instagram pt.29

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Billie's POV
We are finally on the UK part of the tour we arrived in Belfast last night we decided to go sightseeing and to just walk around Ireland. I'm so excited to be here the UK fans go insane, I love them so much.
Chantel is currently giving me a piggy back ride as we walk through a park because I asked her too and she can't say no to me.
I kiss her cheek as I get down notice she's walking slower, I walk up next to her holding her hand intertwining our fingers as we walk around the park.

Eventually we got lunch at a vegan restaurant and we headed to the arena to hang out before Billie's show starts.
I play with Billie's hair as I watch her play a game on her switch, I could just lay here and watch her do things, gives me a reason to stare at her.

Her show ends as she gets off stage kissing me as she does and pulls me into a hug as I immediately wrap my arms around her. She nuzzles her head in my neck whispering "I'm so tired" I pout kissing her forehead "let's go to the hotel and sleep okay?" she nods hugging her mom and dad as Finneas kisses her forehead.

We get back to the hotel as Billie and I hop in the shower and after that we get dressed and brush our teeth. She falls onto the bed as I smile moving her over so I can get in bed. She gets under the covers as I pull her to my as she wraps her arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her forehead. She leans up to kiss me softly "I love you" I smile "I love you too now get some sleep baby" She nods nuzzling her head back into my neck falling asleep. I rub her back soothingly as I also begin to fall asleep.

Billie's POV
I have a surprise for Chantel, I think I'm going to propose to her here in Ireland there's a beautiful field with these sunflowers I want to take her there when the sunset is going down and ask her to marry me. I know she'll say yes but it is still the most terrifying thing I think I'll ever do. I love this girl so much, there's no one else I could imagine spending the rest of my life with but her. She has made me a better person she's been there with me through some of the darkest times in my life. She's my best friend, my soulmate, my love, my safety blanket, she's means everything to me and I hope she feels the same. I'll know she feels the same when that ring is on her finger, I'm excited but I swear I'm shitting my pants.

I get dressed and so does Chantel

I'm wearing this

Chantel is wearing this

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Chantel is wearing this

Chantel comes out of the bathroom and my jaw drops as I just stare at her

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Chantel comes out of the bathroom and my jaw drops as I just stare at her. She looks up at me smiling "how do I look?" I smile walking up to her resting my hands on her waist. "you look perfect, oh my god" I step back just looking at her, she blushes "you look amazing baby" she looks into my eyes "thank you my love, are you ready?" as I put my hands in my pocket making sure I have the ring.

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