🪐Best in Prologue Review🪐

63 7 3


Judge: Musebime

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a) Parantap Parashaki: Paving way for him by: dwarkaratna

I have fun reading the prologue of this story. I have been a fan of mythologies for a very long time, so this story is my cup of chocolate drink (as I love chocolate drink). This story created a perfect way to spark the interest in learning Hinduism Mythology. For people with different religions and beliefs, like myself. It also created a perfect opportunity on a fun and interesting way on learning Hinduism. The writer has a very broad vocabulary as well. This story is really worth the shot.


b) Laws of Emotions by Kmytho

This is a science fiction and a fanfiction story with a futuristic setting. Where robots and destroying the human race is possible. The prologue blended the perfect introduction to the story as the writer introduce the main character and the side characters, alongside with the main character's background story which is concluded with a bit of a spoiler. That leaves the readers wanting for more. I applaud the writer's proper use of cliffhanger.


c) Divine Reckoning: Mahabharata's Resurgence in Kaliyuga by Shree_313

This is a story that has taken an inspiration from Hinduism. The story includes prominent figures and concepts of Hinduism. If you're not familiar with the religion of Hinduism. It is best to research about the history and origin of the religion first. So, you may have a background knowledge about the characters, terms, titles, events and other elements that you may encounter while reading the story. The prologue was well written. Although sometimes it has too many elements of Hinduism that can overwhelm you. Especially, if you're not knowledgeable about Hinduism. It is worth the try


d) Stay by lostlovefairy

This is a romantic story with a very short and sweet introduction. If you want to read romance this story is for you but this story is not all cupcakes and rainbows. This is not a story will always makes you feel fluffy all over. As the story has a mature side to it. If you like stories that have a balance of romance and drama the this story is for you.


e) His Baby Machine by ArabelaTaylor

This is a story that involves mature themes. This story is smoking hot, just like a chili pepper. Please read the disclaimers before reading the story. It started with a spicy scene and ended in a frustrating note. It is suitable for people who likes a main character that acts like an asshole at the start of the story then has undergone character development.



Judge: @ssears90

• Dawn in the Foggy Dew by @LiebeKlara
Originality 5/5
Creativity 10/10
Hook 15/15
Catchiness 10/10
Vocabulary 5/5
Grammar 10/10
Mystery Meter 3/5
Total 58/60

Review: This was a great prologue. I liked the quote in the beginning that helped set the mood. I was so sad to read what the women did to her baby, but she explained why she did it. This definitely sets the stage for a very interesting tale. I do think it might give away a little too much background information that could be given later on in the story.

• Mr. Weirdo by @avniy1312- This user did complete payments or ever respond to me, so there are no results.

• Life within the halls by @reinolfwrites
Originality 5/5
Creativity 9/10
Hook 15/15
Catchiness 10/10
Vocabulary 5/5
Grammar 10/10
Mystery Meter 5/5
Total 59/60

Review: This really had me wondering what happened to Pearl. It really engages readers and sparks their curiosity. It is well written and you already have the readers emotions on edge before even beginning the story! I think some creativity could be added in how Pearl's sister initially reacts to hearing the news.

• Fates Converged: A Witch's Vow by @EnigmaEpic
Originality 5/5
Creativity 10/10
Hook 13/15
Catchiness 10/10
Vocabulary 4/5
Grammar 8/10
Mystery Meter 3/5
Total 53/60

Review: This definitely grabs the readers attention. Be careful of sentence structure, such as using commas where a new sentence could be formed. It dives into an interesting plot, but I think the part about the witch prophesying what is to come might take away some of the mystery.

• Carlton High Mystery by @Seong_Grace
Originality 5/5
Creativity 10/10
Hook 15/15
Catchiness 10/10
Vocabulary 5/5
Grammar 10/10
Mystery Meter 5/5

Total: 60/60

Review: You had me feeling bad for this mystery ghost man from the very beginning. Great descriptions and use of word choice. It was written well and it also left me with questions that will be answered later on in the story.

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