Chapter 14

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Early the next morning Sanem went down to see Yigit.
SANEM: "good morning Yigit."  YIGIT; "good morning Sanem, have a seat.  So next Saturday will be your opening day for your book, assuming your pictures are ready on time."
SANEM: "don't worry they will be ready on time I trust Can."
YIGIT: "I'm sure you do.  (Sarcastically) Ok I will pick you up Saturday morning to go to the bookstore and we can set up for your book signing."
SANEM: "that's ok Yigit, no need to pick me up, my parents are also coming I will go with them."
YIGIT:  "ok, no problem, I will see you there then.  We have a couple of things to finish up until everything is sent to the printers. So come down the next couple of days and we will work on them."
SANEM: "ok , sounds good, I'm going up to work now."
Damn, she's hard to get, I have to try harder, I want her , I have to have her.!
Sanem made her tea and headed to Can's office.
SANEM: "good morning, my friend". CAN: good princess."  SANEM:  "actually I like you calling princess better than your special friend."  Can smiled and kissed her cheek.
CAN: "so today compass is coming in to see what we have so far."
SANEM: "oh you mean your friend Ceyda is coming in, that should be interesting." I don't understand Can, what is it with her. She really can't take no for answers."
CAN: "don't worry my special friend, I only have eyes for you." And he winks at her and blows her a kiss.
SANEM:  "ok, back to special friends, no problem."
CAN; "Sanem there's nothing to worry about. Don't let her get to you. I'm only being nice because she's a big client.  You're the only one that matters." She looks at him and smiles.  " ok I'll try to be nice for your sake and the agency, hopefully she will like what we came up with."
CAN: "you mean what you came up with this is your account you're gonna present it"
SANEM: "what!! No way, Deran can do it"
CAN:  "Sanem you will be great! Don't ever doubt yourself, you're smart, creative and beautiful. And many more things I can say but let's stick to the business aspect. I'll fill you in on everything else when we're alone". She smiled, they stared at each other. And she scratched his beard and leaned in to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head and kissed her on her lips.  Sanem was flustered, "Can, you shouldn't do that right before presentation, I can't think straight when you kiss me."  He laughed and pinched her cheek.
CAN: "let's go to the conference room, they should be here soon."
CEYDA:  Caaan, ( she kisses him on his cheek, well closer to the mouth on both sides and she looks at Sanem)Can pulls away.)
CAN: welcome Ceyda , Sinan, ( sinan goes over and greets Sanem with kisses on both sides of the cheek.) both Can and Sanem look at each, like what the hell.
Have a seat let's get started. Ceyda went to sit Near Can but Sanem squeezed between them and Sinan sat on the other side of ceyda. Ceyda gave Sanem the dirtiest look.  And Sanem just smiled. "Ok let's get started". Sanem went through the presentation. Everybody loved it Can was so proud of her.
CEYDA:   "Can, great job, it was wonderful, hopefully by next week you can show us the rest and schedule the launch."
CAN: actually, Ceyda this was all Sanem, it was her idea.
CEYDA: "I doubt that Can, she doesn't look capable of coming up with such a good presentation!" Sanem, got angry,  " what did you say I don't look capable what does one have to look like to look capable in your eyes!"
CEYDA: "you just, don't look smart enough just an average poor girl trying to impress me, I'm sure Can came up with everything and gave you the credit because he feels sorry for you, your so simple!"
SANEM: "that does it, you bitch!" Sanem jumped up and went to jump on Ceyda but Can caught her in time and lifted her up from the waste and stroked her hair,
"Calm down my love."
CAN:  "Ceyda,! In my office now!!"back in Cans office.
CEYDA: "I'm sorry Can , I can see right through her.!"
CAN: "I'm curious, what do you see!"
CEYDA: this isn't her work!! It's you and Deran, and maybe even Aylin!! Sanem isn't capable of this kind of work."
CAN: really is that what you think?  ( Can is very angry) Well you're wrong, this idea was all hers!! With no help from anyone else. instead of congratulating her you put her down who do you think you are? Why do you think you're better than her!  because you have the money?  she's educated,  she's even writing her own book coming out next week. I'm sorry but you need to look in the mirror and take a good look at yourself , it's disgusting the way you act! if you want to do business with us either shape up and treat Sanem with respect or leave,  I don't care about the money I don't care about the account. when you come in here you could conduct yourself as a businesswoman and then leave. Because if you think that anything will happen between you and I forget it! It will never happen, first of all your 10 years older than me, and second your type never interested me. Now go home and think about what I told you, because I have no problem canceling this contract! Good by!"
CEYDA; "are you serious, you can't loose my account you need the money!! This agency will go under without me!!  And I can't believe that a man like you, highly educated, famous and rich, would want to be with a woman with no class."
CAN; your the one with no class Ceyda, you thick men like women like you? they don't! I'm a man and I could tell you 100% that you could turn off any man with that personality of yours. Maybe that's why you're alone and miserable!! Now go home and make your decision, and trust me I don't need your account.!!" Ceyda was so angry she stormed out of the office.
Sanem, Leyla, CeCe, Deran, Guliz, Aziz and Emre heard everything!! They were standing outside of Cans office, when they saw her storm out they started clapping and of course Sanem was front row and center..
Can was trying to calm himself down, Sanem walks in and looks at him with unshed tears, walks up to him grabs him wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him close and gives him one hell of a passionate kiss, when they pull apart they stared at each other with love and admiration.  And everyone clapped again.  And of course Sanem got shy because everyone saw the kiss. And she hid her face in Cans neck while he hugged her.
AZIZ:  "Can, I'm proud of you! You let her have it good, she deserved it."
CAN: "the only thing is, we might loose the account.  And we need it and she knows it, but how does she know it, who told her.?" Aylin!! We're is she, get her in here now!!
DERAN: "Can, she left, right before Ceyda came."
EMRE:  oh yeh, I wonder why?  Ok everyone back to work." Shows over.
Sanem kissed Can on the cheek and said , "talk with your dad and brother I'll see you later." And walked out.
CAN; "ok tomorrow I fire Aylin for sure, she trouble, she must've told Ceyda about our position here, and who knows what else she's done!"
EMRE: I agree brother, she needs to go!!
AZIZ:  first, let's keep an eye on her. Some of our best accounts have been leaked out to other advertising companies. Let's see if she's the one doing it. I have a feeling that it's her and that's why we're in this position.
Get security to put in security cameras in the company over night, when no one is here.  They all three agreed and went back to work.
Sanem came back into Can's office, " how are you feeling, better?"   " now that your here I feel much better." She smiles and says, ok I'm leaving with Leyla I guess I'll see you tomorrow.  Sanem's phone started to ring.  " hello Anne? Ok I'll tell them. "Well I guess you,  Emre, your dad and Miriban are coming for dinner tonight.  He smiles and says I love your mom.
"Yes, and she loves you too.!"  "Ok let's go, your mom read my mind she must of known I was hungry." " actually my mother is kind of a mind reader, she's a little scary sometimes. And of course, my mom loves all mine and Leyla's special friends." And they walk out laughing.

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