Chapter 8

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Can and Emre, went  to the Aydin house for dinner.
MEVCABI:  "Welcome Can bey and Emre bey, please come in,"( and puts the slippers in front of them)Can and Emre just look at each other and Leyla explained to them why the slippers. They were ok with it. They were just happy to be with the girls and meet their parents.
CAN: please just call us Can and Emre.
NIHAT:  "okay, thank you, welcome, we're so happy you came for dinner." Please come in sit down."
They started talking about soccer with Nihat, you can tell he is so passionate about soccer. 
Can and Emre, we're enjoying themselves with the girls  and their parents. They were funny telling stories of the girls when they were little, especially Sanem, she was always getting her self into trouble and Leyla would cover for her.
MEVCABI:  "Sanem was always getting hurt, I was always at the doctors with her. She was a handful."
CAN: "Really Sanem clumsy, I would have never known." Sanem just looked at him with the Mevcabi look, and he smiled and winked at her. She laughed. She knew he was playing with her.
NIHAT: "Can, Emre, Sanem told us how you looked out for her in high school, when some people didn't treat her nice because of where she came from.  That means a lot to us." It's very hard here in the Mahalle for  girls.  There's rules, and a lot of gossip. It can ruin a girl. But then again? We all have each other's backs.
CAN:  ""Nihat, it was easy to like Sanem and be friends with her.  She always was friendly and very kind to everyone, there was no reason for her to be treated badly."
Nihat nodding thank you, and Mevcabi, was smiling just starting at Can, now she knew for sure that he likes Sanem and Emre  likes Leyla.  Let's see where this goes, she likes the boys very much.  You would never know that they are rich.  Now for my girls, I'm sure they feel the same way.  How could they not, they are good boys and handsome.  Ok girls let's see what happens.
EMRE: "Mevcabi, dinner was wonderful, thank every much,"
CAN:  "Yes, Mevcabi. I haven't had a home cooked meal in a long time.  I think Emre and I will be making frequent visits."  The boys smiled and hugged Mevcabi, shook Nihats hand and were saying goodbye when they heard screaming outside.
SANEM: what happened,". She opens the door and they see Milihats husband Engin dropping to the ground.
CAN:  Sanem call 911, quick! Can and Emre run over to him.  Can checks to see if he's breathing. He starts performing CPR.  For about five minutes. And then he feels a pulse, by then the ambulance arrived.
Milihat, "thank you Sir, I don't know how to Thank you, (she was crying from her heart)
Sanem touched Cans arm softly, she could see he was worked up.  Her touch was calming to him.
SANEM: "Can, how did you know what to do?"
CAN; I took EMT courses, because when I travel to remote places. I need to be able to give medical care to my staff or whoever needs it and because There aren't any hospitals and doctors close by.
She just stared at him, and gave him a soft smile.
SANEM: Can, just so you know, you have a whole neighborhood behind you now, you just saved one of their own, they will guard you with their lives.
Can is so humble, "I didn't do anything, really , anyone else would have done the same. I'm just happy he's ok."
Mevcabi  and Nihat , also hugged him and thanked him.  They said there good nights.  Sanem and Leyla waited till their parents went inside.
Sanem just kept staring at Can, and gave him a sweet smile, Can, smiled softly and caressed her cheek.  They said goodbye and they left.
The girls went back inside to help their mother clean up. 
MEVCABI: "Sanem, Leyla, your bosses are very nice polite young men."  Sanem and Leyla just looked at each other they knew what their mother was doing. She was fishing.  But mama these fish aren't biting.
LEYLA: "yes. Anne, they are nice, they're very good to all of their employees."
SANEM:  Yes, Anne, there father Aziz Bey is also very nice and caring." " He takes care of all of his employees. He treats them as equals."
MEVCABI:  oh his father is the head of the company?(much better, because these boys are definitely interested in my girls, and the girls are definitely interested in them)
SANEM: "yes, he's on vacation now, Can bey And Emre bey are taking over until he gets back"
The girls changed the subject, because there mother was asking way too many questions.
Can and Emre sat outside to have a drink.
CAN;  very nice people Emre, I enjoyed myself tonight.
EMRE: me too brother, I never pictured myself being interested in someone like Leyla and There family, but they are great people and a loving family.
CAN:  "yes, very loving family, that's what I want Emre, a loving family a fun family. Not a stuffy high class family."
EMRE:  "you were always low key brother, but now I find myself wanting the same things."
CAN: can you imagine our mother with a family like that. Dad would be fine, he's a good simple man like the Aydens. That's why our mother and him never got along.  She tried to find better but it was never enough, she's so miserable.  Besides she never comes around anyway only when she needs something, can't even remember the last time we talked.
EMRE: "me neither brother, we're better off, she's only trouble when she comes around." Can agreed.
They had a couple of more drinks and went to bed.
Can texted Sanem, and told her how much he enjoyed himself, and that he loved her family.
She thanked him and told him that she had a feeling that you both will be invited to dinner on a regular basis, my parents liked you both and enjoyed your company.
CAN:  "I will come on a regular basis, and I think Emre will agree." Good night Sanem, sweet dreams."
SANEM: "thank you Can you too!"good night!"

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