Agent Carter, Agent Blye

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No one pov
It had been a week since Kensi and Deeks had admitted there feelings for each other and the others had started to become suspicious. As they arrived at OPS together after Kensi spent the night at Deeks' and walked straight to the bullpen as usual, Callen rolled his eyes.
"So, what's your excuse today then?" He asked.

"Carpool" Kensi blurted out.

"Car trouble" Deeks blurted at the same time. Sam and Callen raised there eyebrows at each other

"Surreee." Sam said smirking as Kensi crossed her arms in frustration.

"What Deeks means is... Um..." She looked to Deeks for help,

"What I mean is... We carpooled because of car trouble" he finished with a satisfied smile.

"Who's car." Sam asked, eyes narrowed.

"Mine." They spoke together. Kensi shot an accusing glare at Deeks.

Sam glanced at Callen. "Now, how are they gonna talk their way out of this one?"

Again, Kensi left it to Deeks to get them out. It was his fault anyway! "Kensi's car was one that broke down, my car was the one that we took."

"Nice save" Callen said

"Thank you!" Deeks said proudly, immediately regretting he said anything as Kensi brought her high heels down on on his foot and he let out a whimper. Sam snickered as Kensi stormed away and Deeks limped after her.

Sam's pov
It was hilarious to watch Kensi and Deeks stumble over their words. Everyone knew that something was going on but both were clearly smart enough not to admit it.
I leant back in my chair and smirked at the thought of what me and Callen would do to Deeks if he ever upset Kensi.
"What's so funny?" Callen asked
"What do you think G? I'm not the only one that sees what's going on between those two!"
"Sure but that's more creepy than funny" Callen said shuddering at the idea.
"I'm just imagining what we would do to Deeks if he ever upset Kensi!"
"I can't imagine him upsetting Kens, he'd try once and regret it for the rest of his life." Callen replied with an evil grin.
It was no secret Kensi could be vicious

Nell pov
I stood on the balcony watching the team in the bullpen and laughed and walked into OPS after watching Kensi stamp on Deeks' foot.
"Hey, what's so funny?" Eric asked looking up from his computer.
"Just Kensi attacking Deeks," I answered with a grin
"What did she do this morning?"

Kensi had got into the habit of taking her anger out on Deeks. A lot!

"Stamped on his foot!" I replied. Everyone knew that Kensi hurt Deeks as some weird form of affection.
"Well yesterday she punched him in the stomach for calling her 'sugar bear' so she's clearly in a much better mood!"

I let out a hiccupy laugh and felt my face turned red, I sounded like a monkey.
Clearly reading my face, Eric's softens. "You know I like your laugh right? It's cute and sweet... Like you" Eric said, stepping close and brushing the hair from my face. My face burned hotter. He always knew exactly what to say, like he could read my thoughts. I loved..... No I liked that about him. I'd been having to correct myself over things like that for months.

"Huh hmm" Hetty cleared her throat and Eric dropped his hand from my face like my skin had burned him. I couldn't help but feel kinda hurt.

"When you two have stopped doing... What ever the hell you're doing, we have a case. " Hetty said firmly and I stood there looking sheepish whilst Eric whistled for the others.

Deeks pov
My foot still hurt as Eric let out a shrill whistle "case on desk" he yelled from the balcony.
The others rushed up the stairs to op whilst I limped up each step. "Ow, ow, OW!" I let out every time I placed my foot on the floor. Kensi sure as hell can hurt.
I suppose it was kind of sweet. We'd both agreed that the whole communication thing was something we both still had to work on but, for the time being, Kensi had taken to showing her emotions through actions rather than words. Of course, I'd prefer it if her actions leant more towards kissing than physical violence, but I'd take what he could get.

I shuffled into OPS to find everyone glaring at me
"Nice of you to join us Mr Deeks!" I opened my mouth to complain but Hetty shot me down with a single glare.
"A bit of appreciation would be nice," I muttered under my breath.

"I heard that, Mr Deeks" I sighed. Hetty and her bat ears!

"This is special agent Bobbie Carter," she said as Eric put a photo on the screen.

The photo was of a a girl, couldn't have been more than 16, with long brunette hair and a smug grin. She looked familiar somehow.
"Agent carter was kidnapped from her safe house this morning. Nell." Hetty nodded, letting Nell take over.

"Carter has spent the last couple of years at the NCIS DC office, she is one of the youngest agents ever employed by NCIS, she was barely 13 when she begun working for us, she is 16, has a few dozen arrests under her belt, some time spent as agent afloat, but besides that her file is heavily redacted. Even we can't get in without authorisation from Vance."

"You know what kens? She looks just like..." I turned around and saw that the colour had drained from Kensi's face and she had backed up against the wall. "You..." I trailed off.
"Are you ok Kens?" I asked, placing a hand on her shoulder, one tear escaped and slid down her cheek.
He changed her name." Kensi muttered, trembling.

"What are you talking about? Who did? Who is she Kens?" I asked her, worried.
Sam and Callen looked as confused as I was but Hetty just gave Kensi a knowing look and nodded.

"Miss Blye, would you like to tell them agent Carter's real name?"

She nodded slightly, and croaked "Her name is Robyn Blye."

Kensi pov
"Her name is Robyn Blye."
The second the words left my mouth I heard Deeks take a sharp intake of breath and, in a strained voice I let out,
"She's my daughter."

Ncis: LA complicated (a Densi and Neric fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now