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Author: seonghwabs
Ship: seongjoong
Word count: 18,660
Chapters: 1
Status: complete

"Oh my God", Hongjoong said, blinking, as he looked into Seonghwa's eyes again. When he recognized the look in them and realized what it meant.
"This is your first life."

Or: Hongjoong had always known that this would be his last life. He had seen it all, over and over again, the beginning and the end. And he was tired of it. The way the light filtered through the leaves of the tree. The sunrise - it held no wonder for him anymore. Only apathy. Melancholy.

Until he met a boy, with black hair and wonder in his eyes, who looked at the world like he had never seen it before.

Bro, thanks for tearing my heart to shreds. I loved the whole vibe, although I wish there was a sort of epilogue of seonghwa in one of his next lives in a museum or art gallery and the painting of his past self with the letter next to it catches his eye, and he doesn't know why it makes him feel so sad but it just does.

Also, the speech marks are a bit weird but it doesn't hinder the reader, but, sometimes the author added a new paragraph where there shouldn't be one since it's still the same character speaking

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