feeling better?

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(Alejandro's Pov)

Heather is finally recovering, and courtney was trying to get finn arrested. While Duncan..is still trying to get court back.

"Oh bruiser, i missed you so much! You silly cat." Heather giggled and booped
bruisers nose.

Bruiser purred and snuggled Heathers chin.

"Heather Kasuga thats is soon to be Burromuerto!" Courtney smirked at Heather and linked arms with Gwen.

"Courtney!" She scowled and narrowed her eyes.

"Chill out Heath, now..has anyone seen the love of my life?" Gwen chuckled and raised a brow.

"I think Lindsay was with Tyler." I replied and pointed to where they were.

"Crap." Gwen mumbled and let go of court, "Tyler i swear.." she clenched her teeth and left the room.

"Hey, Court." Heather stared at her with a worried expression.

"Hm?" Courtney replied as she sat next to Heather.

"Um, why did you break up with Duncan?"

"Oh, we always do. Me and Scott are just pretending!" Courtney assured and smiled warmly.

"Court, you should apologize to him. You know how much he HATES Scott." I coldly replied and held Heathers hand gently.

"But- he- i- fine." Courtney rolled her eyes, stood up, and left the room to find Duncan.

Now, it was just me and Heather.

"So, how are you feeling mi amor?" I smiled warmly.

"I feel, better actually. Especially with- i mean. Im good." She rolled her eyes and smiled back.

"Thats good to know, are you..feeling atleast a little something for me?"

(Heathers Pov)

I genuinely care for you, Alejandro. But im afraid to show it because you might break my heart, i dont want it to happen again. I dont..

"Maybe, i do feel a little something.." i playfully hit his arm and giggled.

"Only a little?" He raised a brow and smiled.

I love you, you idiot! I just..i just dont know..i-i'm not sure. If what im doing is right, and wont..wont hurt me.

"Um yes!" I scoffed and looked away.

"Well then," he says as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I watched him leave the room as i stare at him with a flushed face still processing what happened.

"What the.." was all i could say,

"Mao!" Bruiser purred.

Shit.. im not falling for him i swear! He is a stupid,manipulating,hot- ugh!! I hate him..

(Courtney's Pov)

I have to find Dunc..i mean, he literally put green jello on my face! Ofcourse i would be mad! Ugh.. i hope hes not doing anything stupid.

Well, actually.. im gonna check on Heather first!

"Heather Burromuerto~!" I giggled and went to Heathers room.

"Agh! Court what the hell!" She furrowed her brows and narrowed her eyes.

"You look red, did you and Alejandro do something?" I raised a brow and playfully hit her arm.

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