🪐Best in Vocabulary and Grammar Review🪐

64 9 5


Judge: Kmytho

Judge's note- "You all are extremely good at writing and have submitted your book in such a category in which I never will! So that's a lot of courage. I had a lot of fun while reading your books. Do not feel disheartened by the scores, rather see them as rooms of improvement!"

1st position - A Memory of Starfires by Aravis-Brightspell

1)Creativity- 10/10
2)Catchiness- 5/10
4)Grammar- 15/15
5)Use of words-10 /10


●Review- Oh boy! What should I say? This book had my attention the entire time. The author knows when to use the italics and the descriptions are amazing! The reason why you scored 5 in catchiness is because the chapters were short. Although it made me curious to keep reading (which I am going to do after the awards) I still wish the chapters were longer.


2nd position- BETA TESTER #67 by Emolyon

1)Creativity- 10/10
4)Grammar- 10/15
5)Use of words-9/10

Total- 44/60

●Review- I like the idea behind the story (read your blurb) and despite writing from the character's point of view, you still did a great job. The first chapter was nice but it brought the catchiness down because more than describing it seemed like John was telling us. But it did not generate a narrative voice. Your dialogues did not have a full stop or a comma and at times you have to specify who is speaking (it took me time to make out who is speaking in chapter 2). But in chapter 4 and 5 you picked up the pace and the descriptions and vocabulary were better. I suggest you edit the first three chapters! Good job!

(Also, don't use "don't" , "shouldn't", "wouldn't" etc.)

3rd position- Fading Spotlight by reindolfwrites

3)Vocabulary- 8/15
4)Grammar- 9/15
5)Use of words- 6/10

Total- 40/60

●Review- The concept behind this is something which I love to read. The downfall of an actress with elements of mystery and murderer it interesting. Your descriptions were good, but could have been better. Also, I advise you to pay more attention to basic grammar (I noticed that I was written 'i' almost twice in a chapter) and enhance your vocabulary. The transition of one scene to another could have been more smooth. (That is where you lost 3 points in catchiness). Working out a bit more on the Grammar will really enhance your story as the plot is unique! Good job.

(Also, do not use "don't" "shouldn't" "wouldn't) etc.)

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