whoever is coming after the team, are the same people that went after Bobbie. Kensi, Deeks, I need you two to go back to the warehouse. Find anything LAPD missed first time around take Bobbie with you. Sam and I will work from here. This guy must have gotten in somehow." Everyone nodded at me.

"Time is of the essence people. Detective Deeks, reach out to the LAPD for assistance, but we need to keep this in house. If it gets out that we allowed a killer to get in and out of OPS undetected, there is a good chance they will shut us down. I'll get on the phone to assistant director Granger." Hetty said "he's gonna have a field day with this." She mumbled as she walked out of OPS. She got a couple of steps before she froze.
"Oh Bugger!" Her voice echoed back, a combination of anger and shock. I raced out after her.

"What is it Het.... Oh." I was stood about 3 inches away from a dismembered head, just lying on the top of the stairs.
Sam showed up behind me followed by Kensi and Deeks, Bobbie, and eventually Eric and Nell stuck their heads round the door to OPS. I knelt down in front of the head.
"It's Davidson!" I told them. Paul Davidson was the most the oldest NCIS agent we had. It was said he refused to retire at least 3 times over the past 5 years. Davidson was here before Hetty had even arrived and had assisted in the training of both me and Sam.
"I'm guessing they used this to get in."

"Can I see?" Bobbie asked me, stepping closer.
"Bobbie!" Kensi complained as her daughter moved closer to the head.
"For God sake mom, you don't need to baby me. I've seen plenty just like this and worse, both in Washington and on the Brandywine. You have no idea how many disgruntled sailors I saw off their ship mates for calling them a mummy's boy!" Kensi just glared at her. She acted angry but I could see in her eyes how proud she was. That was the first time Bobbie had called her mom.
"I know, I know 'this is no time for jokes'" she said mimicking Kensi in a tone that was far from accurate, but still had me smiling.

I moved out of her way to give her better access to the head.
Bobbie crouched down staring at it.
"The head was dismembered postmortem, he hasn't been dead anymore than 15-20 minutes tops. Petechia in the eyes suggests that he was strangled but it is impossible for me to determine whether or not it was COD." She called back to us.
"Wow Bobs." Deeks said, "I've gotta admit, I'm impressed."
"Where d'ya learn to do that?" Kensi asked her. Bobbie stood up, brushing herself down.
"After I joined NCIS I found out I had to continue with my education so I was home schooled for a couple of years. A few months before my agent afloat assignment, I got my GCSE's in Science - As and A*s all round, thanks for asking -and during my time at NCIS in Washington, Ducky kinda took me under his wing. He said, and I quote 'I have a way with the dead' probably cos they can't argue back!"
Donald 'Ducky' Mallard was the medical examiner for the Washington branch.

Eric, still standing in the doorway, turned green as Robyn picked up the head to examine it closer.
"Eric, if you're gonna be sick, do it in the head!" This received a few laughs and I sighed, realising what I'd just said.
"The other head, preferably!"

As Eric ran off, probably to throw his guts up, Kensi, Deeks and Bobbie got ready to leave.
Kensi pulled Bobbie aside
"Are you sure you wanna go back there? We can leave you here if you want. I know that being back in that warehouse may bring back..... Bad memories"
Bobbie just shrugged her off and gave her a small smile. "You're kidding? That was nothing. I'll be alright." She told her. She gave a half wave out of the car window as they drove away.

Please! I need some advice guys! Who do you think the people who are trying to kill off the team should be? Please comment!

Ncis: LA complicated (a Densi and Neric fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now