Stakeout part 1

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Quite a long one because I haven't written anything in a while. Neric with a teeny tiny bit of Densi. Please vote but also comment coz I've only got about 2 comments on here and one of them is mine!!!!!!!! Oh, and, Bobbie will change between calling Kensi Kensi and mom, mainly because she's still getting used to the fact that she's actually found her mother.
(And I am really bad at writing kiss scenes by the way! Please don't hate me :))
Eric and Nell are acting so out of character because they're shit faced, if you didn't get that from how I used the word drunk about 5 times in one sentence!
Ignore any errors!

No one pov
"Well, this is... Quaint." Sam said as the team walked into the room they would be using to surveil the building opposite, and strip club and casino and a well known front for a local drug cartel.
"Be serious Sam! This place is a hellhole! I mean, we literally walked right through the gates of hell and straight into this dump!" Bobbie grumbled.
"Wow, someone gets dramatic when they're tired!" Kensi ignored the evil, deadly looks Bobbie fired at her.
"I've slept in worse." Callen admitted, glancing around at the space. It consisted of a small, empty room with a large window, a small bedroom with two beds and a tiny bathroom with a toilet that no one had any intentions of using for their own safety.
"Of course you have." Sam rolled his eyes slightly.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Come on G, you live like a monk! And don't forget the time you practically lived in a ditch for a month!"
"I was undercover!" Callen argued.
"You know what?" Kensi said stepping in between the two before exhaustion and low blood sugar led to someone being punched, "You guys obviously need your sleep, me and Bobs will take the first shift before one of you kills the other and we all have to blame it on Deeks!"
"Hey!" Deeks feigned being hurt.
"But mom... I need my sleep way more than they do! Let them suffer for a while... Because I'm you're daughter and you love me!" Bobbie sung sweetly. She gave her best puppy dog eyes and batted her eyelids.
"No." Kensi said firmly, fighting the slight smile on her lips, "The guys can sleep first."
"Are you sure you don't want me to help? I mean, you can watch the casino half of the building and I'll watch the other half." Deeks said although it was clear what he really wanted.
"I'm not letting you use this as an excuse to perv on half naked women! We're meant to be working!"
Callen, Sam and Bobbie snickered.
"I... I have no idea.... What you're..." Deeks spluttered. Kensi sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Go!" She ordered.

Sam pov
"I call this one!" Deeks threw his stuff down onto one of the beds after the bedroom door shut behind us. I grabbed his bag, threw it onto the floor and put mine on it instead.
Callen placed his on the other bed.
"I guess I'm taking the floor then." Deeks sulked.
"No kidding." I said sarcastically. I didn't think it was possible, but Deeks annoyed me even more when I was running on zero sleep.
I emptied the content of my go bag onto the bed.
Just the essentials: a pair of clean clothes, a burner phone, some cash, a flashlight, a few batteries, a spare gun and a spare clip of bullets.
Callen did the same on his bed and Deeks dumped his things on the floor, sitting down next to them
"You have got to be kidding me!" Seeing my shocked face, Callen moved beside me so he could see what I was staring at.

"Really Deeks?" He asked, "what happened to only bring necessary essentials?"
"What's wrong with what I brought?" Deeks asked.
"Really? You packed the slanket Kensi bought you, 2 combs, a supersize tub of hair gel and hairspray! How is that gonna help us? Huh?"
Deeks clambered to his feet.
"This..." He said pointing to the mop of hair on his head, "this takes work! What? Did you think my hair was naturally this amazing?" He fluffed his hair with his hand.
"Nope. I figure you wake up, stick your finger in a plug socket and poof!" Callen told him as I laughed.
"I know that you don't really mean that and inside both of you are jealous! Just because you're getting... Older... And are becoming... 'follically challenged'... doesn't mean you should feel threatened by my beautiful golden locks!"
Callen crossed his arms "did he just say we're old and bald?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow.
We both took a step towards his and he edged back, clearly scared.
"You know, you two should really speak to Nate next time he's around about this whole homicidal thing you've got going on! No?" Deeks gulped.
It was gonna be a long night.

Ncis: LA complicated (a Densi and Neric fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now