Characters 🌸

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We will have all our main characters and their family now introduced.
Remaining characters will enter slowly in the story .

Seghal family

Raghu ram seghal
(Father of Sri seghal and Arjun seghal)

Sumitra Seghal
(Wife of Raghu Ram seghal)

Arjun Seghal
(Elder son of the couple)

Sri seghal
(Youngest among everyone)

Dixit family

Veerendra Dixit
(Father of Arun and Naina )

Meena Dixit
(Mother of Arun and Naina)

Arun  Dixit
(Elder son of the couple )

     Naina Dixit
(Younger sister of Arun) 

Here the main characters are
Arjun  , Arun, Naina and Sri .

Among these four Arjun and Arun are of the same age . Naina is one year younger than Arjun and Arun and sri is two years younger to Arjun and Arun. One year younger to Naina .

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