Please come back father

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[Tidmouth sheds]
(Third person P. O. V)
It was nighttime on Sodor. In the sheds, all the engines were waiting on news about Edward and were all talking about the incident.
"I do hope Edward alright." Henry worriedly said.
"I hope he wasn't too badly damaged from the accident." Emily anxiously said.
"Hush you two," James whispered, "Thomas can hear you."
"Poor Thomas." Percy sadly whispered.
All the engines stared at Thomas. Thomas was looking down at his buffers, he was quiet and was beginning to have tears in his eyes. He was very worried about Edward and couldn't get the incident out of his head.
"Thomas, are you ok?" Percy quietly asked.
Thomas didn't respond to Percy's question. It was then Emily sweetly said.
"Thomas, it wasn't your fault on what happened to Edward. He did it to protect you."
Thomas still didn't say anything. The engines got more concerned when they saw tears rolling down Thomas's face. But before Henry, Gordon or James could say anything, the engines saw the fat controller's car park up beside the sheds. When Sir Topham Hatt got out of his car, all the engines noticed the sad look he had on his face and they began to worry.
"Good evening sir, have you got news about Edward?" Henry worriedly asked.
"Good evening everyone," Sir Topham Hatt sadly began saying, "I do have news about Edward but it's not good news."
The engines all had worried look on their faces whereas Thomas had a dreaded look on his face. Sir Topham Hatt took a very deep breathe and then very slowly but revealingly said.
"I'm afraid Edward has sustained a lot of damage from today's incident. According to Victor, he's going to need a lot of help to be mended which is why I'm sending Edward to some special engine repairers on the mainland."
"WHAT?!!" All the engines shouted.
"You're sending Edward away, why sir?" James shockingly asked.
"Edward needs special care James. Our steam-works doesn't have the necessary equipment to fix Edward so that's why I'm sending him away. It wasn't an easy decision to make on my part but I was assured that they will repair Edward to the way the he was before but it's going to take some time though." Sir Topham Hatt honestly replied.
"How long will Edward be away for sir?" Henry asked.
"I don't know that yet Henry but I was assured by the repairers that they'll let me know once they looked over Edward themselves." Sir Topham Hatt explained.
"Whose going to take Edward to the repairers sir?" Emily curiously asked.
"No one Emily, the repairers will be coming down to take him themselves in one of their one recovery engines tomorrow afternoon. Now I know it's going to be tough whilst Edward is getting repaired but I know you lot will do your best. Goodnight everyone." Sir Topham Hatt slowly replied
Once the engines said goodnight to Sir Topham Hatt, he then got back into his car and drove off. After the fat controller left, the engines felt sad for Edward and all hoped that he'll be fixed soon. As for Thomas, he remained quiet and was struggling to accept the news that Edward was going be to sent away to be fixed.
"Thomas," Emily gently began saying, "are you alright?"
Thomas didn't respond to Emily but all his friends saw the tears coming down his face. Before anyone could say anything else, Thomas backed up inside the shed as he didn't want to talk to anyone.
"Oh dear." Henry whispered.
"Poor Thomas." Percy sadly said.
"It's going to hard for him, not having Edward around whilst he's getting repaired." Gordon honestly pointed out.
James and Emily didn't say anything as they were concerned about Thomas. All the engines then went inside the sheds and went to sleep.
<next day>
[Thomas's branch line]
It was a quiet morning in Sodor. On his branch line, Thomas was quiet and sad as he was still thinking about Edward. Annie and Clarabel were concerned about him as they never seen him this quiet.
"Thomas, are you alright?" Annie concernedly asked.
"Are you thinking about Edward Thomas?" Clarabel sweetly asked.
"Yes, I am thinking about Edward." Thomas sadly replied.
"Oh Thomas, we wish there is a way we can cheer you up." Annie sorrowfully said.
Thomas didn't say anything but Annie and Clarabel could hear him sniffling. They could easily tell that Thomas was about to cry and it made them feel sad for Thomas. But before they could say anything, they heard Thomas beginning to cry.
"Oh Thomas, you poor thing." Annie cooed.
"Edward will be back once he's fully repaired." Clarabel reassuringly added.
"I know it's just," Thomas sobbed, "I don't how to cope without Edward. I'm going to miss him so much whilst he's away getting fixed."
"We know Thomas." Both Annie and Clarabel replied.
Thomas managed to stop crying but for the remainder of the journey, he didn't say anything else.
<few hours later>
[Knapford station]
Thomas had just arrived at Knapford. Whilst all his passengers were getting off, Sir Topham Hatt walked up to Thomas and kindly greeted.
"Hello Thomas."
"Hello Sir." Thomas quietly replied.
"How are you this morning Thomas?" Sir Topham Hatt sweetly asked.
"Not very good sir." Thomas sadly but honestly replied.
"I did guessed that," Sir Topham Hatt gently began saying, "some of the engines told me about how upset you were last night."
Thomas didn't say anything but heard Annie and Clarabel saying.
"He's been really worried about Edward sir."
"And he's been crying as well."
Thomas looked away from Sir Topham Hatt as he was too upset but Sir Topham Hatt sympathetically smiled at Thomas. He then gently but revealingly said.
"It's ok Thomas, I know you're upset. You care a lot about Edward as he does for you which is why I'm letting you go see him."
"What?" Thomas surprisingly asked.
"I've spoken with Victor and he's agreed to let you see Edward before he gets collected but I have to warn you Thomas. Edward is in a very bad state and still dazed from the accident so he won't be able to talk or recognise you but he can still hear you." Sir Topham Hatt kindly explained.
After listening to what Sir Topham Hatt had just said, Thomas started to smile a bit and gratefully said.
"Thank you so much sir. I promise I won't disturb Edward that much."
"I know you won't Thomas. Now you get yourself to the steamworks lad." Sir Topham Hatt kindly instructed.
"Ok sir." Thomas replied.
After Thomas carefully put Annie and Clarabel in their siding. He then headed off to the steamworks to see Edward.
<few minutes later>
[In the steamworks]
When Thomas came into the steamworks, he felt nervous and felt his wheels beginning to shake. Just then Victor approached him and kindly greeted.
"Hello Thomas, it's good to see you. How are you?"
Thomas gave a small smile but didn't say anything. After a few seconds, Thomas then very quietly but sadly asked.
"Where's Edward?"
"He's in the back. We put him there so he can get some peace and quiet from the noises of the machines and the workmen. I'll take you over to him." Victor kindly gestured.
"Thank you Victor." Thomas quietly replied.
Thomas then followed Victor to where Edward was. But when Thomas saw Edward, he was speechless. Edward had dents, cracks, scratches all over his boiler, cab, dome, funnel and tender. His couplings were gone, his wheels were bent and cracked, his front buffers were broken off and his whistle.
"Edward." Thomas tearfully whispered.
"Edward will be alright Thomas," Victor began saying, "he'll be like a new engine when he's back from the special repairers."
"Will he?" Thomas sadly asked.
"Yes my friend, he will." Victor honestly replied.
Thomas smiled a bit but started to feel sad again. It was then he sadly but hopefully asked.
"Victor, I want to say something to Edward. Will he be able to hear me?"
"Of course he can but as long you're quiet. I'll leave you alone with him." Victor replied.
After Victor left, Thomas took a big deep breathe and very slowly moved a little closer towards Edward. When Thomas was closer to Edward, he then very quietly began saying.
"Hello Edward, it's me Thomas. Sir Topham Hatt and Victor let me to come and see you before you go to the special repairers..."
Thomas stopped for a few seconds as he felt himself starting to cry. But after a seconds and a gentle pat from his driver and fireman, Thomas sadly carried on saying.
"Edward, I just want to say that I'm so, so, so sorry that this happened to you. You didn't deserve this. You're one of the most kindest, helpful and caring engines I know and I'm really going to miss you whilst you're away."
After he finished, Thomas went into a full crying fit. His driver and firemen tried to comfort him but it didn't work. When Thomas managed to stop crying, he moved closer to Edward so he was closer to his face. Thomas then leaned forward to Edward's face and then lovingly but quietly whispered.
"Please come back father."
Thomas then closed his eyes and silently cried to himself whilst leaning in front of Edward.

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