Chapter 32

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The whole neighborhood was out to welcome home Sanem.
CAN: "you have a great welcoming committee."
SANEM: "I do, ( and she smiled) you know Can for the most part, the neighborhood community is great, the only thing that's bad is the gossip, especially for girls."
But, I did enjoy growing up here, we grew up playing in the streets with the other kids. And all the parents looked out for each other's kids"
CAN: "well when we have our kids, they have to come to their grandparents frequently, and enjoy the neighborhood like you did. It's better playing in the streets with good friends than sitting in front of a TV and on the phone all day."
SANEM: agreed my prince.
Mevcabi had a feast for her daughter's return, the Divits and Miriban, were also celebrating with Aydins.
Can and Sanem, talked to Miriban about the house on the farm, and she agreed to sell it to them with the property around it. Then Aziz and Miriban announced that they are getting married next Saturday, and after they were all invited to go for dinner and dancing. The boys are very happy for their father, they loved Miriban, they could see how much they loved each other, true love does last a lifetime.
SANEM: Can, let's walk over to the factory I want to see how far the contractors got, they were almost done last time I was there.
CAN: "are you sure you're not tired, it's like a 15 minute walk."
SANEM: "Can, please, I'm fine,plus when I'm with you I'm never get tired" besides, you always said I'm very light, you can always carry me there and back."
And she gave him one of her melting smiles.
CAN: "okay, I don't know how you do it, but I always give in to you." He pinched her cheek and laughed.
SANEM: "Can, I think a couple more of days and they're done! We will probably open in two weeks, this going better than I expected." (Can could see how happy she was, she was glowing.) "Can, who's that young girl sitting on the back steps."
CAN: "I don't know, it looks like she's waiting for someone, let's go see."
SANEM: hi I'm Sanem, ( she puts out her hand to shake it but the girl was nervous) and you are?"
The girl shyly gave her hand ( she couldn't have been more than 12 years old. She looked tired and hungry)
"Hi my name is Elif."
CAN: "Elif, such a pretty name, what are doing here by yourself?"
ELIF: "I came to speak to the owner of the factory, I want to work."Can and Sanem looked at each other."
SANEM: "but what about school?"
ELIF: "I'm dropping out, I have to work, it is only my mother and I. And she's been sick, and we need the money, or we will loose our house, our landlord will kick us out because we haven't paid rent in three months.( the girl had tears in her eyes)
CAN : "may I ask what sickness your mother has?"
ELIF: she had a stroke, she can walk ok but her hand and speech is still weak? The doctor said it could take a year to recover. She used to waitress, but now the way she is she can't work." Can and Sanem were heart broken.
SANEM: "do you have any family?"
ELIF: "my father died when I was a baby, and no real close family."
CAN: "how about if we go meet your mom, what do you say?"
ELIF: (felt very comfortable with Can and Sanem)ok we only live down the block."
They walked down the block and saw Elifs mother sitting on the porch.
Sanem and Can introduced themselves and told her how they met Elif. She shook their hands and told them that her name was Define. She explained they only lived here in the neighborhood for a year and then she had the stoke.
SANEM: Define, you have a wonderful caring young woman here, you should be so proud of her, Can and I just met and we're so proud to have her as our new friend." Define knew her daughter's heart, and she was very proud of her."
CAN: "she was telling us she needs a Job and that you lost yours". Define nodded with tears rolling down her cheeks. We want to give you both a job at the factory. But Elif will work after school, I want her to finish her education, and later to go on to college."
SANEM: "Elif, do you know what you want to do with your life?"
ELIF: "oh yes! I really want to be a nurse, I love to learn about the medical field." And I love to help people when I can. I also want to learn different languages, as many as I can,"
CAN: how are your grades?"
ELIF: I'm at the top of my class!(she says with a big smile on her face, she's so proud of herself, )
CAN : "well then, you will come to the factory after school, but will not neglect your schooling. And we will offer you a scholarship towards college. What do you think?" Elif was so happy that she jumped up and hugged and kissed both of them,"
SANEM: "and Define, you can work there too, you can do inventory and maybe some packing, and maybe some paper work. And don't worry about therapy appointments and doctors, you go when you have to."
Define couldn't stop crying, she was so grateful.
SANEM: "well Defin and Elif, now that you know us, the whole neighborhood will know you. And we always take care of our own people. So don't be surprised if you get visitors with food or anything else you may need. And I have a feeling that the leader will be my mother Mevcabi Aydin, ( and she smiles) You came to the right neighborhood!" Define was crying,
Can, went and sat next to her and said. "And don't worry about your rent it will be paid up to date with an extra two months. We open the factory in two weeks, people are already in training for making the creams, and the people who will be working there are all from the neighborhood."
Elif hugged Can, and then went to hug Sanem and whispers, " I hope one day that I meet my prince like you did miss Sanem." Sanem smiled and said, "I hope you do too, and I have no doubt that you will. You are very special Elif , you remind me of me at your age, One day I will tell you my story and then you will know that dreams do come true."
Can and Sanem were silent on the way back, their hearts went out to Elif and her mother.
SANEM: "Can, Elif, is going to be one strong woman when she gets older.!"
CAN: "she reminds me of someone I love very much."
SANEM: really who? CAN: hmmmm let me think?
He's starts laughing , And he starts to tickle her.
When they got back home, they told everyone about Elif and her mother, and Mevcabi was already in organizing mode, "a little neighborhood fundraiser will be perfect!!" the Divits and Miriban joined in.
Nihat went to the store filled several bags of food for Elif and Define, and took it to them.
AZIZ: "Can, Emre, let's organize a huge fundraiser, I know a lot of wealthy people, and a lot our clients with big company bank accounts. We can set up an Account for the factory for scholarships for young adults that come to work for you. Just as long as there grades are very good. Not just for college maybe for trade schools too, like electronics, beauticians, stuff like that.
And Leyla, you and Emre since you are the financial genius's in the family that will be your job."
Sanem, was feeling very emotional, tears were streaming down her face.
CAN: "my love, why are you crying?"
SANEM: "I feel so blessed, look at our families, working together, to help families in need. To make a better life for youths who need support. Our families together are a powerhouse!!"
CAN: "Sanem Aydin, I knew from the first day I met you, that you were special, you are unique in every way, with a heart of gold."
SANEM: "you're not so bad yourself you know. You're just like me, but you don't like to show it. But that's okay. I know and love everything about you. Plus you're the best bodyguard a girl could have." And she starts to laugh, and he tickles her till she can't take it anymore. They stops and look at each other with love in their eyes and says.
"I love you Can Divit. And I love you Sanem Aydin!"

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