Chapter 56

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Can, Sanem, Emre and Leyla were meeting with Metin and his team to make sure everything was perfect for the fundraiser. Aziz and Miriban, sent out all the invites to all their accounts. The fundraiser was going to take place where Can and Sanem had their wedding, the restaurants in the area were donating food, and of course Mevcabi and the other women in the neighborhood prepared food also. Plus the local band offered to play for free, since it's for a good cause.
SANEM: "Can, I'm leaving early with Leyla, we're taking Elif and Define dress shopping for tomorrow night. Plus I need to find something to wear, everything is getting very tight." She goes and sits on his lap and put her arms around his neck.
CAN: "that's very nice of you to take, Define and Elif for dresses, and I'm sure you will find something, you look beautiful in anything." And he gives her a kiss.
SANEM: "you never know Can, Define is a beautiful woman, maybe some single guy will snatch her up."
CAN: "are we playing match maker again"
SANEM: "who me? Never. I don't like to get involved with stuff like that." He starts laughing.
CAN: "no not you, who did you have in mind for her?"
SANEM: actually you're going to be surprised, Fabri!"
She said excitedly
CAN: "what, Sanem, you hardly know the man, and I thought you were going to introduce her to Kerem"
SANEM: "Can, ( she scratches his beard) my love, I really think Fabri is a good guy. And I think it will be good for both of them. Because they both lost their spouses and they know what it feels like. They can heal each other." Can, just looked at her and smiled, and was caressing her arm.
CAN: "you amaze me. You are always thinking of everyone else. But I hope you're right. (Be quiet Can she's right!) Can waived his hand in front of his face.
SANEM: "Can, what's wrong?"
CAN: "I think your inner voice left your head and came into mine and it's yours because it's a woman."she starts laughing and so does he. "Okay, go and I will go to your mom's and wait there for you, until you are done shopping and then we can go home. I will tell Emre to come to."
She kissed him goodbye and left with Leyla.
The girls were having such a good time shopping together. They all found beautiful dresses to wear. Sanem had a little bit of a hard time, but she finally found a beautiful tight fitting dress, that everyone loved on her. It was dark red, strapless, very simple, above the knee with a slit going up her thigh. With tie up high heeled sandals."
LEYLA: "sister, you look beautiful pregnancy really becomes you you're stunning, glowing."Can won't be able to take his eyes off of you."
SANEM: "look who's talking, that black little number, is beautiful on you, it shows all your curves. Emre, won't leave your side for sure all night." And Define, your dress, is beautiful, you're going to look beautiful tomorrow night. and Elif yours is perfect on you, you are such a pretty young lady. ( And she smiles softly at her) So tomorrow the factory is only open till lunch, so everyone can go home and get ready. Milihat is doing our hair and makeup tomorrow, and that includes you Define and Elif, she's donating her time, so don't worry about the money."
DEFINE: "Sanem, I don't know how to thank, everything you have done for Elif and I, I don't know how to repay you."
SANEM: "you can repay me just by smiling and being happy that's all I want to see, because you deserve it. Both of you do." They all started tearing and did a group hug. " "now, no more crying, this is a happy occasion. Let's get going, because tomorrow is a long day. We will probably be dancing all night.   Define and Elif wait till you see Can and Emre dancing," Leyla and Sanem started laughing, they look so funny trying to dance traditionally". Leyla and Sanem tried to show Elif and Define Can and Emre's moves. ( The girls were laughing so hard tears were coming out of their eyes) Elif, take a video of them dancing with your phone and send it to me and Leyla."
ELIF: "won't they get mad."
SANEM: "of course not, they will probably laugh along with us"Leyla agreed. "Plus it's something we can show our kids one day."
Leyla and Sanem got back to their parents house and Can and Emre were waiting for them.
EMRE: "how did the dress shopping go?"
LEYLA: "very good we all found something perfect for tomorrow night."
MEVCABI: "what about Define, did she find something nice. She's such a pretty woman."
SANEM: "mom she did she's going to look beautiful. She is stunning. I can't wait to see her all maid up tomorrow."
LEYLA: "yes, she's definitely going to look beautiful, and Elif, she's a very pretty girl, she looks so much like her mother. That one is going to break some hearts that's for sure. But she probably won't even realize it. She's so good hearted and innocent."
Can looked at Sanem and whisperers in her ear, " just like you my love. She has a good role model."
Sanem looked him in the eyes and rubbed her cheek in his beard. "Thank you, my love."
The next day at the agency everyone was trying to finish early. Because everyone was leaving to get ready for the fundraiser. Can and Sanem were working hard at his desk when they heard a knock at the door.
They look up and see Fabri.
SANEM: "senor fabri, please come in what can we do for you" you're still coming tonight aren't you?"
FABRI : "yes of course. I just wanted to make my donation to you In private, no one needs to know where the money came from at least for tonight, I don't like my name being announced"
CAN: "of course Mr Fabri, you will be our anonymous donation. How much did you want to donate?"
FABRI: "I will donate one hundred thousand US  dollars.  And every year I will donate anywhere from $50,000-$100,000 whatever is possible at the time in the memory of my wife Elena."
Can and Sanem just sat there in shock, they couldn't believe what just happened. Sanem had tears in her eyes.
SANEM: "Mr Fabri, are you sure? That's a lot of money, we don't know what to say."
FABRI: "there's nothing to say, this is who my wife was, she always had to help people in need. And she loved education, she believed every child should have a fair chance at a good education.  It's been 10 years that she passed, but there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about her" "and this is my way of honoring her," Sanem was full blown crying, can had unshed tears in his eyes and Fabri.
CAN: "thank you very much Mr Fabri, I don't know what to say."
FABRI: "there's nothing to say, just take care of your beautiful wife, as I told her, she reminds me so much of my Elena, you would think they were twins," and he smiles. Sanem couldn't stop crying she gets up and hugs Fabri.
SANEM : "I'm sorry Mr Fabri, but I guess my hormones are taking over" and he starts laughing.
FABRI:  "that's ok my dear, ( he smiles softly at her) well, I'm off and I will see you tonight!! I'm looking forward to celebrating this fundraiser in your neighborhood."
CAN: "wow, that poor man.  I think you're right on this one about introducing him to Define. They can help each other heal."
SANEM: "you know my handsome husband, I was thinking the same thing, great minds think alike" I love you so much I think I'm going to burst."
CAN: "me to my life, you are the love of my life."
SANEM: "okay I'm going to go to my mother's and get ready with Leyla,  Milihat is doing our hair and makeup"
CAN: "okay, I'll go home and check on the contractors get ready and meet you at your moms."he hugged her and kissed her goodbye by.
The girls were having a great time at Milihats, while getting their hair and makeup done, laughing, joking and playing music and singing.
SANEM: "Elif, you look so pretty, my little sister the heartbreaker."how is your new school?"
ELIF: "it's good, but just like you, when you were there, there are hater's there , especially the rich girls, they look down on me.But I've made a few good friends, it's just this one click that's nasty."
SANEM : "don't let them get to you, be strong."
ELIF: "oh , don't worry, I can take care of myself. One of the girls fell in the mud the other day, really I don't know how it happened."and she starts giggling.
Sanem high fives her, "I know exactly what happened"and she winked at her.
SANEM: Define are you sure we're not related somehow, because Elif reminds me a lot like me."
They all start to laugh and Mevcabi and Leyla agreed that Elif is very much like Sanem.
The girls went home to rest a little and change.
MEVCABI: Sanem the pier looks beautiful!! We have seating for 200 people. Those were the responses Miriban gave us. I added fifty more just in case.
SANEM: "that's great mom, I think it's going to be a great turnout."
LEYLA: "okay Sanem let's go get ready." Sanem, did you see Ceyda and Achia and Atlan are on the list."
SANEM: "don't remind me, I can just picture them, they're probably coming to the neighborhood and try to put me down some more."
LEYLA: "Sanem, you're above them, there is nothing they can say to put you down, look what you've accomplished."
SANEM: I guess, Leyla do I look fat, they're probably going to look gorgeous with their expensive clothing and their skinny little asses."
LEYLA: "Sanem you could wear a bag over your head and you would still be the prettiest girl in the room next to me, of course." And the girls start laughing, and they hug each other.
MEVCABI:  "girls, Can and Emre are here, are you ready. You should be there before anyone gets there."
SANEM: "coming, Leyla, put these low heels in your bag with your shoes, I don't think I could wear these heels the whole night."
The girls walk into the living room together and Can and Emre turn to look at them, they get these huge smile on their faces. They walk over to them, grabbed their hands and kissed them. And of course Nihat and Mevcabi are admiring the two couples.
CAN: "bebek, you look beautiful."she kisses him on the cheek and says. "You look handsome too my love."
SANEM: "Can, I think we're going to have a good turn out tonight."
CAN: "I think so too, my father said, when he told our customers and his friends about this fundraiser for scholarships, they were all excited and happy to help."
SANEM: "I'm so happy Can,"
CAN: "me to bebek,"

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