CHAPTER 56! everybody seemed to fall in love with her unintentionally

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thankfully, the left tunnel was straight with no side exits, twists, or turns. the bad news; it was a dead end.

after sprinting a hundred yards, the group ran into an enormous boulder that completely blocked their path. behind them, the sounds of dragging footsteps and heavy breathing echoed down the corridor.

something, definitely not human, was on their tail.

"tyson." percy said, "can you-"

"yes!" he slammed his shoulder against the rock so hard the whole tunnel shook. dust trickled from the
stone ceiling.

"hurry!" grover said. "don't bring the roof down, but hurry!"

the boulder finally gave way with a horrible grinding noise. tyson pushed it into a small room and they all
dashed through behind it.

"are you okay, tyson?" cherry asked.

"yes. thanks." tyson smiled at her,

"close the entrance!" annabeth said.

everybody got on the other side of the boulder and pushed. whatever was chasing them, wailed in frustration as they heaved the rock back into placed and sealed the corridor.

𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋 𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑, percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now