Keep thinking about Edward

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<few weeks later>
(Third person P. O. V)
It had been 3 weeks since Edward was sent away. All the engines have been missing Edward, especially Thomas. Thomas hasn't been himself since Edward had been gone. He barely talks to other engines, only talks to Annie and Clarabel, keeps having flashbacks of the accident and bad dreams.
All of Thomas's friends were worried about him but no matter how hard they tried, Thomas wouldn't open up to them. Sir Topham Hatt started to worry about Thomas himself and only hoped that a certain engine can help Thomas open up.
<current day>
[The yard]
It was another busy day at the shunting yard. Thomas was busy shunting some flatbeds and trucks when he heard a familiar voice saying.
"Hello Thomas."
Thomas looked to see who talked to him and was surprised to see Hiro right next to him. Thomas smiled and happily greeted.
"Hello Hiro, when did you arrive?"
"This morning. I've had a very busy morning since I arrived. How was your morning Thomas?" Hiro kindly asked.
"Been busy on my branch-line and doing some shunting here." Thomas quietly replied.
Hiro noticed how sad and quiet Thomas looked and felt bad for his friend. So he kindly suggested.
"Thomas, why don't you and I go up Misty Island? Like we always do."
Thomas thought to himself and decided that it would be nice to go up to Misty island with Hiro. So he happily said.
"Sure Hiro, I would love that. Let me just go clear it with Stanley."
"Of course my friend. I'll wait here for you."Hiro agreed.
Thomas then left to find Stanley. After a few seconds, Thomas came back and he and Hiro headed towards Misty Island.
<2 hours later>
[In Misty Island]
After having a look around the island, Thomas and Hiro stopped by the cliff to look at the view of the sea. Hiro noticed that Thomas had a sad look on his face, so he gently but concernedly asked.
"Are you alright Thomas? Are you missing Edward?"
Thomas was surprised when Hiro mentioned Edward. Thomas didn't want to answer Hiro's question but he knew he had to. So after taking a deep breath, Thomas then slowly but honestly said.
"Yes, I am missing Edward and I'm not alright. How did you know about Edward?"
"Sir Topham Hatt told me and I was concerned when he said that you've been very quiet since the accident." Hiro honestly explained.
"I know," Thomas quietly began saying, "I know I've been quiet. I really miss Edward."
"I know you do my friend but I know a way how to make you happy again Thomas." Hiro suggestively said.
"How?" Thomas intriguely asked.
"Talking about Edward. I thought the two of us could talk about some of your favourite moments with Edward." Hiro kindly suggested.
Thomas thought to himself and decided that maybe it would do him some good to talk about Edward with Hiro.
"That's a great idea Hiro." Thomas said happily.
Hiro smiled at Thomas's response and the two of them talked about Thomas's favourite moments with Edward. After a few moments, Thomas remembered one moment with Edward which made him smile.
"I remember one special moment of me and Edward that none of our other friends know about." Thomas revealingly said.
"What is that my friend?" Hiro interestedly asked.
"It was another day in Sodor...." Thomas began saying.
<in memory>
(Thomas's P. O. V)
I was on my branch-line heading to the station where I normally meet Edward when he has coaches. I just arrived at the station and when I saw Edward pull in. That's when I noticed something was wrong with him.
[At the station]
(Third person P. O. V)
Thomas had just at the station to let his passengers off when Edward pulled in with his coaches. Thomas was happy to see Edward but started to get concerned when he saw Edward's unhappy face.
"Hello Edward, are you ok?" Thomas politely asked.
"Hello Thomas," Edward quietly began saying, "I'm fine. It's just I'm not having a good day today."
"What's wrong? Has Gordon been teasing you again?" Thomas concernedly asked.
"No not Gordon this time. It was Bert and Harry. The pair of them said that I should be put for scrap as I'm getting too old and I'm only useful as spare parts." Edward unhappily replied.
Thomas felt sorry for Edward whereas Annie and Clarabel were cross.
"Those horrible diesels twins." Annie said, crossly.
"Indeed Annie, what horrible engines they are." Clarabel agreed.
Edward appreciated what Annie and Clarabel just said but it didn't cheer him up. Thomas then came up with an idea that could cheer Edward up.
"Hey Edward, do you want come up Misty Island with me when we've finished our work?" Thomas suggestively asked.
After listening what Thomas just said, Edward decided the he would like to go up Misty Island with Thomas. So he said.
"Yes Thomas, I would like to go to Misty Island with you. Shall we meet each other in the yard?"
"Sure." Thomas agreed.
Just then, the two of them heard the station masters whistle. So after they said their goodbyes, the two of them left the station.
(Thomas's P. O. V)
"When we did finish our work for the day, Edward and I met up in the yard after I put Annie and Clarabel back in their siding. We came here and had a drive around. We stopped right by here and the two of us talked."
<back in memory>
[In Misty Island]
(Third person's P. O. V)
After Thomas and Edward had a tour around the island, they both stopped by the cliff to gaze at the sea.
"How are you now Edward?" Thomas kindly asked.
"I'm feeling much better now Thomas," Edward happily began saying, "thank you for inviting me up here."
"You're welcome. Don't worry about those diesel twins Edward. They always say things to upset other engines." Thomas reassuringly said.
Edward smiled but let out a sad sigh. Thomas didn't like seeing his oldest friend looking sad so he then cheekily suggested.
"Tell you what, I'll do something cheeky to them. Like I did with Gordon when he kept calling you unreliable."
Edward smiled and began to laugh at what Thomas just said. Whilst still laughing, Edward then said.
"As funny and amusing as that sounds, you don't have to do that Thomas. Just be your usual cheeky self."
"Ok Eddie." Thomas surprisingly said.
Soon as he said that, Thomas immediately went red in face whereas Edward was curious as he never been called 'Eddie' before.
"Edward, I'm so sorry. I don't know where that came from..." Thomas began apologising.
"No, no Thomas. Don't apologise," Edward began saying, "I actually like that name."
"You do?" Thomas surprisingly asked.
"Yes, I do. I've never been called 'Eddie' before. It sounds nice." Edward happily said whilst smiling.
Thomas felt happy and proud that his mistake made Edward happy. Just then Edward suggestively said.
"Thomas. If you want, you can keep calling me Eddie. If you want to that is?"
"Yes, I would love to do that Edward." Thomas happily agreed.
"But that does mean that I have to give you a nickname. How does Tommy sound?" Edward suggested.
"I love it." Thomas cheerily began saying, "but I'm getting a bit worried now. What will the other engines say about our nicknames?"
"We don't have to tell them. We just say it in secret when we're in the sheds and when we're on our own. Ok Tommy?" Edward sneakily suggested.
"Ok Eddie." Thomas happily agreed.
The two engines smiled at each other and carried on looking at the sea view.
<end of memory>
After Thomas was finished telling Hiro the memory, Hiro noticed how happy Thomas was which made him happy.
"Do you still call Edward his nickname Thomas?" Hiro curiously asked.
"Yeah I do and he still calls me mine. We say them in secret so the none of the other engines can hear us." Thomas replied whilst smiling.
Hiro gently laughed and was happy to see Thomas smiling. Thomas then gratefully said.
"Thank you Hiro for today. Talking about my favourite moments about Edward with you has cheered me up a bit."
"You're welcome my friend. May I offer you some advice Thomas to help you whenever you're missing Edward?" Hiro kindly offered.
"What is that Hiro?" Thomas asked.
"Keep thinking about your favourite moments of Edward and think about some of the things Edward would do if he was here. I know you're badly missing him but he wouldn't you to be sad for him whilst he's away. Would he?" Hiro sweetly asked.
Thomas began to have tears in his eyes after listening to Hiro's advice. Thomas knew that Hiro was right about Edward not wanting him to suffer on his own anymore. So whilst having a few tears coming down his face, Thomas tearfully said.
"Thank you Hiro for that advice. You're right about Edward not wanting me to be sad for while he's getting fixed."
"You're welcome Thomas." Hiro gladly replied.
For the remainder of that afternoon, Thomas and Hiro carried on talking more  about Thomas's favourite moments with Edward.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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