Happy House.

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"Heath! Are you okay?!"

"A-amelia.." i hugged her. She was my mother figure.

"Amelia! Go to your room!"

"Yes mother."

"Heather, your a useless,ugly,lousy,two-faced, backstabbing,worthless,lazy,mean,fatass!" My mother scowled.

My heart shattered. My vision was all blurry. All i could hear was my mothers laughter.

"Don't cry Heather feather! You'll look ugly." She added.

My heart felt empty. I stormed out of the living room and went to my bedroom.

I cried my heart out for hours. I decided to stay at Courtney's house for awhile.

"Hi Court." My voice was shaky, my eyes were puffy.

"Heather?! What happened!?" She immediately let me in, making me comfortable.

"My mom, she was badmouthing me..again.." i mumble the last word.

"Oh dear." She kissed my forehead and went to the kitchen.

"Oh? What are you boys doing here?" She raised a brow at Duncan.

"Court?" I guess theres visitors.

"Heather!" Finn and Nathan's face lit up with joy.

"Hi." I rolled my eyes and continued to stare at the tv.

"I need to talk to Heather."

"Goodluck with that."

(Finn's Pov.)

I hope Heather would like my gifts,if she doesnt..well, me and Nathan already talked. Also Leo, her Ex.

(Nathan's Pov.)

I dont want Heather. I want Courtney.. i'm so sorry Heath. I dont want you to get hurt, i swear!

(Leo's Pov)

I'll see my Heather again! I hope shes ready.

(Alejandro's Pov.)

I know Finn's planning something that could hurt mi amor, good thing i have James to help me.

(Heather's Pov.)

I'm so thirsty, but i dont want to go to the kitchen. Knowing damn well those three are in there. Where's Courtney anyways?!

"Court!!" I yelled,

"Court?" I started to worry so i went to the kitchen.

"Bri? Gwen? Where's Court?" What are they doing here? I still ignored Lindsiot even tho shes there.

"Heath? Court's missing."

My heart dropped. All i know this has something to do with the boys.

"Duncan. Check Duncan's house!"

"We did! She's not there!"

Where could Courtney be?

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