Instagram pt.14

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Chantel's POV
March 10th 2020
me and Billies mom are currently in the arena watching Billie do her rehearsal for the show tonight in Orlando Florida.
Billie loves performing. She can be herself and it makes me so happy to see her in her happy place. Her fans and the shows make her happy and it just melts my heart. Watching her perform is such an amazing feeling. Knowing she's up there doing her thing and she's happy doing it makes me happy. She finishes part of her set and walks down to where I am and grabs a water and sits next to me. I look over at her and smile "how are you feeling baby?" i ask her. She smiles and looks over at me "I'm feeling so good I'm so excited about the show tonight just like every time it feels like I'm performing for the first time". I smile and kiss her cheek as her mom tells us to go eat the food she had brought to us from a bunch of local vegan restaurants. We end up going to eat and she finishes her rehearsal and then we decided to just head back to the hotel room because Billie wanted to rest before her show.

Billies POV
Chantel and I are just hanging out in the hotel room today for me felt kind of off but I didn't want to say anything because I know she'd worry too much about it. We are currently cuddling in the hotel room of course you guessed it watching the office. Chantel is laying on my chest as I run my fingers through her beautiful long brown hair. She starts to slowly fall asleep as I know doing that calms her nerves. I kiss her forehead and end up falling asleep as well since I need the rest for my show tonight. We wake up and I shower and start to get ready for my show as we head over to the venue. We walk inside and head straight to backstage where I get all set up to start my show. We do m&g but it's a little different we aren't able to have our one on one time with each other and it is a big group in a room and they all get to ask me questions from a little box. I missed seeing my babies faces up close I wish I could hug them all individually but it's ok they'll be ok and so will I. As m&g ends me and Chantel head over to get the show started as I get all mic'd up. Once we started the concert I definitely felt like something was off but I didn't want my fans to see so I kept with the show and jumped my ass off. When I love you came on I snuck up pictures of my fans and Chantel and my parents and brother on the screen without them knowing. I sang I love you as I kept looking at Chantel from backstage. She blushed as my mom hugged her from the side whispering something in her ear which made her smile. As I finished my show I gave my air hugs to my babies and blew them all kisses and I walked off stage as I ran up to Chantel jumping on her. "babe you're sweaty!" as she laughs and wraps her arm around me. Me and Chantel head to the green room and hang out there until we go back to the hotel room and we instantly both fall asleep in each other's arms.

This one was a lot longer I felt like I could write all day if I could but I had to stop myself. I hope you guys enjoy this one I will be updating more for y'all later tonight. LOVE YOU BUNCHES stay safe and wear a mask and social distance yourselves and drink lots of water.

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