They're like father and son

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<early evening>
(Third Person P. O. V)
It was early evening on the island of Sodor. All the engines were still busy finishing their jobs for the evening.
<current time>
[Thomas's branch-line]
Thomas was still on his branch line, pulling Annie and Clarabel who still had passengers onboard. Thomas was exhausted as he had a very long day.
"Don't worry Thomas, not long to go now." Annie sweetly said.
"We'll soon be back at Knapford." Clarabel kindly added.
"I know." Thomas tiredly said.
Thomas had a busy day. Apart from collecting passengers on his branch-line, Thomas has been up at the clay pits, blue mountain quarry and the docks. Just then Thomas heard Annie asking.
"Thomas, do you know how Edward is?"
"No Annie, I don't but I hope he's ok." Thomas replied.
"What was wrong with Edward Thomas?" Clarabel asked.
Thomas then started to explain to Annie and Clarabel about what happened with Edward.
[Line to docks]
(Thomas' P. O. V)
I was heading to the docks. Sir Topham Hatt wanted me to help Porter since Salty was at the diesel works, getting checked out.
As I made my way down to the docks, I saw Edward on the other line with a goods train. I stopped beside him and got really worried when I saw how red and flustered he looked.
"Edward, are you ok?", I began saying, "you're looking very hot and flustered."
"Hello Thomas, you're right. I'm not feeling too good. I think there's something with my boiler." Edward honestly replied.
I got really concerned about him so I decided that I'll take him to the steamworks before he got any worse.
"I better take you to the steamworks Edward before you get anymore worse." I concernedly said.
Edward was about to argue with me but his driver and fireman stopped him so he agreed in the end. So I managed to reverse into a siding, I stopped in front of him, his fireman coupled the two of us and I took him to the steamworks.
[At the steamworks]
When we got to the steamworks, it was quite busy in there. Victor kindly came up to me and Edward but was worried after seeing the state Edward was in. So he worriedly but kindly asked.
"Hello Thomas, hello Edward, what seems to be the problem?"
"Hello Victor, sorry to bother you but Edward needs help." I anxiously replied.
"I guessed that," Victor began saying, "Edward, is everything alright my friend?"
Even though Edward was behind me, I had a feeling that he was worried. I then heard Edward honestly saying.
"Not really Victor, I'm feeling very hot and I think there's something wrong with my boiler."
Victor smiled at us and it was then he said.
"Thanks for that information my friend, we best get you in and get you looked at Edward but I have to warn you that we are slightly busy today so you will have a bit of wait till we check you over."
I knew instantly that Edward didn't mind waiting at the steamworks but was probably concerned about his goods train. So it was then I asked.
"Edward, where was you heading to with your goods train?"
"The docks Thomas, why?" I heard Edward asking.
"I can take them to the docks for you. I was heading down there to help Porter whilst Salty is at the dieselworks." I kindly offered.
I think Edward was about to say no but soon agreed. So once I was uncoupled from Edward and he was uncoupled from the trucks, Edward carefully made his way into the steamworks. Once I was coupled to the trucks, I was still worried about Edward till I heard Victor kindly saying.
"I will send word to Sir Topham Hatt about Edward and about you taking his goods train to the docks Thomas. Now you get yourself to the docks, you don't want to keep Cranky waiting."
I laughed when I heard Victor say that. After I thanked him, I made my way to the docks whilst having Edward's trucks and flatbeds of goods.
<end of flashback>
(Third Person P. O. V)
After Thomas was finished telling Annie and Clarabel about what happened with Edward, the two coaches were very quiet but were pleased for Thomas's kindness and helpfulness to Edward.
"That was very kind of you Thomas, taking Edward's goods train to the docks for him." Annie proudly said.
"Yes it was," Clarabel began saying, "was the fat controller pleased with you as well Thomas?"
"Yes he was. He came down to the docks and told me himself." Thomas happily replied.
Annie and Clarabel smiled after Thomas said that. Thomas and the two coaches then carried on with their journey.
<few hours later>
[In the yard]
Thomas had just arrived at the yard from his journey, he was very tired and so was Annie and Clarabel. After Thomas carefully parked Annie and Clarabel in their usual siding, he heard someone saying.
"I was wondering what was taking you so long."
Soon as he heard that, Thomas looked to see who spoke to him and was surprised to see Edward stopping right next to him.
"Hello Edward," Thomas greeted, "how you are feeling now?"
"Much better now thank you." Edward replied.
"What was wrong with you Edward?" Clarabel politely asked.
"Thomas said that you was having trouble with your boiler." Annie pointed out.
"It was my boiler your ladyships," Edward kindly began saying, "I had a blockage in my pipes which was the reason I was feeling hot and flustered but it's all sorted now."
"That's good news Edward. Isn't it Clarabel?" Annie cheerily asked.
"Yes Annie it is," Clarabel agreed, "we were very worried about you Edward. Especially Thomas, he was very worried."
Edward smiled after what Clarabel just said whereas Thomas was quiet and went red in the cheeks. Edward noticed and started to chuckle.
"It's alright now Thomas," Edward gently began saying, "I'm feeling better now and I want to thank you for helping me to the steamworks and for taking my goods train to the docks for me. It was really kind of you."
"You're welcome Edward. I'm glad that you're feeling better and it was no problem taking your goods train to the docks. You would've done the same for me." Thomas kindly pointed out.
"You're right, I would have." Edward agreed.
Thomas and Edward both started laughing and so did Annie and Clarabel. After they were done laughing, Edward noticed how tired Thomas looked so he sweetly said.
"Come on Thomas, I think it's time that we head to Tidmouth sheds. You're looking very tired."
"Ok Edward," Thomas tiredly began saying, "goodnight Annie, goodnight Clarabel."
"Goodnight Thomas, goodnight Edward." Both Annie and Clarabel replied.
Once Thomas was uncoupled from Annie, he and Edward then left and headed towards Tidmouth sheds. After seeing the two engines leave, Annie and Clarabel smiled.
"I love seeing Thomas and Edward together. They're so close with each other." Annie happily said.
"Indeed they are Annie. They're like father and son." Clarabel surprisingly pointed out.
"Yes Clarabel, like father and son." Annie agreed.
The two coaches then happily and peacefully went to sleep whilst thinking about Thomas and Edward.

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