The King And Two Dervishes

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The King of Syria, Al-Mulk al-Salih Ayyubi, had a habit of patrolling the city in disguise at night so that he could know the sufferings of the people himself. One night he was wandering about the city as usual when he saw dervishes in the mosque sitting in a corner shivering from the cold and cursing the king, saying to each other that this arrogant king was enjoying himself; and we are suffering the hardships of poor times. If this king gets a place in heaven in the hereafter, I will prefer my grave to heaven.

The other said that if Malk-al-Salih even comes near the wall of paradise, I will hit him with my shoes and break his head. After listening to their words, the king came back secretly. When morning came, he called the two dervishes to the court. When he came, he showed them great respect and then gave them so much that they both were freed from the worries of livelihood for the rest of his life. One of them asked the king that what did you like about the actions of we servants, that you honored us so much. The king laughed and said: I have made peace with and agreed you today. I hope you will not close the door of heaven on me tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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