Chapter 48

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On the way to dinner, Metin calls Can, and told him he's at the police station. And that Gamze has been arrested, and that tomorrow the police want to talk Sanem and Leyla. They are also going to talk to Sinan.
CAN:  "Sanem and Leyla we have to be at the police station at 10 tomorrow" the girls were ok with it.
"Sanem how do you feel are you okay?"
SANEM: "I'm fine, I'm just glad this is over with, honestly the only thing I was scared of today when I was fighting with Gamze that something might happen to the baby.  But when I saw my super hero sister jump in I knew everything would be okay" she hugs Leyla.
Emre , if I were you don't piss her off, she's pretty tuff."
EMRE: "I saw, look at her not even a scratch , but did you see Gamze?" He smiled and caressed Leyla's cheek. They ate their dinner and went back to the Aydins to tell their parents what happened. They were worried about Sanem and the baby, but Sanem assured them that she is fine.
MEVCABI: "I'm glad my girls are ok.  Hopefully Gamze will go away for a long time." But, I must say I'm proud of my girls, you definitely take after me!" And they start to laugh.
NIHAT:  "True, when it comes to fighting Mevcabi is always the champion!" Mevcabi is smiling proudly, and the girls give her a big hug. The boys are smiling at the three of them, happy that they are going to be part of this family.
Can and Emre, got up to leave, and the girls walked them out.
CAN: "Sanem are you sure you okay?"
SANEM: "Can I am, really, a little stressed maybe, tired too, but I'm just happy that this is over with. And I hope that she will go away for a long time."
CAN: "okay, we will be here tomorrow morning to pick you up, get something to eat and then go to the police station."
SANEM: "okay, my love good night!"
CAN: "good night, princess, get some rest, please". And he bends over to talk to the baby. " and my sweet baby, this is your baba, take care of your mommy I love you!" And he places a kiss on her stomach. Sanem is tearing.
SANEM: "I just love you so much Can Divit, this baby is going to have the best baba in the world!"
CAN:  "and the best mommy! Good night my love, sweet dreams."
The next morning Can and Emre went to pick up the girls, and went to breakfast first.
Sanem was starting to feel a little nauseous.
CAN: Sanem are you ok?your not eating much"
SANEM: "I just feel a little nauseated, I think the pregnancy is starting to kick in. I will be okay. Let's finish breakfast and go to the police station and get this over with!"
Metin was already there waiting for them when they got there.
METIN: "good morning everyone, have a seat."
I'm going to tell you what's going on before they come in to talk to you." First, she was arrested, and I have to say, (he giggles ) "you girls let her have it"And he high fives both of them. Second, of course she denies all wrong doing, which was expected, but we have the footage from the security cameras, and Sanem says "I recorded our conversation on my phone" hands it to Metin, he looks at her and smiles and says "wow sanem, that's great! This is going to be a big help."and third, she still believes that you took Can from her,  that he is hers."
SANEM: "wow, really, she's obsessed, what do you think will happen?"
METIN: "well I'm thinking she might plead insanity, but I'm hoping to prove otherwise, if it is insanity she will be placed in a high security psychiatric facility for several years, and then they will evaluate her after her time to see if she can be released. I'm going to try to prove the insanity case wrong, if she goes to prison she will be there longer.  She's very smart, she can play the insanity game easy. So we will see, but she has to be evaluated by doctors and see what they come up with and I will try to get my doctors to evaluate her too so we can take everything to court. It will be a while before we get to court.  these things take time?"
CAN: "she won't get bail will she?"
METIN: "I highly doubt it with the evidence I have to present, it doesn't look good for her. Plus I got a search warrant to go through her home and office, hopefully we will find something to incriminate her."plus Sinan is willing to testify which is a big help."Metin is looking at Sanem, she looks pale.  " Sanem are you okay, you don't look good." Sanem looked at Can and smiles.
SANEM:  "I'm fine, it's just the pregnancy, I'm feeling nauseous" Metin just stared, and got a big smile on his face.
METIN : You mean you're pregnant!! They both nodded yes, he gets up and hugs both of them. "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you both!!"
And then he says, " You know this might help your case. If she would have hurt you she could have hurt your unborn child too. Are you okay with me presenting this, if we need to, that you were pregnant when she attacked you?"
Can and Sanem agreed, yes, anything to put her away longer.
After they talked to the detective, they went to grab some lunch, to take back to work.
CAN: "Sanem, you are working in my office from now on, please don't fight me on this."
SANEM: "why, are you worried I might win?"And she starts laughing.
CAN: "actually yes, because I can never say no to you."
He smiles and gives her a kiss.
SANEM: "okay, Can, just as long as you don't get tired having me around all day"
CAN: "bebek, never, I always want you with me , that will never change."
SANEM: "okay, starting tomorrow I will be in your office, I want to finish today's work at my desk and then go down stairs to clean the mess up Bambi made."
CAN: "okay, my love, I'll come down and help you when I'm done." She kissed him and went back to work.
CECE: "Sanem, I heard what happened, are you okay?"
And then Deran walks over.
SANEM:  "yes, I'm okay, I'm just happy it's over with, well we still have court, but that won't be for a while yet."
DERAN: "Sanem, dear I wish we didn't leave last night, if we would have stayed maybe she wouldn't have attacked you?"
SANEM: "actually it's better that it happened this way.
Now she's in jail and hopefully will be put away for a long time." CeCe just kept looking at Sanem, she doesn't look good, maybe it's the stress of all this Gamze stuff.
Sanem is feeling very nauseous, she gets up and slowly goes to the bathroom, and throws up. She walks back out and CeCe is staring at her. He started getting fidgety.
CECE:  "Sanem what's wrong, are you sick, or is it something else?"
SANEM: "CeCe, I'm fine, maybe A little sick and tired."
He keeps staring at her and figures it out.
CECE: "you lying your pregnant" and she covers his mouth.
SANEM: "shush, be quiet, don't say a word this is our secret!"  He starts getting excited! "CeCe, if you don't stop I will tell everyone that you're in love with Ahan."
That got him to quiet down, and she smiled. " I just found out when I was in the hospital. But for now let's just keep it a secret ok." He agreed. The rest of the afternoon went well. But Sanem was feeling tired, she's not eating and drinking much because of the nausea, but she goes to the shop and starts cleaning up.
"I was hoping to open Monday, but now, maybe I should just leave it after the wedding. Or maybe open on Wednesday and do a grand opening after the wedding. That's what I'm going to do! Ah Sanem  ah you're so smart!!"( girl yes you are!! And you have that hunk of a man helping you you're a lucky girl!) Sanem is day dreaming with a huge smile on her face, when Can walks in.
CAN: "I hope that smile is for me" he grabs her by the waist and kisses her passionately.
SANEM: " mmm maybe" he starts tickling her and places little kiss all over her neck. " yes, yes, ( laughing)
Of course it's for you, my hunky body guard/fiance."
"Can? Do you think we can open the shop next Wednesday, Ahan will be working it with my help, and then we can do a grand opening after the wedding?"
CAN: "I think that's a great idea? We will all help to get it up and going, but you need to take care of yourself too, please. Did you even eat anything today?, you hardly had any breakfast or lunch."
SANEM: "no I haven't, but actually now I'm feeling better, can we go get a fish sandwich, and maybe some ice cream after?"
CAN: "of course, anything to get some food inside you, you're eating for two now. You have to keep up your strength." " I forgot to tell you, they're delivering the furniture to our house on Saturday, so we have to be there early in the morning. Or maybe we can sleep there Friday night what do you think?" and he takes her and starts caressing her all over and grabs her butt and brings her close to him, and she knows exactly what he wants. She starts turning red, and smiles shyly and says. " sounds like a plan, I don't think Mevcabi will give me a hard time anymore. Plus I really do miss waking up with you, but remember no sex till the wedding night."
CAN: "Sanem, my love, just Friday night and then no more till the wedding night!"
SANEM: " Can,  maybe, but I really want to wait, it will make it even more special, don't you think?"
CAN: "okay, what ever you say. But I'm holding you all night."
SANEM: "that's for sure, I wouldn't have it any other way." Ok, let's get something to eat. Before I start feeling nauseous again."
They went to eat, Can was pleased, she finished her sandwich, but had little ice cream, it wasn't sitting well in her stomach.
CAN: "okay my love, you need your rest , plus you look very tired. I'm taking you home. If you want to come in late tomorrow it's fine sleep in."
SANEM: "I am tired, I didn't get much sleep the last couple of nights. But I'm coming in the morning. And don't say no." Of course he agreed.
They were walking back to Sanem's house when she gets a call from Elif,
ELIF: Sanem something is wrong with my mom, it looks like she's having a seizure.
SANEM: I'm on my with Can. ( Can called an ambulance on their way to Elif's house)
When they got there. Her mother the seizure was finished, and the ambulance arrived. They took her to the hospital. Can , Sanem and Elif were waiting for the doctor. Poor Elif was crying.
ELIF: "I hope she will be ok, I'm really scared."
Sanem put her arms around her and hugs her tightly.
The doctor comes out and says. "
Are you Elif? Define's daughter,". "Yes I am "
" your mother is going to be just fine, it turns out that her doctor changed one of her meds, and that caused the seizure we will keep her in tonight just for observation and she could come home tomorrow, so go home and get some rest. She's going to be fine." "Thank you doctor!"   Starts crying. And hugs Sanem and Can.
SANEM: "okay, you're staying at our house tonight no excuses! Okay, we will have ourselves a girls night, you me Leyla and we will call Ahan. We will all sleep in the living room together." Elif agreed. She really didn't want to go home by herself. Sanem called her mom and Leyla and told them what happened, while Can took Elif to the cafeteria to get something to eat and then to go see her mother in her room.
Mevcabi of course went in preparation mode, getting the living room ready for the girls and late night snacks.
The girls were up late joking, telling funny stories and enjoying each other's company, they noticed how Elif got quiet.
LEYLA: Elif, what's wrong, everything will be ok.
ELIF:  I'm not sad, I'm just thankful for you all, without you I don't know how my mother and I would have made it.
AHAN: "Elif, all I can say from coming from a similar situation, my parents died when I was young, my brother worked to support both of us. But the Aydins, took care of us, they consider us their children. You have a family here including me and my brother. You will never be alone, that I promise, we look out for each other.
SANEM:  "and you have 3 sisters!, you don't have to be blood related to love someone like a sister. You're one of us now! ( Elif smiled with unshed tears in her eyes.)
Okay group hug" all four of them started hugging each other and falling all over each other and laughing."
Okay let's have some snacks and off to bed.
And of course Mevcabi, was eavesdropping out side the living room door. She had a big smile on her face, feeling very proud of all four girls.  She softly says good night to the girls. And goes to bed.
Can text Sanem. " how is Elif?"  "She's good, we're having a nice time the four of us."  " good! I will see you in the morning, love you sweet dreams."
Love you too, my prince, don't forget my bagel and tea in the morning. Hopefully I will be able to eat it. Good night." " good night!"

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